ECT The very very most worstest errors of MAD,


TOL Subscriber
A soul must be "in Christ" at the Judgment, for He is the "ark" provided for His people.

To say otherwise, is like saying those outside of Noah's ark could have survived the flood, by treading water.


Well-known member
A soul must be "in Christ" at the Judgment, for He is the "ark" provided for His people.

To say otherwise, is like saying those outside of Noah's ark could have survived the flood, by treading water.

Difference is, the people watching Noah build it had all that time to listen to his warnings of the coming judgment (2 Peter 2:5). They could have repented but chose not to.

Conversely, your false god (and B57's) damns for unbelief those he intended to be the objects of his wrath, pretending he damns them for rejecting Christ when it's really all just his sovereign will for them working itself out. They have no ability to repent because he doesn't want them to.


TOL Subscriber
Difference is, the people watching Noah build it had all that time to listen to his warnings of the coming judgment (2 Peter 2:5). They could have repented but chose not to.

Conversely, your false god (and B57's) damns for unbelief those he intended to be the objects of his wrath, pretending he damns them for rejecting Christ when it's really all just his sovereign will for them working itself out. They have no ability to repent because he doesn't want them to.

You simply refuse to believe God is Sovereign over all His creation. You disallow His exercise of His Kingship.

This is not exhibiting faith in God, but is a form of deep spiritual rebellion.


Well-known member
You simply refuse to believe God is Sovereign over all His creation. You disallow His exercise of His Kingship.

This is not exhibiting faith in God, but is a form of deep spiritual rebellion.

We've done this dance before, woman. God's sovereignty over His creation is NEVER at issue. His being the un-lying God shown in Scripture IS the issue. But since you can't afford to acknowledge that, you play the sovereignty card. Won't work. Remember: I used to be one of you.


TOL Subscriber
I don't disagree, but it seems you do.

You disagree that God is sovereign over sinful men; restraining their evil lest they destroy the world? Working all things for the good of those who love Him?

That is what I mean by God controlling all the heavens and earth; He is sovereign over both good and bad, and all things work according to His purposes.


Well-known member
You disagree that God is sovereign over sinful men; restraining their evil lest they destroy the world? Working all things for the good of those who love Him?

That is what I mean by God controlling all the heavens and earth; He is sovereign over both good and bad, and all things work according to His purposes.

You should be ashamed of yourself, Nang. Nick just showed you contradicting yourself but you ignore it.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
That is what I mean by God controlling all the heavens and earth....

So you don't mean what you say. Because you said he controls all of it for his good pleasure. You said he created them to damn them to hell. A place you a horrid person likes yourself should go.

God never rejected the reprobate according to His foreknowledge of their actions. God rejects reprobates according to His will. God formed all men, either for dishonor or honor, according to His willful purposes and good pleasure. To reject this truth is disbelief and a rejection of Sovereign God Himself.

Back to what you originally said that you are trying to back out of because you have been caught (again) contradicting yourself.

Well, I believe God Almighty is running the universe, down to every detail, according to His predetermined will and good pleasure. Do you disagree?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nang
Well, I believe God Almighty is running the universe, down to every detail, according to His predetermined will and good pleasure. Do you disagree?
Let's blend this with the other thread, Nang.

What would be the point of God cutting a covenant with Gentiles? Who among Gentiles would He establish one with?

More importantly, WHY would He do it?

If they're elect, they're pre-programmed from eternity past to believe the Gospel. Their salvation is a foregone conclusion. Cutting a covenant with them would be a meaningless puppetshow with God pulling all strings.

If they're reprobates, they're forever dead to God and already damned. Any covenant with them would be just as meaningless.

So, Nang, who exactly would there be among Gentiles for God to cut a covenant with?

More importantly, WHY would He do so, given election/reprobation? He doesn't NEED covenants, if Calvinism is true.


New member
The "mystery" is that God became a man (and in doing so did not cease to be God).

Paul wanted people to understand that this is a far greater mystery than the mysteries of all the various mystery cults that promised to reveal mysteries.


TOL Subscriber
So you don't mean what you say. Because you said he controls all of it for his good pleasure. You said he created them to damn them to hell.

I never said that.

Back to what you originally said that you are trying to back out of because you have been caught (again) contradicting yourself.

Well, I cannot help it if you do not understand my testimony . . .

Lazy afternoon

The "mystery" is that God became a man (and in doing so did not cease to be God).

Paul wanted people to understand that this is a far greater mystery than the mysteries of all the various mystery cults that promised to reveal mysteries.

The problem with all of these who argue is that not one of you know God, and you keep thinking Jesus is God.

Well He is not God, He is a man who is the son of God made like God, and not in every way that God is.

Jesus does not know everything, but His Father does, and you have no direct dealings with the Father except mediated through His son Jesus.

So all the arguments about whether God has predestined people to believe of not believe are mute and of no relevance to your lives except to your unnecessary false reasonings which mean nothing of value to anyone.



TOL Subscriber
The problem with all of these who argue is that not one of you know God, and you keep thinking Jesus is God.

Well He is not God, He is a man who is the son of God made like God, and not in every way that God is.

Sorry, LA, but this is where you and I sharply part ways . . .

The above describes the first Adam, but the second Adam is the Lord from Heaven, come in flesh.

Jesus does not know everything,

Jesus as Son of Man, volitionally put aside His omniscience, but as Son of God, He was equal with the Father in knowledge of all things.

but His Father does, and you have no direct dealings with the Father except mediated through His son Jesus.

The redeemed gain access through the Mediation of the God/Man, Jesus Christ.

So all the arguments about whether God has predestined people to believe of not believe are mute and of no relevance to your lives except to your unnecessary false reasonings which mean nothing of value to anyone.


Ouch . . . you are stepping all over my toes in this post! :mmph:


Well-known member
Sorry, LA, but this is where you and I sharply part ways . . .

Ouch . . . you are stepping all over my toes in this post! :mmph:

Amazing how desperate for allies you are, Nang. A denier of the Lord agrees with you on Calvin-specific beliefs and that overrides her denial of the Lord with a conciliatory "let's agree to disagree" tone. You are a real piece of work.

Lazy afternoon

Sorry, LA, but this is where you and I sharply part ways . . .

The above describes the first Adam, but the second Adam is the Lord from Heaven, come in flesh.

The LORD from Heaven prepared His son born through Mary to receive Him at His water baptism so that the Father was reconciling the world unto Himself through His Son.

The son is Lord the Father is LORD.

Jesus as Son of Man, volitionally put aside His omniscience, but as Son of God, He was equal with the Father in knowledge of all things.


The record of scripture is that God raised up His son from the human race and during the course of his lifetime He layed down His natural life willingly as His Father desired of Him.

Jesus did not know everything, but only those things the Father showed Him.

Now let me ask you a question but you need not answer if you do not want to, but at least think about it.

The question is--

Does God the Holy Spirit tell Jesus every slimy low thing the heart of Gods children can devise with all the filth of His own people throughout the world and does Jesus witness their every lust by His personal presence?
