New member
I'll answer that and then go back to what you continue to seek by your derisive comments, even as you call for that to stop on the part of others in your hypocritical assertion you are "addressing the issues" when you in fact are being derisive by your labels.
There is no peace with you in this. You are simply a hypocrite.
And no ONCE AGAIN. What you are asserting about the bless and or curse as to so called Israel today is NOT generally held by MADs.
That is an Acts 2 Dispy misunderstanding.
You have got to be some kind of an imbecile that these things have to constantly be repeated to you.
Either that, or a jerk of a troll who, is actually up to no good.
Talk about incompetence - if you actually had any sense - you would learn MAD before attempting to debate it, you moron.
But this mistreatment of you for your hypocrisy is apparantly what you seek.
Hah - you remind me of the serial killer who used to burn himself with a scalding hot iron for the pleasure it supposedly gave him.
Those are supposed to be comments about bless/curse and land as used in pop esch? I'm not trying to fix MAD it is hopeless. I'm commenting on the bless/curse and land as used in pop esch. that, not me, was the topic. I tried for 2 years to understand MAD, and you were worthless at it. Someone else gave three principles and I found it it is a waste of time. What a sin that was--reading 'other books'!!!
It doesn't solve anything because it doesn't know what the issues are. Our mission is the Gospel and the Gospel defines all these things for us. MAD was concocted by arrogant guys thinking they could find minidispensations by reading the NT in slow motion and using incidental passages rather than systematic ones. They are very in love with their systems which become lodged deeper than can be extracted.
They don't even know that the mission to the nations is mentioned all through the OT. And generally are not interested in it. Just Israel's kingdom.
Please learn how to communicate instead of gems like "And no ONCE AGAIN." ???
And no ONCE AGAIN. What you are asserting about the bless and or curse as to so called Israel today is NOT generally held by MADs.
That is an Acts 2 Dispy misunderstanding.
...The timing of Paul's Temple visit destroys mid Acts hands down...
You obviously have either a serious learning disability, or an agenda that has nothing to do with fairness.
Fact of the matter is that Paul's Temple visit is neither the basis of Mid-Acts, nor was said visit taught as SOME MADs on TOL do, until their very, very small minority within MAD introduced said teaching into THEIR understanding of Mid-Acts.
Neither J.C. O'Hair, nor Charles Baker, nor C.R. Stam, nor Henry Culp, nor Don Elifson, nor Richard Jordan, nor Paul Sadler, nor Ricky Kurth, nor dozens of other lesser known but equally important leaders within Mid-Acts have held to this RECENT * understanding of Paul's Temple visit.
It is also NOT a part of the Mid-Acts that I more or less hold to.
I have made this clear, more than once.
But you, as with Interplanner, and Tet, could care less the willful ignorance you each debate against a thing from.
Anyone actually intent on getting at the truth of a matter would FIRST attempt to ACTUALLY understand the other side's argument BEFORE concluding one's debate either in favor of, or against.
* Actually, but for the fact its' having been ONLY RECENTLY introduced into the Mid-Acts of VERY FEW, it is NOT recent - the Acts 28 Position (C. Welch, E. W. Bullinger, S. Allen, O. Baker, et al) has taught it for over a century.
Or maybe they just realized what Hebrews was saying about a gradual change.
You obviously have either a serious learning disability, or an agenda that has nothing to do with fairness.
Fact of the matter is that Paul's Temple visit is neither the basis of Mid-Acts, nor was said visit taught as SOME MADs on TOL do, until their very, very small minority within MAD introduced said teaching into THEIR understanding of Mid-Acts.
Neither J.C. O'Hair, nor Charles Baker, nor C.R. Stam, nor Henry Culp, nor Don Elifson, nor Richard Jordan, nor Paul Sadler, nor Ricky Kurth, nor dozens of other lesser known but equally important leaders within Mid-Acts have held to this RECENT * understanding of Paul's Temple visit.
It is also NOT a part of the Mid-Acts that I more or less hold to.
I have made this clear, more than once.
But you, as with Interplanner, and Tet, could care less the willful ignorance you each debate against a thing from.
Anyone actually intent on getting at the truth of a matter would FIRST attempt to ACTUALLY understand the other side's argument BEFORE concluding one's debate either in favor of, or against.
* Actually, but for the fact its' having been ONLY RECENTLY introduced into the Mid-Acts of VERY FEW, it is NOT recent - the Acts 28 Position (C. Welch, E. W. Bullinger, S. Allen, O. Baker, et al) has taught it for over a century.
Yet 1 Mindless 1 definitely has a learning comprehension problem :chuckle:
The land is found throughout the OT prophecies, the NT deals with the city and heavens.
Don't try to be smarter than the scripture.
There is no belief like this in the NT which is how we are to read the OT.
Why would I ever entangle myself in the mess of MAD.
Who told you that?
I see land in the OT. I see the city in the NT. I see heaven in the NT.
So do you.
Who told you that?
I see land in the OT. I see the city in the NT. I see heaven in the NT.
So do you.
Who told you that?
I see land in the OT. I see the city in the NT. I see heaven in the NT.
So do you.
The city is Christ.
If he saw a temple in the city but the temple was the Lamb, and if the city was lit, but did not need the sun or the moon... Rev 21-22
Literalism makes fools.