You'll do better without your head.It's about time you posted the truth.

Mysterious Smiley Face Appears in Hawaiian Volcano During Eruption
You'll do better without your head.It's about time you posted the truth.
Eph 5:5
I believe it in context, not as a proof text for your views. Justification is about our initial coming to Christ when we are declared righteous (legal term) and our past sins are dealt with. At that point of conversion, there are no future sins yet. Reconciliation deals with our past sins....My objection is to think we can persist in sheer rebellion, sin, and disobedience with impunity because non-existent sins have blanket forgiveness just because our past sins were dealt with at justification.
It's a good thing I was reconciled while dead in my trespasses and sin.
I leave the details to the Judge (Gen. 18:25), but if someone rejects and renounces Christ and is no different than their former state of godless unbelief, they are not a believer by definition (unbelieving believer is a contradiction in terms, oxymoron).What is your shoe size?
You throw the baby out with the bathwater because of your myopic, negative, immature experience (you were the problem, not traditional, church supported Christianity...
Yes. Daily.
How does your sin keep coming back alive on a daily basis if you've reckoned it as dead?
1 Jn 1:8![]()
2 Pet. 3:11 :granite:![]()
How does your sin keep coming back alive on a daily basis if you've reckoned it as dead?
"Dead" is not defined as non-existent.
"Dead" is defined as non-functional.
Justification is divine pardon from the guilt of sin; not an erasure or elimination of sin. Sin remains part of the Adamic human nature, but faith and repentance in the last Adam, Jesus Christ, can limit its control over a soul. Faith and repentance only come as granted gifts from God the Holy Spirit.
II Timothy 2:25; Acts 3:26, 5:31, 11:18; Ephesians 2:8-10; Galatians 3:14,26, 6:3
I leave the details to the Judge (Gen. 18:25), but if someone rejects and renounces Christ and is no different than their former state of godless unbelief, they are not a believer by definition (unbelieving believer is a contradiction in terms, oxymoron).
You divorce salvation from ongoing relationship and being in Christ, the condition for eternal life (since it is in Him alone, not apart from Him I Jn. 5:11-13 present, continuous tenses). You seem to reduce it to an irreversible metaphysical change parallel to physical birth. In reality, it is a reciprocal love relationship, not an unconditional zapping. Past sins can be dealt with, but this does not preclude the possibility of heinous future sins, including blasphemy, that cannot be swept under the carpet by a holy God (judgment starts with the house of God; Ananias and Sapp were struck down; I Cor. and I Jn. has temporal judgment of believer's sin by death).
Unbelief puts one outside of Christ and is the antithesis of saving faith, so the new reality of apostasy brings in new contingencies if persisted in.
[What sin :freak: Johnny] Sit.![]()
1 Jn 1:8
[What sin, :freak: Johnny.] Sodomy is a sin.![]()
Johnny? That's Mr. Johnny to you,San Fran Brucie. Sodomy is a sin.:yawn: It is (Eph 4:14). :idea:
The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14]heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).![]()
1 Jn 3:8-10 MacArthur
[What sin, :freak: Johnny] Sodomy is a sin.![]()
1 Corinthians 1:18 KJV