These are NOT the same gospel

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Paul says he preached the gospel he once tried to destroy, which was that Jesus is the promised anointed one that would bring the whole world together.
Please document PAUL saying that (hint: he did not write that in any of his epistles).
Paul wrote about a NEW creature... the 12 did not.
And what the risen Christ taught them as well.
And to the Gentiles as well.
Christ never taught the 12 about the body of Christ. That is Paul only.
The body of Christ is composed of those that have believing faith in the DBR of Christ.
When Christ sent the 12 to preach the gospel of the kingdom to Israel, they did NOT know about the DBR.
How can what they preached (i.e., the gospel of the kingdom) be the gospel of the grace of God that cannot be preached without the DBR?
Glad you see they taught the same.
Some things the same and some things different.


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Jesus, the 12, and Paul taught mercy and grace above law.


Paul taught "grace rather than law."

Jesus and the 12 taught nothing but law and that God is merciful to those who are faithful.

Paul says he preached the gospel he once tried to destroy,

Chapter verse.

which was that Jesus is the promised anointed one that would bring the whole world together.

Chapter verse.

And what the risen Christ taught them as well.
And to the Gentiles as well.

The body of Christ is composed of those that have believing faith in the DBR of Christ.

The Remnant was composed of Jews and proselytes that believed that Christ was the Messiah.

Things that are different are not the same.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ

Paul taught "grace rather than law."
And we know where grace came from, right in John chapter one (written to the circumcision, according to MAD).

John 1:17 " For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ."
Things that are different are not the same.
And things that are the same are not different.

Right Divider

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And we know where grace came from, right in John chapter one (written to the circumcision, according to MAD).

John 1:17 " For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ."

And things that are the same are not different.
Strange that the Bible never records Christ preaching grace.

Paul preached grace constantly.


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And we know where grace came from, right in John chapter one (written to the circumcision, according to MAD).

John 1:17 " For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ."

And things that are the same are not different.

Came by Jesus Christ, yes.

Or did you forget that John was written long after Paul's conversion. Certainly long enough for Paul's gospel to be made clear to John. Did you notice that not once in the four gospels is Jesus ever recorded as having uttered the word grace, yet the very first and ONLY time He is recorded as saying the word, it's to Paul?

And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. - 2 Corinthians 12:9
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'DBR' to both, as Christ indeed taught them on earth during His ministry to the circumcision, the 'DBR', which has been shown here in this thread.

Jesus elevated the law to it's proper perspective and purpose in that it revealed the necessity of a Savior (the spotless sacrifice) which was grace to the sinner, otherwise it would have been the sinner that died.
The law came via Moses but grace and truth came via the Lord Jesus Christ, the spotless sacrifice, the Savior, the one in whom the law and prophets told of.

Jesus taught that one should be a child of Abraham (who was justified by faith without law).
The law, which came later, never could annul being justified by faith without law.

It is sickening to see some say Jesus did not reveal grace in His teaching.


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Did you notice that not once in the four gospels is Jesus ever recorded as having uttered the word grace
This is an abominable red herring.
Jesus did not utter that He was Savior either, and yet it was perfectly obvious to those with eyes and ears that He was by His deeds and words.


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Go ahead and show us the scripture to support Jesus' preaching the gospel of the grace of God during His earthly ministry (or any time before His ascension).
Jesus didn't need to preach about it, as He was exhibiting it all the time.
Grace is love and mercy.
Two things Jesus was never short of.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ

Jesus elevated the law to it's proper perspective and purpose in that it revealed the necessity of a Savior (the spotless sacrifice) which was grace to the sinner, otherwise it would have been the sinner that died.
The law came via Moses but grace and truth came via the Lord Jesus Christ, the spotless sacrifice, the Savior, the one in whom the law and prophets told of.
And the spotless sacrifice is offered by a priest of the order of Melchizedek, not of the order of Aaron.
Jesus taught that one should be a child of Abraham (who was justified by faith without law).
And who is the father of many nations, Genesis 17:4&5
The law, which came later, never could annul being justified by faith without law.
Galatians 3:17
It is sickening to see some say Jesus did not reveal grace in His teaching.
The only ones who do are MAD.