It essentially does. But, as Desert Reign pointed out, a fully fledged theological statement was not needed for this sub-forum. This particular idea is one that is explained during discussion of the topic. And also something I would expect to be self-evident from the statement available, which uses commonly understood language to explain the open view.So why doesn't the Open View Theology statement read so? Why doesn't it say : The Open View teaches that God can create the future in conjunction with autonomous humans. He interacts with the flow of history and creates the outcome of the future as it unfolds by both His and our decisions and actions.?
:thumb:What do you mean by 'the Open View Theology statement'? If you're referring to this
then I already answered your question in my earlier posts. If you think this wording is wrong, it's no big deal, it is only a brief summary. A fully fledged theological statement was not called for just to introduce a discussion forum.