The Validity of Salvation


There are two opposed core doctrines of salvation:

'Imputed Righteousness' (Protestant/predestination)


'Infusion' (Catholic/free will)

Any theory of salvation ultimately trickles down from one of the two.

The doctrines of men.


Here I will help you all out.

At this point in time

There is only 2(two) portals out of this dimension.

2 ways and that is it.

One open up to the Hell of the damned.

One open up to the Heaven of the Holy.

In the bible the portal to the Heaven of the Holy
is referred to as the strait gate.

You must first find the strait gate(portal)
then enter through the strait gate into the way the life
and truth which leads to the Heaven of the Holy.

And to enter into the strait gate
you must have the key to
unlock the door.

1. Find it.

2. Open it.

3. Enter into it.

4. Endure till the end.
The end is when you reach
the Heaven of the Holy.

This is the doctrine of Christ.

You can find Jesus speaking of everything
I have said here in the bible.

Bradley D

Well-known member
Apparently you do not believe in conscience. The only time I fail is when I do not live the "Word." Today I have all I need as promised by God. I am blessed to be able to study his word. You seem to assume that I fail a lot. I failed a lot when I was not living God's Word. Today I make mistakes now and then. But I use mistakes as experience. Therefore, one's mistakes/failures can be used as a learning experience. It is only when one does not learn by their experience that they are failures.


Apparently you do not believe in conscience. The only time I fail is when I do not live the "Word." Today I have all I need as promised by God. I am blessed to be able to study his word. You seem to assume that I fail a lot. I failed a lot when I was not living God's Word. Today I make mistakes now and then. But I use mistakes as experience. Therefore, one's mistakes/failures can be used as a learning experience. It is only when one does not learn by their experience that they are failures.

I am happy for you. Go for it.

I could care less what you do one way or the other.

The only thing that is important to me
concerning you is that God knows word for word
what you and I say to each other.


The less you say
the better off you will always be.

Especially since you have to validate
everything you say.

Look around you.
Do you see the lives of those
who's words brought dishonor upon them?

I would even say
you are 1 of them.


All these poor poor souls posting
all over the internet...
or speaking words of the flesh all day long...

They are bringing curses upon themselves.

And they lose the blessing of the Lord.

Do not say anything that is not of the Spirit
or that you cannot validate it as the truth.

The same goes for quoting the Word of God that you do not live.

That brings a curse upon you.

You are taking the Lord's name in vain when you do that.


When Satan challenged God over Job

And Job validated God.

Satan lost great power and authority
in the spirit realm from that defeat.

If you cannot validate your words.

Keep your words to yourself.

Because you will suffer
for it greatly in the spirit realm.


The less you say
the better off you will always be.

And when you do open your mouth...

be sure God will accept it.

Or you will pay.

More than it was worth to you.

I should not be teaching you evildoers the
knowledge of the Holy.

Oh will not believe it anyway.


Apparently you do not believe in conscience. The only time I fail is when I do not live the "Word." Today I have all I need as promised by God. I am blessed to be able to study his word. You seem to assume that I fail a lot. I failed a lot when I was not living God's Word. Today I make mistakes now and then. But I use mistakes as experience. Therefore, one's mistakes/failures can be used as a learning experience. It is only when one does not learn by their experience that they are failures.

Do you have a covenant with God?


There are two opposed core doctrines of salvation:

'Imputed Righteousness' (Protestant/predestination)


'Infusion' (Catholic/free will)

Any theory of salvation ultimately trickles down from one of the two.

Do you have a covenant with God?


There are many different theories
among Christians and even them written about in the bible
as to exactly how one obtains the Salvation of God.

How do you validate which one is the correct one?
We are saved by grace alone (Eph 2:8-9), through faith alone (Eph 1:13; 2Ti 1:10), in Christ alone (Isa 45:21,22; 59:16; Ac 4:12).



As a reminder Word is number 46 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category. :burnlib:

Bradley D

Well-known member
Do you have a covenant with God?

All Christians live under the "New Covenant."

"This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says the Lord. I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds" (Hebrews 10:16).


Do you want
the favor of God
upon you?

Then please God
in all you do.

Do you want
the wrath of God
upon you?

Then displease God.

Ben Masada

New member
There are two opposed core doctrines of salvation: 'Imputed Righteousness' (Protestant/predestination) and 'Infusion' (Catholic/free will) Any theory of salvation ultimately trickles down from one of the two.

I also believe in two modalities of salvation: Universal and personal salvations.

Two Kinds of Salvation.

1. Personal salvation and;

2. Universal salvation.

Only universal salvation is free; personal salvation is as expensive as the kind of transgression committed against the Law.

Universal salvation is the one promised to Noah through the Noahide Covenant which the Lord established with all Mankind. Soon after the Flood, the Lord promised Noah never to allow another catastrophe the size of the Flood as all living beings, except for Noah's family, had suffered universal destruction. What about if Mankind turned again as evil as at the time of Noah? The Lord had to raise a new people from the loins of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as the pledge or assurance to His promise of universal salvation for Mankind. Israel had risen. Now, as long as Israel remained as a People before the Lord forever, the earth would remain seed-time and harvest and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night would not cease. In other words, as long as the natural laws functioned properly, Mankind was saved; freely saved. (Gen. 8:21,22)

Prophet Jeremiah must have read the above text and connected the Lord's pledge with the permanence of Israel as a People before the Lord forever as long as the natural laws functioned properly, thus, Israel would guarantee the Lord's promise of universal salvation of Mankind. (Jeremiah 31:35-37)

Reading the Christian NT the other day, I came about John 4:22 and I was reminded that Jesus must have read both texts above; the one of Genesis and that of Jeremiah and concluded that indeed salvation comes from the Jews. From the Jews, he said, and not from one among the Jews.

Now, for personal salvation, the bill would have to be paid according to the transgression of the Law; the law of cause and effect; some times as expensive as the loss of life itself. This kind of salvation is so serious that, as Jesus himself said, if we come to the Temple to plead for salvation and we are reminded that some one has an issue with us, we must leave all behind and go set things right with our neighbor and only then return to the altar to plead for salvation. (Mat. 5:23,24)