They keep finding more...



He is leading by example, don't give away information you don't have to.

Well he is all checked out then.

And the rest of the country as well.

He's the Billionaire we elected for President. I see a convergence of interests.
He thinks wealth should stay with the people who will do more with it than the Government.
They don't call him "FOOL" for nothing!"

The Barbarian

He's the Billionaire we elected for President. I see a convergence of interests.

The people he defrauded with his fake "Trump University" scam probably don't see that.

He thinks wealth should stay with the people who will do more with it than the Government.

Which is why he told his "hand-picked instructors" to pressure people to max out their credit cards to pay for his useless "lessons."

The Barbarian

You get that she Controls that money right?

Not according to the foundation's rules.

Which one gave Hillary Clinton that kind of money? The Clinton Foundation got money, but you realize that money isn't hers, right?

What does me being a Trump supporter have to do with my arguments?

As you see, it leads you into irrational conclusions about people Trump hates.

(Bararian notes that Trump did with his charity, exactly what his followers falsely accused Clinton of doing)

So they soaked their own charity?

Used it for his own slush fund.


President Trump's charity foundation funneled $100,000 in donations meant for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital into revenue for the Trump Organization by using his son's charity, Forbes reported Tuesday.

For 10 years Eric Trump hosted an annual golf tournament that raised millions of dollars in donations for the hospital. According to the Forbes report, $100,000 of the donations was funneled through the Eric Trump Foundation back into Trump's golf courses for expenses incurred during the tournaments, despite donors being told that all their money would be used for charity.

In addition, more than $500,000 of donors' money over 10 years was re-donated to other charities, including some that were connected to Trump family members. At least four of those organizations also used Trump golf courses for charity tournaments.

According to the report, President Trump himself gave the order for the Trump Organization to begin billing the Eric Trump Foundation for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

If the report is true, the practices would violate both New York state law and federal law on self-dealing and misleading donors. To date, Eric Trump has raised more than $11 million for St. Jude's hospital.

In December, President Trump announced plans to dissolve his charitable foundation in order to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest. But New York's attorney general said that was impossible until a criminal probe of the charity was completed.

"The Trump Foundation is still under investigation by this office and cannot legally dissolve until that investigation is complete,” Amy Spitalnick, a spokeswoman for New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, said in a statement to The Hill in December.

So did any money go to sick kids?

Hard to say. What we know, is that the bulk of the money went to Trump.

What Course were the Russians playing when the gave The Clinton Foundation 140 Million Dollars?

Perhaps looking for a better deal for Putin. How did that work out for him? Right.

What did the Clinton Foundation do with 140 Million Dollars from the Russians?

Clinton Development Initiative staff in Africa train rural farmers and help them get access to seeds, equipment and markets for their crops.
Clinton Climate Initiative staff help governments in Africa and the Caribbean region with reforestation efforts, and in island nations to help develop renewable energy projects.
Staff at the Clinton Health Access Initiative, an independent, affiliated entity, work in dozens of nations to lower the cost of HIV/AIDS medicine, scale up pediatric AIDS treatment and promote treatment of diarrhea through life-saving Zinc/ORS treatment.
Clinton Health Matters staff work with local governments and businesses in the United States to develop wellness and physical activity plans.

To bolster its case, CARLY for America noted that the Clinton Foundation spent 12 percent of its revenue on travel and conferences and 20 percent of its revenue on salaries. That’s true. But the Form 990 specifically breaks out those travel, conference and salary expenses that are used for “program service expenses” versus those that are used for management or fundraising purposes.

For example, nearly 77 percent of the $8.4 million spent on travel in 2013 went toward program services; 3.4 percent went to “management and general expenses”; and about 20 percent went to fundraising.

As for conferences, nearly 98 percent of money spent was tabbed as a programming expense. And when it comes to salaries — which includes pension plan contributions, benefits and payroll taxes — about 73 percent went to program service expenses.


New member
You get that she Controls that money right?

Poison the well much? What does me being a Trump supporter have to do with my arguments?

So they soaked their own charity?
Did they misrepresent something? That would be bad if they did.


So did any money go to sick kids?
Sounds like a whole lot of golf going on.
If people are golfing at a charity event at least they are getting to golf.
Hob nob and rub elbows and have drinks.
What Course were the Russians playing when the gave The Clinton Foundation 140 Million Dollars?


Right, they Control that money.
That's why having a charity is a great way to Launder money.

What did the Clinton Foundation do with 140 Million Dollars from the Russians?

It's really time for this nonsense to end. The Clinton Foundation is a public charity, which means that it is subject to auditing requirements, and a formal governance structure. In addition, it is subjected to review for their use of funds, and it consistently gets good marks for low overhead, high rates of funds going to charitable programs.

You simply cannot use the charity to launder a whole bunch of money without raising huge red flags. It's convenient to use it to paint Hillary Clinton in a certain way, because there are a lot of people who want to hate her and assume that she's corrupt, but it's just implausible absent some explanation of how she's skirting all of the accountability mechanisms in place.

If the Clintons are somehow using their family foundation to launder money, they've found a way to get around these transparency mechanisms with hardly a peep. And that would be genuinely impressive.
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Why do they deny so hard any connection to any Russians when they clearly exist?
I don't have connections to people I've sold real estate to.
I put it on the market, someone bought it, we may have never met face to face.
Also, why would a Russian pay more than double-price for a property if the transaction was clean?
Because he wanted it. Trump actually reduced the price before he got a buyer. And then the guy bulldozed the house and subdivided. The Russian will make money AFTER he bulldozed the house with the Gold Toilets.

Was Trump supposed to be laundering money for the Russian or was the Russian laundering money for Trump?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The people he defrauded with his fake "Trump University" scam probably don't see that.
Well, they signed up for get rich quick so.....

Which is why he told his "hand-picked instructors" to pressure people to max out their credit cards to pay for his useless "lessons."
They gave them a lesson in selling stuff.


New member
I don't have connections to people I've sold real estate to.
I put it on the market, someone bought it, we may have never met face to face.

How many oligarchs have given you a $55 million tip on a real estate transaction?

Because he wanted it.

$55 million...because he wanted to? Yeah, sure, that tracks. Because Russian oligarchs are notoriously generous?

Trump actually reduced the price before he got a buyer.

So? It's not the price until you close the sale.

And then the guy bulldozed the house and subdivided. The Russian will make money AFTER he bulldozed the house with the Gold Toilets.

That doesn't explain overpaying in the first place. You've got a savvy ruthless oligarch, and a bankrupt real estate developer with a penchant for tacky and an addiction to a certain lifestyle, and the oligarch plays the chump? I don't think so.

Was Trump supposed to be laundering money for the Russian or was the Russian laundering money for Trump?

Trump is laundering money for Russians and other kleptocrats.



The ultimate sources of cash for other Trump real estate projects where Trump has licensed his name have drawn scrutiny this year. In March, a Reuters review found that at least 63 individuals with Russian passports or addresses had bought $98.4 million worth of property in seven Trump-branded luxury towers in southern Florida.

The buyers included politically-connected businessmen and people from the second and third tiers of Russian power. Responding to that story, Garten, the Trump Organization's counsel, said the scrutiny of Trump's business ties with Russia was misplaced and that the story was "overblown."

63 is a lot of Russians for a President who has assured the American public that he has no connections with Russians - and who knows how many more have bought Trump properties using "shell" and numbered companies where the true owner remains unknown!

Trump's connection with Russian money and those with criminal backgrounds is a reoccuring theme!

Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michael Flynn and George Papadopoulos were all members of the Trump Campaign, had Russian connections and are currently facing criminal charges - 2 of the 4 have already pled guilty!
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Precisely when Trump is in financial difficulties, a Russian oligarch connected to Russian crime syndicates, steps in and buys a property from him at a greatly inflated price.

Just another piece of the puzzle.

As all of this comes out, Trump's lawyers are getting more and more concerned. This is another reason they desperately don't want Trump talking to Mueller.

Trump thinks he smart enough to handle it. And that's exactly what has them concerned.

Mental illness.

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New member
I notice that fool has gone silent, having received several substantive rebuttals on the subjects he raised from various folks here. I predict that he will not respond in substance, but will be back in a few days in another thread to make the same debunked claims, as if he'd never received any response.

The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
As all of this comes out, Trump's lawyers are getting more and more concerned. This is another reason they desperately don't want Trump talking to Mueller.

Trump thinks he smart enough to handle it. And that's exactly what has them concerned.

Mental illness.

Technically, Trump has a character disorder. His narcissism leads him to think he's smart enough to handle Mueller's questioning.


Barbarian chuckles:
As all of this comes out, Trump's lawyers are getting more and more concerned. This is another reason they desperately don't want Trump talking to Mueller.

Trump thinks he smart enough to handle it. And that's exactly what has them concerned.

Technically, Trump has a character disorder. His narcissism leads him to think he's smart enough to handle Mueller's questioning.

Obama loves you so much.

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What you fail to understand friends is that salesmen are at the top of the food chain. Not politicians, not lawyers, not actors but sales people. Trump has taken the political pundits and their ideology and it has gone up in smoke. Same thing for the lawyers just wait and see my friends. Trump proves that the best and brightest are not in Washington. Hillary, Obama, Bushes, chump change.

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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
How many oligarchs have given you a $55 million tip on a real estate transaction?
Not nearly enough IMO.

$55 million...because he wanted to? Yeah, sure, that tracks.
Trump bought it for 40 and put 25 into it, plus held it for 4 years which is 4 million in taxes so Trump is 69 million into this thing that was appraised at 65 before he bought it.
So there's 26 million for Trump when he sells it for 95.
The Russian started out at 75 but Trump wouldn't take it.

Because Russian oligarchs are notoriously generous?
They gave the Clinton Foundation 140 million and didn't want anything in return right?

So? It's not the price until you close the sale.
The value of something is what someone will pay for it.

That doesn't explain overpaying in the first place. You've got a savvy ruthless oligarch, and a bankrupt real estate developer with a penchant for tacky and an addiction to a certain lifestyle, and the oligarch plays the chump? I don't think so.
He made money AFTER he bulldozed the 60,000 sq ft house. So not a chump. He made money just like Trump did and Liberals can't stand that.

Trump is laundering money for Russians and other kleptocrats.
HOW? Trump makes 26 and pays 20% tax on that so there's 21 million left profit for Trump. Let's say he's going to kick some back to the Russian, how does he do it? And why? there's nothing magic about the money after he's spent it with Trump, if it was dirty before it's still dirty and now everyone knows about it. How do you figure Trump is laundering money for them?

A much more likely scenario is that the Russian is laundering for Trump. Let's say Trump has a bunch of gold that he can't explain how he came by. He could install solid gold toilets in the mansion and say they were gold plated, or just stack the gold up inside a wall so the Russian is really buying 69 million worth of Mansion and 26 million worth of gold that nobody knows about.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame

63 is a lot of Russians for a President who has assured the American public that he has no connections with Russians - and who knows how many more have bought Trump properties using "shell" and numbered companies where the true owner remains unknown!

Trump's connection with Russian money and those with criminal backgrounds is a reoccuring theme!
If you offer real estate for sale to the public you can't discriminate on basis of natural origin. That would be illegal.

The Barbarian

What you fail to understand friends is that salesmen are at the top of the food chain.

Why then, do people refer to them a "bottom feeders?"

Among the professions surveyed in the recent National Survey of Drug Use and Health, Sales ranked #11 for jobs that can lead to depression, with a rate of 6.7 percent. I don’t know a single sales veteran who hasn’t slammed hard into an emotional wall somewhere. Superheroes? Not at all.

More Willy Loman than Gordon Gekko, it seems.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I notice that fool has gone silent, having received several substantive rebuttals on the subjects he raised from various folks here. I predict that he will not respond in substance, but will be back in a few days in another thread to make the same debunked claims, as if he'd never received any response.

I have a Wife, Four Children, A Dog, A Cat, A House, Four Vehicles And a Job that sustains them all.
I would love to have more time to argue with you knuckleheads but other obligations sometimes interfere. Please accept my apologies in advance.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Barbarian chuckles:
As all of this comes out, Trump's lawyers are getting more and more concerned. This is another reason they desperately don't want Trump talking to Mueller.

Trump thinks he smart enough to handle it. And that's exactly what has them concerned.

Technically, Trump has a character disorder. His narcissism leads him to think he's smart enough to handle Mueller's questioning.

Trump has been sued countless times and deposed before. He does a fine job of being vague, there's tapes.