The Tree!!!!!!

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I just received the series entitled, "The tree of Good and Evil."

May I just say, if you havent received this series, by all means, you must get it. Someone isn't lying when they say, "Listening to Bob teach the Bible, is like watching Micheal Jordan play basketball."

This is fantastic stuff.

God Bless


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"The Tree" is unbelievable. I remember being in awe after listening to it. It's like having all these little pieces of a puzzle representing all these ideas in the bible that you've heard all your life, finally fitting together. It makes you want to say "Oh, now I get it!!" "The Tree" is just part of "The Plot" which is awesome! Words can't even begin to describe the relief and joy I got from reading it.


King of the jungle
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Don't climb that Tree!

Don't climb that Tree!

Hey, you guys couldn’t be more right. The Tree is awesome! A fantastic study that answers so many questions. It even answered questions I never thought to ask. Things like; Who committed the first sin, and when? (Think you know the answer? I’ll bet you don’t). Where is the Tree now? What did the Tree represent? What happened to the other Tree? And a lot, lot more.

Yikes! This is starting to sound like a commercial. Buy yours now at


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When Bob held his seminar on "The Tree" here in Tulsa, I must have looked like this nearly the whole time :shocked: simply because of so much of the bible that I didn't understand, finally becoming so simple. During the seminar, hubby had to lean over and whisper several times to me, "Honey, your jaw dropped to the floor again. You might want to pick it up." :D


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Originally posted by famousGandalf7
Who's Bob?
Bob Enyart.
A man that I owe much of my peace of mind to due to his years of hard work in studying the bible. Bob was convinced that God did not put passages in the bible knowing full well we would never understand them or for the sole purpose of contradicting ideas. He was convinced that our living, true and loving God intended for all that was written to man to be understood and was determined to figure out what it was that God wanted to communicate to us even in the seemingly contradictory passages. He wrote "The Plot" which is his blood and sweat of years of digging and searching and putting together a brilliant overview of the bible. It is, without a doubt, the best book I've ever read other than the bible. But to be honest, until I read "The Plot" I really couldn't say that the bible was the best book I'd ever read. I would like to have been able to but there was simply much I couldn't understand. It drove me bananas!! A lot of the time I just read it because I was supposed to and hoped that I would be more "holy" in doing so. But now that those things I didn't understand, have become so clear, I can finally say that the bible is the best book I've read. It's now something I hold precious because it allows me to really get to know my "living" God, rather than reading it because it's just something that Christians have to do. I read it now because it is alive to me and allows me to get to know God and how he works, thinks and what it is exactly that He wants to communicate to man.
I really hate it when you here of so many books or tape series and are told that they will change your life. We know this really seldom happens. So when I tell people that "The Plot" will change their lives it's hard for people to really accept it. But I highly recommend it more than words can say.


New member
I think I understand what Bob was saying in this audio series. But in its context, I never could understand that God gave a commandment before eating the tree. "Thou shalt not eat of the tree..." and how that is any different to the other commandments.


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Originally posted by jeremiah
How can I obtain this tape series called the tree? Is there also a book?
You can order Bob's products here.
"The Plot" is a book written by Bob that gives an overview of the whole bible. "The Tree" is a tape series taken from a chapter in the "The Plot" that deals with the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The tapes are more in depth and give more detail over this particular subject. I would definitely recommend reading "The Plot" first.
Here's Bob's website if you'd like to check it out.


New member
I need all this stuff NOW... The Plot, The Tree, all of it!!

Who wants to bless me, or sell it cheap?

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Sozo
I need all this stuff NOW... The Plot, The Tree, all of it!!

Who wants to bless me, or sell it cheap?
Call 1-800-836-9278 tell them TheologyOnLine sent you and your looking for a package deal! :up:


New member
Originally posted by Knight
After the PLOT you will have such a better understanding of the entire Bible.... it will blow you away!

Will I still believe Christians don't sin? :crackup:
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