The Swan Song of W.A.R. N.I.G. (Why Nameless and WAR NIG is Gone For Good)


First and foremost, the Grace Brothers and Sisters on this site are more than sufficient to hold this place up. I've always been more of a shooting star and less of a fading glory. The shooting stars here, that know that God is Love and Hate is from Satan, are brighter than bright on this ToL site.

We are all sinners and we are all hypocrites. I count myself lost with the most lost of all sinners and condemned amongst the highest of Pharisees. I would spit scripture from Soul, anchored in Love and I could navigate the twists that many have put into the road home, but those that see and refuse to please the majority that harbors judgment and condemnation, of any form, are speaking loudly and clearly on this site.

Jesus was human amongst us for less than 40 years and His message of Faith, Hope and the greatest of all fruits - Love, (that He enunciated as He reached for the ear of His enemy and gave him an ear that he could hear), has changed this world and all religion for over 2000 years. Jesus preached and prophesied for less than 5 years and His words overpower the strongest of hate doctrine that comes from the heart of the devil and pours through the mouths of those that claim to know Him.

I came onto ToL because I thought [MENTION=595]Knight[/MENTION] was a good man for allowing this forum to thrive and for encouraging many to study scripture. I have read through much of Knights postings and am fully convinced that he espouses Old Covenant teachings that are anchored in misinterpreted scripture. I believe there are teachers of Moses here that appease his theology, because this tool and fellowship are central to their lives. I will remind you that the teachers here that expose that Jesus is absolute Love and Grace to all manners of sinners are insulted and mocked by the teachers of the Law of Moses here.

The only command that remains is the command to Love all as God Loves us. I could climb up on a high hoarse and say that I could speak high words of judgment to those that espouse condemnation through judgment, but then I would be violating the Royal Law of Jesus. I will not break this law! God signed and sealed it in His Blood. He wrote it in the dust of the earth before a woman condemned by Moses and proceeded to forgive her. He told her to go and sin no more, but any rational person can see that He was telling her to go and disbelieve no more, because the Messiah did not condemn her, and only Jesus was without sin.

Teachers of grace, condemn no one! Speak in a gentle manner and turn the other cheek, or else, the dogs that have returned to their vomit of condemnation and self righteousness will have taught you their ways.

[MENTION=595]Knight[/MENTION], you have a wonderful tool here, but I am certain that you repress the idea that God can Love all manners of sinners, that are condemned in the Covenant of Moses, and thus you are espousing Adultry to Christ's Royal Command. You are the shepherd here and I can see what the majority here espouses. Many people here limit the Love of Christ toward sinners and espouse doctrines of mankind with venomous hostility. They stick out like a sore thumb, when confronted by teachers of grace. The teachers of Moses have no regard for the feelings or soul of the teachers of the New Covenant and the agony they feel, every time the covenant of Love is blasphemed.

I am leaving for good, because I don't want to lose the grace that Christ has provided me, by becoming divided and condemning those that continually condemn others to hell, on a regular basis. I have no God complex and I know my humble place. I thank God, through Jesus Christ for the Mercy of our slain and resurrected lamb.

I part with these words; if the road to destruction is broad, how is it that the majority of mainstream Christians, espouse, some kind of apathy towards their fellow man? If Jesus hung out with thieves and prostitutes, what profit is there in teaching division from humanity and intolerance within the gospel?

Why are Pharisees, who taught Moses and condemned sinners, the ones that had Christ killed and were called sons of the devil by Christ, but Jesus, the author of Love and Forgivness was condemned for the company He kept and was called a man who cast out Devils, by the power of the Prince of Devils?

GOD IS 1st Corinthians LOVE.

4 Love is patient,
love is kind.
Love does not envy,
is not boastful,
is not conceited,
5 does not act improperly,
is not selfish,
is not provoked,
and does not keep a record of wrongs.
6 Love finds no joy in unrighteousness
but rejoices in the truth.
7 It bears all things,
believes all things,
hopes all things,
endures all things.
8 Love never ends.

Why do theologians and pastors judge by Moses? Because, many of them prefer to be counted as righteous in the eyes of other theologians and pastors. Very few want to be counted sinful with all humanity and bear the shame Jesus bore on Calvery.

There's your broad and narrow roads.

Homosexuality is always within the context of idolatry, in every place that it is mentioned in the scripture. If you who are disgusted by the carnal act so badly are condemned by the Law of Moses and guilty of the same sin by being guilty of the entire Law, per Paul and all NT writings, in the eyes of God, then why do you commit the spiritual equivalent, which is far worse in God's eyes? Try me! Look it up contextually and see if you can scripturally disprove me. Do you seek the praise of men or the Glory of Christ, Who being equal to God, counted Himself the servant of sinners, that He could glorify His Father and set captives free with His Perfect, Unconditional Love?

You can serve as "mediums" for Moses, but I and my brothers and sisters of grace, serve the Servant Lamb that will come back a Lion. I pray that you are not found judging and condemning the very sinners He died for. It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of The Living God, especially if they are indeed the "paws of a Lion".

Peace and Honesty for Eternity to all.

W.A.R.N.I.n.G. Delivered and Praises Given.

All Glory to only One!


Make no mistake! The church is not a web site, building or institution. Humanity is the church. We don't go to church, we are the church and Jesus is the only, worthy Head!


You're still here? ~ Ferris Bueller's Day Off 2 Pe 2:1

As a reminder WAR/NIG is number 9 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in the Misc. category. :burnlib:

Once upon a time, a mother made her son a wristband. On it was written: WWJD? This, of course stood for: “What Would Jesus Do?” She instructed her son to look at the wristband before making decisions on how to live his Christian life.

A week later she was shocked to see that her son had become friends with prostitutes, was hanging out with ‘sinners’ — even buying people who were already drunk yet another round of beers!

Worse still, he had walked into their church the previous Sunday and tore down the book store, overturned the tables and threw the cash register through the window, he then made a whip and chased the pastor out of the building, declaring he was turning God’s house into a den of thieves.

Most shocking was what happened when his mother went to picket the local abortion clinic. To her embarrassment, her son was also there, but he was standing with the women who just had an abortion, and yelled at the protesters: “You who are without sin, throw the first stone!”

The mother was very distressed, but fortunately she found a solution to this terrible problem. She made another wristband, this time it read: WWAPD? This, she explained to her son, stood for: “What Would A Pharisee Do?” She took the old WWJD? wristband and burned it.

Since her son has been wearing the new wristband, looking at it to help him make his decisions, he has become a dedicated tither, a public prayer warrior, an active condemner of ‘sinners,’ a passionate defender of the Old Covenant law, and has a great reputation as a godly young man amongst other religious people.

Needless to say, the mother is very happy now. She only wishes Jesus would take notice and follow her son’s good example.

............It is an honor to be put on Knights list of Heritics.

How dare I suggest that God is omnipresent, omnipotent and How dare I teach that He Loves sinners. Will you ever trade the praise of men for the walk of shame with Christ?

Mark 8:18

Matthew 23


New member
What nonsense on your part W.A.R/N.I.G.

Bismirch one of our own and you birsmirch me.

It is obvious Knight holds to views others may or may not hold to.

He and I have differed once or twice on some some point, as he and I are obviously each our own person.

Yet here I am, still allowed my voice; even in difference with some views that Knight perhaps holds to.

The fact is that you are leaving by your own hand.

Regardless of what Knight's views may or may be on one thing or another, in comparison with your own; you have been allowed your say so.

Yours is the legalism of "love as I do, or I'll take my toy notion of love home.."

Yet, here you are once more; not only insisting on this one sided so called "love" of yours, but blaming your leaving on the very individual who has allowed you your voice whether or not he has agreed with it.

You, sir; are the issue.

You only assert Christ is.

Fact is; one is simply not going to get along with one and all on one point or another, at some point or another.

A word of advice...

"Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong" 1 Corinthians 16:13.


[MENTION=18307]WrathAndRdmpt.NIG[/MENTION] I think you just burned all your bridges with this goodbye post. :doh:

As always, Your F-14 is wise. This is indeed my bridge burning. You are a fantastic moderator and I am indeed one that you won't have to worry with again.

No socks or anything. Your words were spot on.

God forever bless and keep you Sherman


Some asked for a more thorough explaination and I am not a secret person. So I publicaly answered and have indeed burned my bridges.

Must I be clear?

Daqq is of grace and you are as well. I don't want to be misunderstood. You and Daqq believe in absolute grace and I count you of a gentle Spirit.

I wrote this to clear the air of why I'm gone for good in response to questions that were asked by kind people when I last used nameless.

I respect you Danoh. Daqq thought I was preaching to him as well. This is not the case. The people that have condemned me to Hell, in there minds are the people I'm warning. Everyone that was kind to me, is excellent and not under the warnings I wrote in my final OP. It directly addresses why I'm gone.

You are it. I'm signing off for good now.

Peace brother.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Once upon a time, a mother made her son a wristband. On it was written: WWJD? This, of course stood for: “What Would Jesus Do?” She instructed her son to look at the wristband before making decisions on how to live his Christian life.

A week later she was shocked to see that her son had become friends with prostitutes, was hanging out with ‘sinners’ — even buying people who were already drunk yet another round of beers!

Worse still, he had walked into their church the previous Sunday and tore down the book store, overturned the tables and threw the cash register through the window, he then made a whip and chased the pastor out of the building, declaring he was turning God’s house into a den of thieves.

Most shocking was what happened when his mother went to picket the local abortion clinic. To her embarrassment, her son was also there, but he was standing with the women who just had an abortion, and yelled at the protesters: “You who are without sin, throw the first stone!”

The mother was very distressed, but fortunately she found a solution to this terrible problem. She made another wristband, this time it read: WWAPD? This, she explained to her son, stood for: “What Would A Pharisee Do?” She took the old WWJD? wristband and burned it.

Since her son has been wearing the new wristband, looking at it to help him make his decisions, he has become a dedicated tither, a public prayer warrior, an active condemner of ‘sinners,’ a passionate defender of the Old Covenant law, and has a great reputation as a godly young man amongst other religious people.

Needless to say, the mother is very happy now. She only wishes Jesus would take notice and follow her son’s good example.

............It is an honor to be put on Knights list of Heritics.

How dare I suggest that God is omnipresent, omnipotent and How dare I teach that He Loves sinners. Will you ever trade the praise of men for the walk of shame with Christ?

Mark 8:18

Matthew 23

Your story is a wee bit CONVOLUTED. My critique is, I didn't like it one iota.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

[MENTION=595]Knight[/MENTION], you have a wonderful tool here, but I am certain that you repress the idea that God can Love all manners of sinners, that are condemned in the Covenant of Moses, and thus you are espousing Adultry to Christ's Royal Command. You are the shepherd here and I can see what the majority here espouses. Many people here limit the Love of Christ toward sinners and espouse doctrines of mankind with venomous hostility.

"the Covenant of Moses"


"doctrines of mankind"

Got it. Thanks for checkin' in.

I am leaving for good,.....

Mount that high horse of yours, Hoss, and head on out of Dodge....War/The TOL OK Corral is rough....Don't come back real soon, and we won't leave the light on for you...

I part with these words;

Anyone have a hankie.....?