There is no peace unto the wicked.


New member
The invasion of Iraq, the ruin of Libya and destabilisation of Syria have made the North Koreans wonder if they are next in line for a US inspired ‘regime change’. Who can blame them for protecting themselves?


New member
30-09, 10:37] MichaelCadry: you don't give me much CHOICE! You should EVEN love Jesus and His/Our Father as so very MUCH as I do, Robert and glorydaz! You don't know what you speak of. Your words are trash, to be thrown out with the rest of the garbage! If you think I am ...
New [30-09, 10:35] MichaelCadry: ARE YOU NUTS AND OUT OF YOUR MINDS!!! You have too much idleness of spirit and haughtiness, and jealousy!! You can't see it, can you?? Do I put enough EMPHASIS on my words for you?? You ARE Fruitcakes, for surety!! I don't mean to be harsh, but...
New [30-09, 10:32] MichaelCadry: You, Robert & glorydaz, speak words with no included basis or deep roots in the ground. They fall and wither. Your words are like chaff that blows away in God's Great Wind!! You want to tell ME that I did not have the EXPERIENCE THAT I HAD!!! ...
New [30-09, 10:30] MichaelCadry: Like a black widow and a rattlesnake lying in wait. Jesus told us to beware of those like you! Well, I didn't come here to finally PROVE to you, Robert, how much I dearly LOVE Jesus, the Christ, Emmanuel, and Savior of us ALL!!...
New [30-09, 10:27] MichaelCadry: When Jesus said, "Beware of men," He was speaking directly about people like you both. Give the messenger many stripes and whack his head off!! You are just a very lost cause. I don't mean to argue, but c'mon, give me a big break! You are venom!!
New [30-09, 10:24] MichaelCadry: Dear Robert Pate and glorydaz: You are like mixed-up individuals, it seems. I mean, I hate to say it, but no matter what I tell you, you pick a negative side and tone to it. You really HATE that I might be CORRECT, Right??!!


New member
[30-09, 10:39] MichaelCadry: upset, you guessed RIGHT! Even Jesus got upset when He saw the moneychangers in the Temple and overturned their TABLES! How dare you insinuate that I am not telling the ABSOLUTE TRUTH!! AWFUL people make AWFUL Friends or neighbors..


New member
"The violent crime rate is on the rise throughout the United States, with statistics show 2016 had the largest single-year increase in 25 years, according to new FBI data released Monday".

"There is no peace unto the wicked".


New member
The invasion of Iraq, the ruin of Libya and destabilisation of Syria have made the North Koreans wonder if they are next in line for a US inspired ‘regime change’. Who can blame them for protecting themselves?

We're going to cut off the supplies for tea and beer to your island and we'll see what you do then!


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This message is hidden because Epoisses is on your ignore list.

No foul mouthed reprobates needed or wanted.


New member
You don't own this forum, trash-mouth elitst piece of garbage who can't even find a girlfriend for fear of losing his self-righteousness!


New member

Terror is a sword in the hands of the Eternal Almighty. “There is no peace unto the wicked says my Elohim”. The Almighty uses the wicked to slay the wicked.


New member
U.K. scrambles to help stranded travelers after 'biggest ever' airline failure. 100,000 people stranded and experiencing vexation of spirit. "There is no peace unto the wicked, says my Elohim".


New member
When the Almighty strikes He does so with precision and never misses a target.

"And a certain man drew a bow at a venture, and smote the king of Israel between the joints of the harness: wherefore he said unto the driver of his chariot, Turn thine hand, and carry me out of the host; for I am wounded."


New member
San Juan, Puerto Rico (CNN)"I don't want to live here anymore."

"There is no peace unto the wicked say's my Elohim".


New member
Catalonia referendum: Violence as police block voting.

"There is no peace unto the wicked say's my Elohim".


New member
Armed police evacuate passengers, sweep London metro after reports of ‘bang’

"There is no peace unto the wicked say's my Elohim".


New member
50 confirmed dead in Las Vegas massacre as police name gunman they shot dead in hotel room - 64 year old white man.

People are now looking for answers, but they are wholly unaware of what questions they should ask. At the moment people are looking at second causes instead of looking unto the First Cause.


New member
50 confirmed dead in Las Vegas massacre as police name gunman they shot dead in hotel room - 64 year old white man.

People are now looking for answers, but they are wholly unaware of what questions they should ask. At the moment people are looking at second causes instead of looking unto the First Cause.

Psalm 78:49

He sent upon them His burning anger, Fury and indignation and trouble, A band of destroying angels.​

Isaiah 37:36

"Then the angel of Yah Veh went out and struck 185,000 in the camp of the Assyrians; and when men arose early in the morning, behold, all of these were dead".


New member
Psalm 35:4-6

"Let those be ashamed and dishonored who seek my life; Let those be turned back and humiliated who devise evil against me. Let them be like chaff before the wind, With the angel of Yah Veh driving them on. Let their way be dark and slippery, With the angel of Yah Veh pursuing them".​