ECT There is only one Gospel


I placed SD on ignore a while back and I'm happy I did.

If I'm on
ignore Gladys, :sibbie: how is it that you respond to my posts time and time again? :idunno: 1 Tim. 6:5

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
denial of your made up term and gospel

the gospel of the kingdom
the gospel of the circumcision
the gospel of the uncircumcision
the gospel of God
the gospel of Christ
the gospel of the grace of God
the everlasting gospel

All are gospels in the Bible and yet all are not the gospel of your salvation.

Then he did not preach the gospel that Paul preached

Romans 3:21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;

Romans 3:22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:

More talk from a woman who cannot even testify the gospel of the grace of God!



Well-known member
Perfect Scripture for this subject.

1, the passage was referring to neo-Judaism, which is what 2P2P is.

2, you people need to work on grammatical clarity, coming and going. The line "She's spoiled Col 2" can be taken two ways as long as the grammar is unclear. It can mean: "She has spoiled the verse in how she interpreted it" --where Col 2 would be the DO.

Or it can mean "She herself is spoiled. See Col 2." --where she herself would be the DO, and the verse is just attached to compare.

I mention this because the exact same communication and grammatical mistakes are made by many of you about Gal 2's 'gospel of the circ' or the expression in the gospels 'the gospel of the kingdom of heaven.' I have yet to see an indication that most of you realize this is a problem. Subjects act and verbs are used to describe their actions; Direct Objects receive that action, and there's only one per sentence unless there is a compound sentence or predicate.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
1, the passage was referring to neo-Judaism, which is what 2P2P is.

2, you people need to work on grammatical clarity, coming and going. The line "She's spoiled Col 2" can be taken two ways as long as the grammar is unclear. It can mean: "She has spoiled the verse in how she interpreted it" --where Col 2 would be the DO.

Or it can mean "She herself is spoiled. See Col 2." --where she herself would be the DO, and the verse is just attached to compare.

I mention this because the exact same communication and grammatical mistakes are made by many of you about Gal 2's 'gospel of the circ' or the expression in the gospels 'the gospel of the kingdom of heaven.' I have yet to see an indication that most of you realize this is a problem. Subjects act and verbs are used to describe their actions; Direct Objects receive that action, and there's only one per sentence unless there is a compound sentence or predicate.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
1, the passage was referring to neo-Judaism, which is what 2P2P is.

2, you people need to work on grammatical clarity, coming and going. The line "She's spoiled Col 2" can be taken two ways as long as the grammar is unclear. It can mean: "She has spoiled the verse in how she interpreted it" --where Col 2 would be the DO.

Or it can mean "She herself is spoiled. See Col 2." --where she herself would be the DO, and the verse is just attached to compare.

I mention this because the exact same communication and grammatical mistakes are made by many of you about Gal 2's 'gospel of the circ' or the expression in the gospels 'the gospel of the kingdom of heaven.' I have yet to see an indication that most of you realize this is a problem. Subjects act and verbs are used to describe their actions; Direct Objects receive that action, and there's only one per sentence unless there is a compound sentence or predicate.

Are you a member of some strange aberrant cult?


New member
But 2P2P is still 2P2P. The mistake of thinking the accounts in the gospels or Acts are as final as the doctrinal treatments of the Letters is still there.

Acts 9 Dispensationalism or Mid-Acts (aka MAD) is not actually based on Acts 9.

It is based on an understanding from Paul's own writings that Genesis thru Acts and Hebrews thru Revelation are then read from.

EVERY Distinction that MAD holds to - on salvation; on works; on election; on sovereignty; you name it - is based on THE ABOVE fact; where a MAD is found either not having progressed further in the EVEN FINER Distinctions WITHIN said Distinctions, or has ended up off base on said Distinctions, the issue is ALWAYS THE SAME PATTERN - their having read Acts or some other book of Scripture INTO Romans thru Philemon.

That is what I have meant whenever I have used phrasing like "the Word rightly divided (laid out aright or) in light of the Mystery."

And of course, as within any school of thought, my understanding of The Mystery is not only different from that of some MADs, but as with all schools of thought, it is different from your understanding.*

I realize you will take issue with all this; but you are not its' only intended audience. Others MIGHT want to know about such things.

As when I read up on Preterism or some other system. Not in search of holes; but out of my curiosity of how other systems view one thing or another.


* And that is not some attempt at a political correctness on my part.

Rather; it is my awareness that; as in all walks and areas of life; people are bound to see things differently depending not only on where they are each looking at things from; but on where they each think they are looking at things from.

Absent of this awareness, one ends up concluding not only that they alone are right; but that all others are enemies; deceptive; up to no good going in; and so on.

Absent of it, one ends up unable to grow from opposition.

Growing arrogant, insolent, insistent, cold from opposition is growth in the wrong direction.

As with any school of thought, it is obvious that in the hands of some within MAD; MAD is obviously no exception where being spared that growth in a wrong direction concerned.

It is why I do acknowledge agreement with others, where and when I find that we agree on some point.

A sense of fair play is vital to one's ability to actually grow properly spiritually.

We each out to hate any kind of injustice, beginning that which arises from within.

All of the above is whar?

My decided perception on it out of reflection on same, over the years.

Thus, my chuckle in contrast to some icon expresseing something much more demeaning.

One ought to be very aware of the actual method behind one's MADness, so to speak :chuckle:
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New member
1, the passage was referring to neo-Judaism, which is what 2P2P is.

2, you people need to work on grammatical clarity, coming and going. The line "She's spoiled Col 2" can be taken two ways as long as the grammar is unclear. It can mean: "She has spoiled the verse in how she interpreted it" --where Col 2 would be the DO.

Or it can mean "She herself is spoiled. See Col 2." --where she herself would be the DO, and the verse is just attached to compare.

I mention this because the exact same communication and grammatical mistakes are made by many of you about Gal 2's 'gospel of the circ' or the expression in the gospels 'the gospel of the kingdom of heaven.' I have yet to see an indication that most of you realize this is a problem. Subjects act and verbs are used to describe their actions; Direct Objects receive that action, and there's only one per sentence unless there is a compound sentence or predicate.

Am well aware of subjects; verbs; actions; direct objects; and all the rest, bro.

But there is the issue of the impact of higher levels of abstraction on lower ones and your above is said lower level of abstraction.

Reminds me of debates back in my High School English classes.

Even the teachers would get all in a fuss about phrasing like "he don't care..."

Out of their perceptual blindness to the impact of culture and or subculture on sense of noun; verb; object; etc.

As with my post on one important sense of the word "repentence."

Looking up its etymology, etc., is not actually going to help much in the way of helping to identify said other intended sense, for example.


New member
If a "she has spoiled the verse" that would actually point out that said "she" herself "is spoiled" (has become "spoiled" or taken captive, by her own misperception).

Personally, I have not viewed all those labels as different gospels for some years now.

Rather, as various aspects of, or within "the gospel of (from) God...concerning His Son...(thus) the gospel of (or about) Christ."

One aspect of which had been Prophesied since the world began; another of which had been hid in God...until Paul.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Anyone who posts like that does not know the Grace of God.

They are lying.


Paul: Ravenous wolves....Accursed.....Whited wall.........

LALost: Paul, anyone who posts in scripture as you do, as does John the B., Peter....does not know the Grace of God. You and they are lying.

You just love the TOL audience to laugh at you, the only reasonable explanation for you continuing to post, Christ rejector.


Anyone who posts Acts 2:38 KJV as to us does not know what is the gospel of the grace of God.

I want to take this opportunity to tell you that I've been very suspicious of you for sometime now, in fact, I'd even go so far as to say that you're a fraud.

Let me give these reasons for that statement:

You're very undefined when it comes to stating what it means to be a Christian, i.e. a follower of Christ. While you use many verses from Scripture, from what I've seen, you never use your own words.

From what I've seen you believe that "faith" in Jesus Christ alone makes one a Christian. What exactly does that mean, i.e faith that He died on the cross and rose from the dead, ascending into Heaven?

Two other things that raises warning flags for me about you are the following:

From what I've seen you give no credence to the good works that Christians are to do; why is that?

The other warning flag is the people that are your allies:

Nick M., Grosnick Marowbe, Patrick jane to name just three. Of all of the TOL'ers that I've run across, I can say without hesitation that those 3 are the biggest haters on TOL. Is hate a Christian virtue in your mind?

I would love to debate you either here or if this thread isn't the appropriate place to do it in, the thread of your choosing.

I look forward to your comments on the above.



TOL Subscriber
"Genesis to Revelation" is not the gospel of your salvation! The very fact that people like us (Ephesians 2:11-12 KJV) could be saved was unsearchable in the OT/hid in God (Ephesians 3:1-9 KJV)!

Surely, you must have a better answer as to what is the good news of your salvation. What if a man on his death bed were to ask you, "What must I do to be saved?". What good news would you tell him?

I would give the same answer Jesus gave:

" . . This is the work of God; that you believe in Him whom He sent." John 6:39


New member
I want to take this opportunity to tell you that I've been very suspicious of you for sometime now, in fact, I'd even go so far as to say that you're a fraud.

Let me give these reasons for that statement:

You're very undefined when it comes to stating what it means to be a Christian, i.e. a follower of Christ. While you use many verses from Scripture, from what I've seen, you never use your own words.

From what I've seen you believe that "faith" in Jesus Christ alone makes one a Christian. What exactly does that mean, i.e faith that He died on the cross and rose from the dead, ascending into Heaven?

Two other things that raises warning flags for me about you are the following:

From what I've seen you give no credence to the good works that Christians are to do; why is that?

The other warning flag is the people that are your allies:

Nick M., Grosnick Marowbe, Patrick jane to name just three. Of all of the TOL'ers that I've run across, I can say without hesitation that those 3 are the biggest haters on TOL. Is hate a Christian virtue in your mind?

I would love to debate you either here or if this thread isn't the appropriate place to do it in, the thread of your choosing.

I look forward to your comments on the above.


An alley cat and a wild dog have a better chance of getting along than my sister, heir, and I do :chuckle:

But you know what; you haven't a Budhhist's chance of ever seeing glory where a debate between you and her on any of those issues you have raised is concerened.

None; zero; zip; nada...


TOL Subscriber
Adam did exactly as God predestined - according to you doctrine - and COULD NOT HAVE DONE OTHERWISE.

Adam did as God ordained. "Ordain" does not define "cause" or "predestination." You cannot haphazardly use these theological terms without careful distinction.

Do you intentionally contradict yourself or do you say such things and not notice the conflict between them?

Is it when two truth claims contradict one another that they become "profound truths"?

I simply believe God ordained (decreed, ordered) all things, but "cause" is shared with mankind created in His image.

Adam was incapable of ordaining anything, but Adam was given the ability to cause and effect his duties and immediate surroundings. Thus, God being the first cause, created Adam, but Adam having the capacity of secondary cause, brought sin and death into the world . . . all of which God ordained would occur.

God predestined the fates of all men who will be Judged by Jesus Christ. Different subject matter. As is the teaching of divine foreknowledge.
