Maybe he was among the 144,000.
Sadly, psychopannychia and annihilation (no Hell) is even assumed by some non-JWs:
Lol about the 144k! That JW gig always cracks me up! I won't lie to you about "annihilation"... I see deep potential for it. I however maintain that our souls live until intentionally destroyed by God, alone. I also recognize God's authority and right to Rev. 20:10 ... without question. The only problem is that Rev. 22:5 makes the "day and night" part difficult... because it says there won't be a night.
I do believe in absent from the Body, present with the Lord... and I believe that the unbelieving dead are conscious in "Sheol".
As for the dispensation and order of things... well you know where my heart is and how Jacob's people appear to me. All that aside... I wish Jehovah's witnesses did believe in ECT... because they might be less inclined to lie and mock the Divinity of Christ!
All Respect and gratitude for everything you contribute,