Trump Gurl
Credo in Unum Deum
There's No Such Thing as 'Democratic Socialism'
“Democratic socialism,” as envisioned by its proponents, doesn’t exist. Not in the real world. It’s just another pipe-dream fantasy with which hucksters like Ocasio-Cortez hope to fool unsuspecting, uninformed, entitlement-minded voters. Or worse yet, themselves.
Democrats love to slap labels on thing to make you think they are something else.
“Democratic socialism,” as envisioned by its proponents, doesn’t exist. Not in the real world. It’s just another pipe-dream fantasy with which hucksters like Ocasio-Cortez hope to fool unsuspecting, uninformed, entitlement-minded voters. Or worse yet, themselves.
Democrats love to slap labels on thing to make you think they are something else.