The verse that made Flat-Earthers fall flat

patrick jane

Then your argument above:

Is illogical.

Horizons can be and in fact are circular. Therefore it is not an oxymoron.

Now, PJ, moving "outward" a bit...

What shape is the silhouette of a ball?
It's perfectly logical. The words were changed in the NKJV and probably many other Bibles. You're grasping at straws trying to reconcile a circular horizon from an obvious and blatant mistranslation of scripture. Horizons ar horizontal JR, no matter how much you want the globe to appear in the Bible. Moving ON, not outward with you. Everyone look at the first 15 posts of this thread for the truth about the verse of the thread title and the truth about flat earth. Biblical link at the bottom of my posts.


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Then your argument above:

Is illogical.

Horizons can be and in fact are circular. Therefore it is not an oxymoron.

Now, PJ, moving "outward" a bit...

What shape is the silhouette of a ball?

Don't try to change the subject, Patrick.

What is the shape of a silhouette of a ball?

It's perfectly logical. The words were changed in the NKJV and probably many other Bibles.

PJ, the only difference between the KJV and the NKJV is the wording. The meaning hasn't changed one iota.

You're grasping at straws trying to reconcile a circular horizon from an obvious and blatant mistranslation of scripture.

I haven't said anything about scripture in this thread, yet, PJ. I'm trying to get you to understand something.

A "circular horizon" is like that hula hoop around your head, it's horizontal.

Horizons are horizontal JR, no matter how much you want the globe to appear in the Bible.


That doesn't mean they can't be circular. In fact, it means EXACTLY THAT.

Moving ON, not outward with you. Everyone look at the first 15 posts of this thread for the truth about the verse of the thread title and the truth about flat earth. Biblical link at the bottom of my posts.

Don't sidestep my question, PJ. What shape is the silhouette of a sphere?

patrick jane

Don't try to change the subject, Patrick.

What is the shape of a silhouette of a ball?

PJ, the only difference between the KJV and the NKJV is the wording. The meaning hasn't changed one iota.

I haven't said anything about scripture in this thread, yet, PJ. I'm trying to get you to understand something.

A "circular horizon" is like that hula hoop around your head, it's horizontal.


That doesn't mean they can't be circular. In fact, it means EXACTLY THAT.

Don't sidestep my question, PJ. What shape is the silhouette of a sphere?
Don't pretend that this is a "teaching" moment for me & you by asking questions with obvious answers thereby dragging the conversation on forever. Get to the point, Dad, if you have one to make.


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Don't pretend that this is a "teaching" moment for me & you by asking questions with obvious answers thereby dragging the conversation on forever. Get to the point, Dad, if you have one to make.
Just answer the question, PJ.

patrick jane

In the Flat-Earth model, the Sun and Moon spotlights are perpetually hovering over and parallel to the surface of the Earth. From our vantage point, due to the Law of Perspective, the day/night luminaries appear to rise up the Eastern horizon, curve peaking high overhead, and then sink below the Western horizon. They do not escape to the underside of the Flat-Earth as one might imagine, but rather rotate concentric clockwise circles around the circumference from tropic to tropic. The appearance of rising, peaking and setting is due to the common Law of Perspective where tall objects appear high overhead when nearby, but at a distance gradually lower towards the vanishing point.

“Although the Sun is at all times above and parallel to the Earth’s surface, he appears to ascend the firmament from morning until noon, and to descend and sink below the horizon at evening. This arises from a simple and everywhere visible law of perspective. A flock of birds, when passing over a flat or marshy country, always appears to descend as it recedes; and if the flock is extensive, the first bird appears lower, or nearer to the horizon than the last. The farthest light in a row of lamps appears the lowest, although each one has the same altitude.

Bearing these phenomena in mind, it will easily be seen how the Sun, although always parallel to the surface of the Earth, must appear to ascend when approaching, and descend after leaving the meridian or noon-day position. What can be more common than the observation that, standing at one end of a long row of lamp-posts, those nearest to us seem to be the highest; and those farthest away the lowest; whilst, as we move along towards the opposite end of the series, those which we approach seem to get higher, and those we are leaving behind appear to gradually become lower …

It is an ordinary effect of perspective for an object to appear lower and lower as the observer goes farther and farther away from it. Let any one try the experiment of looking at a light-house, church spire, monument, gas lamp, or other elevated object, from a distance of only a few yards, and notice the angle at which it is observed. On going farther away, the angle under which it is seen will diminish, and the object will appear lower and lower as the distance of the observer increases, until, at a certain point, the line of sight to the object, and the apparently uprising surface of the earth upon or over which it stands, will converge to the angle which constitutes the ‘vanishing point’ or the horizon; beyond which it will be invisible.” -Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Zetetic Astronomy, Earth Not a Globe!” (85 and 231)



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In the Flat-Earth model, the Sun and Moon spotlights are perpetually hovering over and parallel to the surface of the Earth. From our vantage point, due to the Law of Perspective, the day/night luminaries appear to rise up the Eastern horizon, curve peaking high overhead, and then sink below the Western horizon. They do not escape to the underside of the Flat-Earth as one might imagine, but rather rotate concentric clockwise circles around the circumference from tropic to tropic. The appearance of rising, peaking and setting is due to the common Law of Perspective where tall objects appear high overhead when nearby, but at a distance gradually lower towards the vanishing point.

“Although the Sun is at all times above and parallel to the Earth’s surface, he appears to ascend the firmament from morning until noon, and to descend and sink below the horizon at evening. This arises from a simple and everywhere visible law of perspective. A flock of birds, when passing over a flat or marshy country, always appears to descend as it recedes; and if the flock is extensive, the first bird appears lower, or nearer to the horizon than the last. The farthest light in a row of lamps appears the lowest, although each one has the same altitude.

Bearing these phenomena in mind, it will easily be seen how the Sun, although always parallel to the surface of the Earth, must appear to ascend when approaching, and descend after leaving the meridian or noon-day position. What can be more common than the observation that, standing at one end of a long row of lamp-posts, those nearest to us seem to be the highest; and those farthest away the lowest; whilst, as we move along towards the opposite end of the series, those which we approach seem to get higher, and those we are leaving behind appear to gradually become lower …

It is an ordinary effect of perspective for an object to appear lower and lower as the observer goes farther and farther away from it. Let any one try the experiment of looking at a light-house, church spire, monument, gas lamp, or other elevated object, from a distance of only a few yards, and notice the angle at which it is observed. On going farther away, the angle under which it is seen will diminish, and the object will appear lower and lower as the distance of the observer increases, until, at a certain point, the line of sight to the object, and the apparently uprising surface of the earth upon or over which it stands, will converge to the angle which constitutes the ‘vanishing point’ or the horizon; beyond which it will be invisible.” -Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Zetetic Astronomy, Earth Not a Globe!” (85 and 231)

Ignoring my question isn't going to make it or my point go away, PJ.

What shape is the silhouette of a sphere?