Are you saying you would have more respect for us if we just bowed down and worshipped whatever flowed from the pen of Gary North?Originally posted by granite1010
So this is the Christian buffet, Do-It-Yourself-type of Christian Reconstructionism. Uh-huuuuuh.
Cherrypickers? How so? The Bible commands us to rightly divide the word. How does North divide it? He doesn't. He sees only 1 dispensation.Cherrypickers like you, Enyart, and the rest of the brownshirts do an injustice to North and company, who at least have dedicated serious time and scholarship to their convictions.
Brownshirts? How so?
Dedicating serious time and scholoarship: Enyart has been researching scripture for over a quarter of a century. Furthermore, Gary North is free to call Enyart's show or challenge him to a debate either there or on TOL in a Battle Royale. I wrote Mr. North a very polite letter requesting such an enlightening exchange and got no response from him. In the debate between North/Demar vs. House/Ice, North stated that he was not aware of any systematic view of theonomy from a dispensational perspective. He said he would surely be interested in learning it. In my letter I informed him that his prayer has been answered. Enyart's taped seminar on theonomy from a dispensational perspecive lasts for 6 hours. Either North lied about his passion for hearing this view or he chickened out of the debate. Perhaps he ordered the tapes and after listening to them, realized that he is the one who has not done enough research.
And we are not in favor of changing this. So why the "brownshirts" reference?This whole accepting or rejecting Jesus thing is what Americans are doing already, last time I checked.
It's a form of government based on the books of the Bible being careful (something North fails to do) to rightly divide the laws which apply to our current dispensation.Maybe you should define "bibliocracy." Somehow I don't think it's a form of government based on books.