I just don't understand how someone can look at it as the zygote not having any body parts means it isn't a person.
You're getting ahead of yourself. If a human zygote is not a human (biological classification) then what is it?
It should not be legal to kill a human without due process.
I just don't understand how someone can look at it as the zygote not having any body parts means it isn't a person.
I just don't understand how someone can look at it as the zygote not having any body parts means it isn't a person.
I'd say that yes it is a HUMAN zygote... meaning a zygote from a human, but being from a human doesn't grant you any rights, other wise we'd have some serious sanitary issues.
You already acknowledge this or else you would have to give sperm rights, because they are HUMAN sperm.
So the only rational question is when does something pertaining to a HUMAN deserve legal protection? It would have cost gc nothing to concede that point, I hope that you would not have considered a rational concession a victory? Otherwise it's illustrative of the intellectual problem going on here.
Because putting rape victims through trial sounds AWESOME, where's the popcorn? -facepalm-
Rape/Incest (lamentable I have to write that)
for the sake of the mother's health
including her mental health
a pregnancy that is the result of a crime
such as crimes like rape, incest, or child abuse
the child of the pregnancy would have an ' unacceptable quality of life' such as cases where the child would have
serious physical handicaps,
serious genetic problems,
serious mental defects
social reasons, including:
mother unable to cope with a child (or another child)
mother being too young to cope with a child
as a way of regulating groups within a population (prison, if pathinogenisis ever arises
I understand that it is reasonable to classify a zygote in the h.sapiens species for reasons of its origin and potential future. But why does a biological classification system have to constrain morality and value judgements?
I am, in general, against awarding people rights due to their membership of a group, such as giving special rights to indigenous people, specific religions, women, etc.
I just don't think that group rights trump individual rights. Placing a zygote in a group that has individuals with rights does not necessarily transfer those rights to the zygote.
What is it about a zygote (or early foetus, or baby, or unborn-human, whatever term you prefer) that makes it worthy of special rights to life that we only award to a tiny proportion of all organisms, such as grown humans, the great apes and a few other species?
Is it a religious or biblically derived viewpoint? Is it a functional or utilitarian view? Does it have special value because of its potential or because of its current state?
In what other case would you support the killing of a human not guilty of a heinous crime?
Why would the zygote be excluded from the rights afforded to every other member of the group?
This also begs the question, does an individual (pregnant woman) have a fundamental right to abort? The zygote is then in a group but is given absolutely no rights, rights afforded to every other member of the group.
Don't you afford the zygote rights anyway? You do if you oppose elective abortion.
If you're opposed to elective abortion then you are conceding that the zygote/fetus does have rights afforded to other members of the group.
Why shouldn't a woman be allowed to abort a zygote for no reason at all? It's a double standard to say a zygote has rights if the woman wasn't raped or isn't in medical peril but has no rights if the woman was.
So, you'll have to ask yourself the same question.
What is it about an unborn-human that makes it worthy of special rights to life that we only award to a tiny proportion of all organisms, such as grown humans, the great apes and a few other species?
Logical consistency FTW :thumb:
The logic of an individual who considers themselves pro-choice cannot be consistent unless they support that choice up until the delivery of the new human.
Why?All organisms biologically human should have a fundamental right to life.
While I understand your rationale*, it is important to keep the language neutral, otherwise we are prone to error.Now, you'll see why we must be precise. An individual with an opinion contrary to mine can and have taken my above statement to make it mean toe nails and skin cells.
So, it is more precise to state that a human should have a fundamental right to life. A skin cell is not a human. A toe nail is not a human.
A zygote is a human, biologically speaking.
However, an individual in favor of the death penalty will say that not all humans have a right to life; rapist, murderers, etc have forfeited this right.
Therefore, it is the most precise statement I can present: all innocent humans have (or should have) a fundamental right to life.
This is an ethical statement based on what is biologically factual. There is no "quick switch". This is the argument I've presented all along.
Science isn't the premise of your argument, it is one mean to classify a group. There are other means, even using biology.I am talking about science here. Science is the premise of my argument. Scientifically (biologically) speaking a human zygote is a human. All innocent humans should have a fundamental right to life.
This is answered by the more fundamental question, "who should we give rights to"?I pose to the individual with an opinion contrary to mine, "why should all innocent humans not be given a fundamental right to life?"
Even if I find the practice of abortion-as-birth-control objectionable,If that is your standard, then you're allowing for elective abortion. If you're against elective abortion, what qualifiers would you be willing to add to your standard as quoted above?
- social reasons, including: poverty, mother unable to cope with a child (or another child), mother being too young to cope with a child
These are some of the worst rationalizations of all. Why abort because you're poor or not able to cope with raising a child? Should abortion even be an option in this scenario? We don't allow homeless families to kill their babies because they are starving, why should a poor family be allowed to have their baby-to-be killed due to the same perceived problem?
This has been addressed numerous times throughout the thread. Other posters brought up toe nails and skin cells. However, with sperm, toe nails and skin cells, it comes down to composition. A zygote is a new organism whereas the three above are parts of an already existing organism.
However, if a woman was raped and didn't find out until week 30 that she was pregnant, would you support allowing her to abort? 40 weeks? Etc?
Why isn't it OK for a woman to abort during any period of her pregnancy under such dire circumstance?
No, not true. A third trimester foetus has most of the characteristics of a born human, so should have similar rights. A zygote has little in common, so has no rights. The rights can increase gradually as it ages, with it being given more dignity and respect as it becomes closer to a fully developed and extant human.
Human spermatozoa, on it's own, will not develop into that which you would consider a person. Neither will a human ovum. The two must come together to create the human zygote, which then has the ability, and is coded, to do so.I'd say that yes it is a HUMAN zygote... meaning a zygote from a human, but being from a human doesn't grant you any rights, other wise we'd have some serious sanitary issues.
You already acknowledge this or else you would have to give sperm rights, because they are HUMAN sperm.
So the only rational question is when does something pertaining to a HUMAN deserve legal protection? It would have cost gc nothing to concede that point, I hope that you would not have considered a rational concession a victory? Otherwise it's illustrative of the intellectual problem going on here.
The issue is that I cannot comprehend being so devoid of reason, or so wilfully ignorant [choosing to deny the obvious].And that's completely understandable... If I didn't know that chickens laid eggs, I'd be completely bewildered by the mention of it... My friend, brother - it's not a matter of what you know, it's a matter of how you know - the method of assaying that you adhere to, that way you may comprehend anything.
See above.I am sorry the concept is too hard for you, Foghorn. If it makes you feel any better, I don't understand why you would think it WAS a person. No-one here wants to explain their rationale beyond suggesting it is obvious.
When you were an ovum you already had your mitochondria, cell wall, and other things. All you were missing was half your DNA.When you were a zygote you had the coding and ability to eventually develop into what you see when you look in the mirror, or at least in pictures since the reflection is reversed from reality.
The issue is that I cannot comprehend being so devoid of reason, or so wilfully ignorant [choosing to deny the obvious].
Likewise a zygote must come together with a human uterus to implant itself in, so as to come together with nutrients and the right sustained environment until it can survive until it takes the first breath of air. Even then, without the "coming together" with on-going support and succour, this new (yes) person remains helpless to fend for itself and needs many more such "coming together(s)" to ultimately finish the job of independent life.Human spermatozoa, on it's own, will not develop into that which you would consider a person. Neither will a human ovum. The two must come together to create the human zygote, which then has the ability, and is coded, to do so.
In what other case would you support the killing of a human not guilty of a heinous crime?
In wartime, the enemy soldier has not committed any crime, but may be lawfully killed.
Wizardofoz said:Why would the zygote be excluded from the rights afforded to every other member of the group?
Because it is in that group for one reason (reason of continuity from fertilised zygote to birth), and you use its membership for another (award the rights of the born to the zygote). What DOES the zygote have in common with (other?) humans?
Why not put it in a biological group of "All Mammalian Zygotes" and award them all the same rights?
Absolutely false. A human zygote has 46 chromosomes. Even a chimpanzee, our closet relative has 48.They are biologically and functionally indistinguishable.
I don't afford the zygote rights at all, but consider that its removal is distasteful to many reasonable people, so the law should give some consideration to their feelings. But that is a small concession, and there will be others who can override that protection (ie mothers in US, doctors in UK) in specified circumstances.
Non sequituer. I can stop my children stomping on caterpillars, but that doesn't mean I've given the caterpillars rights.
Wizardofoz said:Why shouldn't a woman be allowed to abort a zygote for no reason at all? It's a double standard to say a zygote has rights if the woman wasn't raped or isn't in medical peril but has no rights if the woman was.
That's arguable, but not my argument. Making the whole issue black and white will mean pro-lifers win and pro-choicers lose, or vice versa. There will always be a range of opinion, so avoiding the extreme case decision seems sensible.
I asked first! Try to be specific.
No, not true. A third trimester foetus has most of the characteristics of a born human, so should have similar rights. A zygote has little in common, so has no rights. The rights can increase gradually as it ages, with it being given more dignity and respect as it becomes closer to a fully developed and extant human.
Seriously, this is the crux of the problem. Even if it seems obvious to you, please try to answer this without assertion or another question (ie "why wouldn't they?") - use an actual argument.
mighty duck said:While I understand your rationale*, it is important to keep the language neutral, otherwise we are prone to error.
A skin cell or toe nail clipping or sperm, while human, are not an organism.
My point was more that you're declaring a zygote an organism and a skin cell not.
A skin cell can divide and respond to stimuli. And if you don't accept a skin cell itself, there are immortal cell lines from human cells. HeLa is the most famous but there are many others. They would certainly also be considered organisms and they have human DNA.
The premise of your argument needs to be "why should we afford THIS group rights, and why should those rights trump the rights of a woman for personal bodily sovereignty".
This is answered by the more fundamental question, "who should we give rights to"?
My answer involves people with sentience, feeling, thought, consciousness etc. I have a lot of empathy for these people - when they are hurt, I am in a very real way hurt. This is true regardless of the DNA of the person involved. Their humanity is an easy indicator most of the time, but not the actual reason we care about them.
Most mentally healthy people in our society naturally feel the same way.
The zygote has none of those things
and should not be protected. Certainly not at the expense of a woman's right over her own body.
Even if I find the practice of abortion-as-birth-control objectionable,
I don't think the law should step in until some time in the second trimester.
And there are levels of protection available without granting full person rights to a zygote.
What is inconsistent about choosing any other identifier (viability, heartbeat, working cerbral cortex, birth, etc. etc.).Logical consistency as not to hold a double standard or special plead the unborn out of rights possessed by every other member of their species.
The same reason it would be legal to kill an ovum that had a sperm enter it one second before the gametes fuze, but not one second later.Why should it be legal to kill a fetus X weeks old but illegal to kill a fetus X+Y weeks old?
They don't have a working cerebral cortex.Or, it should be legal to kill a human not guilty of a crime or involved in warfare if....
Touche'.I am choosing my words carefully for good reason.![]()
Wrong! There are millions of people whose lives depend on bone marrow transplants, blood donations, partial liver transplants etc.They're in the same group (human). Also because allowing "bodily sovereignty" of human X to trump the life of human Y isn't exactly an equitable trade as far as the scales of justice tip.
I'll concede that the behavior of X should factor in as soon as you admit that abortion in cases of rape are something the state should not interfere in (not as a compromise with us pro-choicers, but as a true moral stance).Especially, if the pregnancy occurred due to behaviors human X engaged in.
Human Y exists because human X engaged in sexual activity but human Y can be killed because human X really doesn't want to carry human Y around for nine months.
Yeah, that's justice.lain:
I'll ask again. Why?Not "rights" but a fundamental right to remain alive. Who should we give this right to? Humans. White ones, black ones, small ones, tall ones, old ones, young ones![]()
People in comas and PVS still have a working cerebral cortex. In cases they don't, they are pronounced brain dead.Neither does a person in a coma or a persistent vegetative state, yet we cannot simply kill them (actively kill as opposed to allowing to die ie letting nature run its course).
For most people, our morality is ultimately based on our empathy (or lack thereof).Are you implying that you care if a fetus X weeks old is aborted but don't care if fetus X-Y weeks old is? When fetus X is hurt, are you in a very real way hurt? I think you're using an emotional device this time around.
Through education, availability of birth control, decrease in poverty, government assisted counseling etc. IOW all the things right wing so-called pro-lifers fight against.If the law doesn't step in until the second trimester, how will elective abortion be prevented? What "levels of protection" are possible without legal protection?
Killing a baby earns you prison time, and rightfully so. Absolute strawman, this place will keep the crows away.
WizardofOz said:This has been addressed numerous times throughout the thread. Other posters brought up toe nails and skin cells. However, with sperm, toe nails and skin cells, it comes down to composition. A zygote is a new organism whereas the three above are parts of an already existing organism.Sperm is an organism, as is an egg... this has to be one of the worst methods of evading reason via wordplay I've ever come across.
Under dire circumstances? Well, you could not accuse me of inconsistency, if it puts the mother's health in danger I would always save the mother's life over a baby, however it would be the mother's option.
What is inconsistent about choosing any other identifier (viability, heartbeat, working cerbral cortex, birth, etc. etc.).
The same reason it would be legal to kill an ovum that had a sperm enter it one second before the gametes fuze, but not one second later.
They don't have a working cerebral cortex.
On the other end of life, we call that brain death.
Alright, let's try to find some acceptable term, even if it is "Group X" which includes zygotes, embryos, babies women and even Scientologists, but does not include skin cells, nail clippings or sperm, and is not a euphemism for a person. It can't be that hard to find neutrality right?
Wrong! There are millions of people whose lives depend on bone marrow transplants, blood donations, partial liver transplants etc.
We exchange lives for personal bodily sovereignty all the time.
I'll concede that the behavior of X should factor in as soon as you admit that abortion in cases of rape are something the state should not interfere in (not as a compromise with us pro-choicers, but as a true moral stance).
I'll ask again. Why?
People in comas and PVS still have a working cerebral cortex. In cases they don't, they are pronounced brain dead.
For most people, our morality is ultimately based on our empathy (or lack thereof).
I care more about a X week old fetus than I do about an X-Y fetus. And until they achieve my definition of personhood, I care more about the mother's wishes than I do about their existence.
This is a circular argument. you assume that preservation of "human organisms" (my term) is important, and therefore preservation of "human organisms" is important.You're inconsistent when it comes to a human being killed. In what other scenario (other than possibly capital punishment or war) are you OK with the legal and intentional killing of a human?
You're likely consistent in all aspects save abortion. Your possible qualifiers do not change the nature of what is taking place.
How about stem cell research?One second before, a new human hasn't begun. It also really isn't an issue so much as the method that might do the killing is. That is, what unnatural means could possibly prevent the fusion from taking place? :think:
Actually, they do. People pronounced brain dead can be harvested for organs- thereby causing their complete death.Do medical professionals take deliberate action to purposely kill an adult without a working cerebral cortex? See the difference?
How is removing a feeding tube different from cutting the umbilical cord and letting "nature take its course"?If an adult doesn't have a working cerebral cortex you may have to take action to allow that person to naturally die, such as removing a feeding tube or otherwise "take someone off life support". In an abortion, deliberate action is taken to unnaturally kill that human.
Post-zygotial homo-sapien? :help:I am not sure what you think is wrong with "a human" (noun, rather than human (adjective) skins cells) but whatcha got? Even if "human" and "person" can be similar in meaning, if we can agree that 'what is a "person"' is a subjective (philisophical) question whereas 'what is a "human"' is an objective (biological) question then it should be easy to know what the other is referring to.
I'm honestly open to better terms if any can be found.
That was EXACTLY my point!Once again, there is an extremely significant difference between what you're comparing that you don't seem to be considering.
With bone marrow transplants, blood donations, partial liver transplants etc., the donor consents to be a donor. We don't even allow medical professional to take organs, etc from the deceased unless the deceased consented to such in life.
You've reluctantly conceded to it as a compromise. Are you changing your position that it is actually immoral of us to prevent a rape victim from getting an abortion?I've previously conceded that a rape victim will never be forced to carry the child to term.
Agreed.How the woman got pregnant does nothing to define what is being aborted.
Sorry to push the point, but it is key.For the same reason someone cannot walk up to you, kill you, and not be held criminally culpable. Not being killed is a fundamental liberty that all humans should be afforded. Why? Preservation of human life I suppose. I feel like my answers to this question are littered all over my posts in this thread.
I feel that "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" are "unalienable rights" for all humans.
An individual cannot pursue happiness without liberty and cannot have liberty without life.
Um, what?But is our empathy or lack thereof worth more than a life?
If a baby is born without a cerebral cortex, I would be deeply saddened for the expectant parents, but the child itself never felt pain, never had a thought. It was never a person.Do you care about a fetus or do you feel like at some point along you should care due to a physical attribute or two? If it was proven that the cerebral cortex didn't sufficiently function until 40 weeks would you oppose aborting a 39-week-old fetus?
Likewise. :cheers:I do appreciate your honesty. Your above quote is probably a (if not the) fundamental difference in our views.
It wasn't me until the spermatozoa and the ovum came together and there was the zygote.When you were an ovum you already had your mitochondria, cell wall, and other things. All you were missing was half your DNA.
That doesn't sound right, does it? That's because the ovum WASN'T you, it was a necessary biological predecessor to you.
That's how we feel about the zygote.
I can comprehend that people disagree perfectly fine; what I cannot comprehend is people's willingness to be so callous as to wilfully consider the early stages of human development as not being a person, or even a human.What you cannot comprehend is how someone might not agree with you. That is a character shortcoming, Foghorn, that you will have to come to terms with yourself. I can't help you, I'm afraid, if you can't see the nuances in a complex discussion, and can only see the shallow, surface features.
And that makes it OK to kill it?Likewise a zygote must come together with a human uterus to implant itself in, so as to come together with nutrients and the right sustained environment until it can survive until it takes the first breath of air. Even then, without the "coming together" with on-going support and succour, this new (yes) person remains helpless to fend for itself and needs many more such "coming together(s)" to ultimately finish the job of independent life.
Your position imo is simply an arbitrary dogmatic conclusion that something magical suddenly happens at conception, when really the "magic" is for me anyway in the development of a CNS, to the point at which a person could arguably be said to exist, rather than just giving an honorary title of "person" doled out at conception for no particularly good reason that has ever been explained to me.