The Temple was not where the world thinks was


New member
It was about 600 feet south of the "Temple Mount" in the City of David. Brief youtube video:

Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Zion shall become like a plowed field,
and Jerusalem shall become heaps of rubble, and the mountain of the house (of the LORD) as the barren high places of a (mountain) forest.
- Jeremiah 26:18b

Therefore shall Zion for your sake become lake a plowed field,
and Jerusalem shall become heaps of rubble, and the mountain of the house (of the LORD) as the barren high places of a (mountain) forest.
- Micah 3:12


Well-known member
Secularizing inner truth Luke 17:20-21 is religious bread and circuses, looking back at the shadow is missing the object casting it which is you divine conscience with amnesia, the temple made without hands, wake up to the intent of the shadow/letter/crumbs Eph 5:14, 1Cor 3:16, 2Cor 3:6.


New member
If you had of watch the video you wouldn't need to ask these question. You need to do more research and stop wasting your time:

Sorry, but he is not "up to date" on his archeology, nor does he have adequate knowledge of the Bible or archeology. There is a very good reason why the true location of the Temple is being hidden until these "last days". There is absolutely no way that the Temple could be built on the Muslim controlled, so called "Temple Mount" (Haram al Sherif).

PS: He is clueless as to the fact that David's Citadel stood on a mount at the southern end of the City of David, and this mount was totally removed and used to fill-in the Valley of the Cheese-Mongers to the west of the City of David during the Selucid control of the area.
After the Romans got through destroying Jerusalem in 135 AD, there was absolutely no clue to the Temple location - it had become a barren field, as the O.T. says. The only structure remaining was the Roman Fort Antonia (including the Western Wall - Wailing Wall).

PPS: The Bible says for Abraham to offer up Isaac on "one of the mountains of Moriah". The Mount of Olives is "one of the mountains of Moriah", and THAT is where the Romans crucified in full view of the Temple on the opposite side of the Kidron Valley.


Well-known member
Sorry, but he is not "up to date" on his archeology, nor does he have adequate knowledge of the Bible or archeology. There is a very good reason why the true location of the Temple is being hidden until these "last days". There is absolutely no way that the Temple could be built on the Muslim controlled, so called "Temple Mount" (Haram al Sherif).

PS: He is clueless as to the fact that David's Citadel stood on a mount at the southern end of the City of David, and this mount was totally removed and used to fill-in the Valley of the Cheese-Mongers to the west of the City of David during the Selucid control of the area.
After the Romans got through destroying Jerusalem in 135 AD, there was absolutely no clue to the Temple location - it had become a barren field, as the O.T. says. The only structure remaining was the Roman Fort Antonia (including the Western Wall - Wailing Wall).

PPS: The Bible says for Abraham to offer up Isaac on "one of the mountains of Moriah". The Mount of Olives is "one of the mountains of Moriah", and THAT is where the Romans crucified in full view of the Temple on the opposite side of the Kidron Valley.

He addresses all that and more but until you watch it you will not know this.


New member
He addresses all that and more but until you watch it you will not know this.
I've watched it. He simply doesn't understand to geography of the area going back to King David. He doesn't understand how much it changed. As well, around the 1:20 mark, he is completely misleading concerning the "water" issue. He is completely uninformed concerning the unique Gihon "siphon spring". The ancient Israelis did not build "aqueducts"; aqueducts were Roman architecture. The Gihon "geyser-like" siphon spring ceased and the waters became tainted following a major earthquake centuries ago.

Like I said, I have a very lengthy post on the subject from about June-July 2017. You really need to do your "homework".


Well-known member
I've watched it. He simply doesn't understand to geography of the area going back to King David. He doesn't understand how much it changed. As well, around the 1:20 mark, he is completely misleading concerning the "water" issue. He is completely uninformed concerning the unique Gihon "siphon spring". The ancient Israelis did not build "aqueducts"; aqueducts were Roman architecture. The Gihon "geyser-like" siphon spring ceased and the waters became tainted following a major earthquake centuries ago.

Like I said, I have a very lengthy post on the subject from about June-July 2017. You really need to do your "homework".

You obviously didn't listen to what he actually said (from 40 mins onwards) and besides there was plenty of water on the temple mount; you've barely begun to study this subject:

P.S. The exact location on the temple mount will not be known till archaeology is carried out to find absolute evidence but the evidence so far shows that it was on the temple mount and could not be on the Ophel.

One of those evidences is the Herodian stones used to make the temple mount. Romans never used that type of stone work on thier forts: Do your research.
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New member
P.S. The exact location on the temple mount will not be known till archaeology is carried out to find absolute evidence but the evidence so far shows that it was on the temple mount and could not be on the Ophel.

One of those evidences is the Herodian stones used to make the temple mount. Romans never used that type of stone work on thier forts:

The "stones" were repurposed/recycled. When Hadrian was finished with Jerusalem, "not one stone was left upon another". He then renamed the city with a Roman name and banished all Jews. No doubt you can find "stones" scattered and relocated throughout Jerusalem.

I noticed that the video treated Ezekiel as "history". Ezekiel is PROPHETIC and FUTURE for the most part.

Like I mentioned, Jerusalem has been substantially moved around and rearranged significantly since David captured the Jebusite city. However, we have ancient writings that give us insight, and the video conveniently left those out! As well, he "conveniently" avoided the O.T. scriptures that indicate where the Temple was located.

Here is but one of the many threads I started on the subject:
14 pages long


Well-known member
The "stones" were repurposed/recycled.
Please provide a citation for this, not one credible source would support this theory because of the various phases of construction of the temple mount that can be seen and every roman for that has ever been built was built using local stones of a much smaller size and were cemented together and never fashioned in a decorative way.
When Hadrian was finished with Jerusalem, "not one stone was left upon another".
Dealt with at 1:15:30 in the video you did not listen to.
He then renamed the city with a Roman name and banished all Jews. No doubt you can find "stones" scattered and relocated throughout Jerusalem.
No you find those 'scattered' stones and get back to me. citation!
I noticed that the video treated Ezekiel as "history". Ezekiel is PROPHETIC and FUTURE for the most part.

Like I mentioned, Jerusalem has been substantially moved around and rearranged significantly since David captured the Jebusite city. However, we have ancient writings that give us insight, and the video conveniently left those out! As well, he "conveniently" avoided the O.T. scriptures that indicate where the Temple was located.
You must have watch the wrong video, he cited lot's of OT verses, watch from 40 mins on wards.
Here is but one of the many threads I started on the subject:
14 pages long

I'll have a look


New member
I'll have a look

Perhaps you should "have a look" into the account of the total destruction of Jerusalem as chronicled by the leadership of Masada. Accordingly, Jerusalem was leveled to the ground by the Roman forces. It well could be categorized as "not one stone left upon another".
If you don't believe or understand that all those giant "stones" were not reused and moved around in the following 2,000 years... then I have a I have a bridge to sell you.

BTW, the Eastern Wall (along the Kidron Valley) was built by the Islamic conquerors around 1,000 BC. Where do you suppose they got all those gigantic stones from?

Wick Stick

Well-known member
Perhaps you should both be mindful that it was God that knocked that abomination down in the first place, and not look forward to someone trying to rebuild it.


Well-known member
Perhaps you should "have a look" into the account of the total destruction of Jerusalem as chronicled by the leadership of Masada. Accordingly, Jerusalem was leveled to the ground by the Roman forces. It well could be categorized as "not one stone left upon another".

You might want to do that but I will take the scripture as it is:

Matthew 24
1Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings. 2“Do you see all these things?” he asked. “Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.”

It was the temple and it buildings that were destroyed, it does not mention the temple mount or defensive-wall, or raised platform or any other such terminology that could mean that structure.

If you don't believe or understand that all those giant "stones" were not reused and moved around in the following 2,000 years... then I have a I have a bridge to sell you.
you need a citation here to support your theory and joke
BTW, the Eastern Wall (along the Kidron Valley) was built by the Islamic conquerors around 1,000 BC. Where do you suppose they got all those gigantic stones from?

You are completely wrong here and shows a complete lack of research on your part:


New member
It was the temple and it buildings that were destroyed, it does not mention the temple mount or defensive-wall, or raised platform or any other such terminology that could mean that structure.
Of course the "defensive wall" was not knocked down. The Romans would never destroy their own Fortress.
The 50 acres were well fortified by the 1st century AD. Following the destruction of Jerusalem, all that was left was the Antonia Fortress. Josephus states that it was like a city unto itself, with shops, baths, red-light district, barracks, mess halls, etc.

This excellent short video has several experts, on-site, discussing the old city and surroundings:


Well-known member
Of course the "defensive wall" was not knocked down. The Romans would never destroy their own Fortress.
The 50 acres were well fortified by the 1st century AD. Following the destruction of Jerusalem, all that was left was the Antonia Fortress. Josephus states that it was like a city unto itself, with shops, baths, red-light district, barracks, mess halls, etc.

This excellent short video has several experts, on-site, discussing the old city and surroundings:

I have seen that, I have seen probably all you can find and again shows your total lack of research. All they do is point out that the dome of the rock location could not be the site and never mention another location on the temple mount. They also show no archaeological finds at all. As I said Bob Cornuke is a charlatan and you are one of the gullible who believe his money making delusions.

If you had of watch the videos I posted you would see the archaeology that prove David's palace was where you say the temple was.

Just try to find one other Roman fort built with the size and type of stones of the temple mount! Just one!

You have no idea what you are talking about.


New member
I have seen that, I have seen probably all you can find and again shows your total lack of research. All they do is point out that the dome of the rock location could not be the site and never mention another location on the temple mount.
Derek Walker seems to be your supreme authority, and that says a lot about what you really know (not much).
He creates "straw men" and then knocks them down. Hardly "professional".
The key is to "take the whole council of God" (all relevant verses), and Walker fails miserably in that respect. He plucks verses that he likes and ignores the rest. Very amateurish.
He also quotes the (unbelieving) Jewish writings like the Talmud, but ignores the unbiased historical sources. There was a "mad scramble", by the Jews, in the 1st century, to hide the facts.
Just taking the scriptures alone, suffices in pointing out where the Temple was. The Holy Spirit is very wise in this respect. Of course, you have to be SPIRITUAL to take advantage of these insights.
I don't know what drives Derek Walkers "agenda", but he is simply mimicking old, tired, worn-out, conjectures from Constantine's mother, the Catholic church, and current "Judaism".

For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed;
neither hid, that shall not be made known.
- Luke 12:2


Well-known member
Derek Walker seems to be your supreme authority, and that says a lot about what you really know (not much).
He creates "straw men" and then knocks them down. Hardly "professional".
The key is to "take the whole council of God" (all relevant verses), and Walker fails miserably in that respect. He plucks verses that he likes and ignores the rest. Very amateurish.
He also quotes the (unbelieving) Jewish writings like the Talmud, but ignores the unbiased historical sources. There was a "mad scramble", by the Jews, in the 1st century, to hide the facts.
Just taking the scriptures alone, suffices in pointing out where the Temple was. The Holy Spirit is very wise in this respect. Of course, you have to be SPIRITUAL to take advantage of these insights.
I don't know what drives Derek Walkers "agenda", but he is simply mimicking old, tired, worn-out, conjectures from Constantine's mother, the Catholic church, and current "Judaism".

For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed;
neither hid, that shall not be made known.
- Luke 12:2

I see just because I knock Bob Cornuke you try to knock Derek Walker. That's poor debating skills. Debate the facts.

Besides I have provided other information from other people up till now or are they also going to be rubbished because it doesn't fit your theory. Here they are:

I only knock Bob C. because everything I have seen him come out with is wrong and he is making money out of it. This can't be coincidence as he seem way too shrewd.
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New member
You have no idea what you are talking about.

Oh look!!! I found yet another thread started by myself:
Biblical Clues to TEMPLE Location in the City of David
4 pages