The Word Made Flesh


Well-known member
No scripture says that. On the contrary, Scripture says this:

But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
Too little to be among the clans of Judah,
From you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel.
His goings forth are from long ago,
From the days of eternity. (Micah 5:2 NASB)​

Eternity has no beginning, Christ always existed.

You don't get it friend, Heb 1:3 is talking about the spirit son, not his flesh son who was born in Bethlehem. The spirit that dwelled in Jesus.

Another thought, when did TIME begin? If God created all through Christ he created time also.
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New member
You don't get it friend, Heb 1:3 is talking about the spirit son, not his flesh son who was born in Bethlehem. The spirit that dwelled in Jesus.

Christ was from everlasting, he was eternal but he surrendered his immortality to become human, the Son of God. He died and was resurrected as God the Son. His immortality was restored.


Well-known member
Jesus was not born with a human spirit.

He was born with the Spirit of the God.

The God of all there was
and all there is and is to come.

Jesus got the Holy Spirit and POWER at his anointing. Acts 10:38.
That is when he became the Christ.
That is when God declared that this was his Son.

That is when the express image of God came to the world to display the creator to us.


Well-known member
Christ was from everlasting, he was eternal but he surrendered his immortality to become human, the Son of God. He died and was resurrected as God the Son. His immortality was restored.

Partly right, he was high in heaven, second only to his Father. But he is the created image of his Father, God's first creation for all was created through IT. He was spirit like his Father, he was given the fullness of his Father, that makes him a FORM of God, not God.


Well-known member
Christ was from everlasting, he was eternal but he surrendered his immortality to become human, the Son of God. He died and was resurrected as God the Son. His immortality was restored.

The spirit son was before time was created. He is the express IMAGE of the Father. Only the Father existed until he created his express image. The Universe and time came later.

We agree that he lowered himself to become human. He took over the body prepared for him by his Father. Jesus was a human, but Christ is a SPIRIT. The son at the creation is a SPIRIT not a man.


New member
Partly right, he was high in heaven, second only to his Father. But he is the created image of his Father...

Christ's goings forth were from everlasting, from eternity. A created image is not from eternity.

Why do you reject scripture?


Jesus got the Holy Spirit and POWER at his anointing. Acts 10:38.
That is when he became the Christ.
That is when God declared that this was his Son.

That is when the express image of God came to the world to display the creator to us.

This is all false. All of it.


I have yest to find among any of flesh and blood
upon the earth to tell me correctly...

How was the word made flesh?

Is it because none of them
know what it really means?


Here is my challenge
to any Christian
or any other

Tell me correctly...

How was the word made flesh?

Now if I can find any flaw in
whatever you tell me...then whatever
you told me is not correct.


Well-known member
Christ's goings forth were from everlasting, from eternity. A created image is not from eternity.

Why do you reject scripture?

It is not I that is rejecting scripture.


Firstborn of all CREATURES. Col 1::15


Well-known member
I have yest to find among any of flesh and blood
upon the earth to tell me correctly...

How was the word made flesh?

Is it because none of them
know what it really means?

I gave you the answer, you just refuse to open your eyes.

God is spirit, his express image is also spirit. That image is his created son. Everything God made he made through this son. For God so loved the world that he sent his only SON to become flesh. That flesh is the body prepared to hold his true son.

We all need to open our minds to what could be, Jesus is the flesh son, he was anointed with the true son.


God is spirit, his express image is also spirit. That image is his created son.
According to this you have
said here God created
His own image which you
say is spirit.

Because you said God
created His son which
you said is the express
image of God.

True or false?

Then you went on to say this...

Everything God made he made through this son.
According to you God made His son.
You said God created Him.

But then you said
God made everything through His son.

Through "what" did God make His own son?


Nope, it is all true. You need to deal with the fact that contray to your beliefs, God has not enlighten you. You need to seek in his words to find truth.

Instead of spouting off nonsense
you will not or cannot prove to be true.

Enlighten me by taking anything
you have spouted off about and
prove them 1 by 1.

Go back and look
at all the times I have already
proved that which you have
spouted off as to being false.

Like this here you have made.


New member
Firstborn of all CREATURES. Col 1::15

Christ was the firstborn in what context? We know from scripture that Jesus was not the firstborn in a physical context, that was Israel. This means that Jesus was the Father's firstborn in a spiritual context. You claim Christ was the Father's spiritual firstborn which would make Jesus the Father's second born, but Paul is claiming that Jesus is the Father's firstborn and it is through his blood that we have redemption. (Colossians 1:14)

Redemption from what? The context is redemption from the second death. Because of Adam's sin it has been appointed that we die once, but because of Jesus' death we only have to die once. Jesus paid the penalty for the second death. He died once as we all do, but he was not worthy of the second death because he was personally sinless.

Jesus is the firstborn from the dead. (Colossians 1:18)

Your Christology is incorrect.


Well-known member
According to this you have
said here God created
His own image which you
say is spirit.

Because you said God
created His son which
you said is the express
image of God.

True or false?

Then you went on to say this...

According to you God made His son.
You said God created Him.

But then you said
God made everything through His son.

Through "what" did God make His own son?
You did read where I said HIS SON was his FIRST creation?

Do you question his ability to do that?

Did you read the words FIRSTBORN of all CREATURES?

Think what that means friend. God created only one Express Image and it is not a man. It was however dwelling in a man called Jesus.

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Well-known member
Instead of spouting off nonsense
you will not or cannot prove to be true.

Enlighten me by taking anything
you have spouted off about and
prove them 1 by 1.

Go back and look
at all the times I have already
proved that which you have
spouted off as to being false.

Like this here you have made.
You have proven nothing.
You need a lot of study time.
Pray for understanding when you study.

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You have proven nothing.
You need a lot of study time.
Pray for understanding when you study.

Sent from my SM-T330NU using TheologyOnline mobile app

Well then

Let's you and I debate it

and the Lord God will
judge between you and I

Winner takes all.

Do you accept my rebuttal challenge
to your claim that I have proven nothing?

A. Yes, I accept.

B. No, I do not accept.


Pray for understanding when you study.
You pray to God
for Him to give you understanding
of that which you read and study.

I pray to God to give to me
the understanding without reading
or studying anything.

God answered my prayer.