The Story of How the Province of Ontario was Handed over to Homos


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Parents, Beware of Premier Kathleen Wynne’s ‘Sex Education’: It’s A Recipe For HIV/AIDS & SUFFERING & DEATH !

By Donald on January 24, 2015 in Blog

The ‘Hidden Agenda’ of lesbian Premier of Ontario, Kathleen Wynne’s ‘Sex Education’ is to ‘indoctrinate’ our little children into the ‘homosexual lifestyle’.

To fully and clearly understand this please go to the following link:( )
As parents and taxpayers we must do all we can by protesting and putting a STOP to ‘Sex Education’, to ‘homosexual indoctrination’ of our children by Kathleen Wynne slated to begin in the Fall of 2015.
Liz Sandals, the current Education Minister, has made it clear that the graphic 2010 Sex Education curriculum will form the basis for what lesbian Premier Kathleen Wynne and her Liberals are planning to impose on our little schoolchildren in the Fall of 2015.
Read the following report of Campaign Life Coalition to see how horrendous this Sex Education will be. If legalized, it will rape the modesty right out of our children.
The homosexual lifestyle brings horrific suffering and early death! So few people realize the extent of the sufferings inherent to the ‘gay lifestyle’.
The public in general and young gay men are so ignorant of the deadly reality of HIV/AIDS. This article, “What Young Gay Men Don’t Know About Aids” by Michael Specter, Nov 29, 2013, explains this so well. (cf: )

Go to the page to receive a lot more information
on the real agenda of the Lesbians in charge of Ontario's School system.


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New revelations about Former Ontario Govt. Minister Pedophile:

Ex-Ontario deputy minister claimed to have had sex with his own daughters in online chats, court hears


Benjamin Levin was consistent and “realistic” in his descriptions of sexual assault of children during online chats and never once stressed that it was all for fantasy, the Crown argued during day two of his sentencing hearing on child porn charges.
Crown counsel Allison Dellandrea read aloud several extremely graphic chat exchanges the former Ontario deputy minister of education had with undercover officers he believed were submissive mothers interested in having sex with their own children.
The 63-year-old married father of three repeatedly and consistently claimed to have had sex with his own daughters, starting at age 12 (though, as he told one of the officers, “I wish we’d started younger.”).
Levin — who was a member of Ontario premier Kathleen Wynne’s transition team — has pleaded guilty to the making of written child pornography, possession of child pornography and counseling to commit sexual assault on a child. He has not been charged with actually carrying out a sexual assault on a child.

But the Crown worked hard to convince Justice Heather McArthur that through his persona as a “master, or even a mentor” on adult “alternative sexual lifestyle” incest chat rooms, he had significant influence in counseling to commit.
Dellandrea asked the judge to consider a prison sentence of 3 1/2 years — one for the making child pornography charge, six months for possession and two for the more serious counsel to commit. Defence is asking for just two years in prison.
Dellandrea took the court on a tour of the “depraved” online world the formerly well-respected education expert inhabited, suggesting he “wasn’t just dabbling in the child sexual abuse online world, he was a leader” there.
“[Levin] essentially boasted about having achieved sexual contact with all three of his children and successfully gotten away with it as had his wife,” Dellandrea said. “That’s an extraordinary feature of the counsel to commit.”
Levin’s wife, Barbara, whom he referenced often in his online exchanges — and even claimed his online profile that she was just involved in the child sex play — knew nothing about her husband’s activities online.

THE CANADIAN PRESS/Alexandra NewbouldIn this court artist's sketch, Benjamin Levin (left to right), Justice Heather McArthur, forensic psychiatrist Julian Gojer and crown co-counsel Patricia Garcia appear in court in Toronto, Monday, Apr.13, 2015.

It’s rare in child porn cases to see such frequent descriptions of sado-masochistic sexual acts carried out on children, Dellandrea said. And yet they were all over Levin’s chats with undercover officers.
“‘I pushed two fingers in her mouth” one undercover officer told him of her fictional daughter. “Make her gag on them…I want to make her [commit oral sex],” Levin wrote back. When the undercover officer wrote that she stopped when her daughter began to gag, Levin wrote “Why are you stopping?”
He also suggested the officer kiss her daughter “between blows.” This child was described as being 10 years old.
Court also learned that Levin engaged with at least one more fake persona created by Toronto Police child exploitation unit officer Detective Constable Janelle Blackadar. Her exchanges with Levin led to the counsel to commit charge.
He raised many examples with Blackadar of his experience sexually assaulting his own daughters.
“We had many wonderful years,” he said when he told her their sexual activities together faded out. “Wish we had started earlier.”
There was also discussion of “sharing” children for sexual abuse purposes. Levin even expressed interest in possibly one day sexually abusing his future grandchildren.

Tyler Anderson / National PostBen Levin (left), former Ontario Deputy Education Minister charged with child pornography, enters court with his lawyer Clayton Ruby (right) for the first day of his sentencing in Toronto, Monday April 13, 2015.

As the sentencing got underway Tuesday, so too did a protest against Ontario’s revised sex-ed curriculum at Queen’s Park downtown. Critics of the Liberal government’s update to what students will learn in school about sex believe Levin’s pedophilic interest influenced the update — a charge the government denies.
The court received one new exhibit Tuesday — letters submitted by the general public expressing “vitriol and hatred” against Levin, who pleaded guilty to three child pornography charges out of seven initially laid. Many of them were form letters distributed by the “pro-family conservative women’s movement” REAL Women of Canada, Crown co-counsel Patricia Garcia said.
While the Crown tried to keep them out of evidence, Levin’s defence lawyer Clayton Ruby argued they should be filed as an exhibit because the clear “stigma” against his client matters in the course of sentencing. The judge agreed.

During the first day of sentencing Monday, court heard from defence witness Dr. Julian Gojer, a forensic psychiatrist who had treated Levin and deemed him “low risk” of re-offending. Ruby also pointed out that of more than 2,000 pornography images seized from Levin’s two laptops and a hard-drive, only 15 of them are child pornography.

The Crown called into question a meeting Levin had at the Amsterdam airport with a British parent he’d met on the incest chat site. Levin had discussed the sexual abuse of this man’s three children with him and had photos of these children.
The sentencing continues.

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TORONTO -- A father of three who was once deputy education minister in Ontario and Manitoba encouraged people he met online to sexually abuse their children as part of "sadomasochistic" fantasies, his sentencing hearing was told Monday.
But whether Benjamin Levin's behaviour had the potential to cause real harm to children remained in dispute.
Levin, 63, pleaded guilty to three child pornography-related charges last month -- he was originally charged with seven child porn-related offences.
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A forensic psychiatrist called to testify by Levin's lawyer determined in an assessment that Levin had a "pedophilic interest in children" but that his behaviours were at "a fantasy level."

Levin had "distorted beliefs" that his fantasies were harmless, but he did not engage in any sexual abuse, said Dr. Julian Gojer.
"He's talked about sadistic acts involving children," Gojer said. "There's no indication Mr.Levin has actually had hands-on behaviour or sought out sexual contact with children."
The risk in Levin's behaviour was the impact his fantasies may have had with the people he discussed them with online, Gojer suggested.

Crown prosecutors argued, however, that Levin's behaviour crossed into the realm of reality on occasion.
During a business trip to Amsterdam, Levin met in person with a man from England with whom he had discussed the sexual abuse of children, said Crown prosecutor Patricia Garcia.
The man had said in online chats that he was a parent, she noted, and Levin had said online that he fantasized about sexual acts with them.
Gojer said Levin told him he and the man hadn't discussed the sexual abuse of children when they met in person, and noted that there was no way of knowing if the man really had children.

But Garcia emphasized the potential risk associated with the meeting.
"Moving to a physical face to face meeting with a parent...that represents a step along a chain of predation and it moves it along to actually offending a child," Garcia suggested.
"It has that potential," Gojer conceded.
Garcia hammered away at Gojer, repeatedly questioning him on Levin's potential to have caused real harm.
"Your diagnosis and rendering of your opinion with regard to risk is premised on Mr. Levin having constrained his offending to the online world," Garcia said.
"Meeting a man in person is a departure from that constraining...we're not in the fantasy world any more, we're in reality."
Levin also had a voice chat with a person he met online, Garcia noted, an occurrence which wasn't noted in Gojer's psychiatric assessment.
Levin has said in a written statement that he's "deeply ashamed" of his actions.

Earlier in the day, court heard descriptions of child pornography files found on a computer belonging to Levin which were considered child pornography.

The images themselves, and two videos, were shown only to the judge presiding over the case,
but court heard that all of them involved girls under the age of 18, with many of them considered pre-pubescent.

Levin's lawyer, Clayton Ruby, noted, however, that among the about 2,000 pornographic images found, only a small portion
-- some 14 images and two videos -- were found to be child pornography.
When asked to comment on that observation, Gojer said the numbers indicated that from a visual perspective Levin had a limited interest in child pornography.
"This individual's fantasies were fuelled more by chats," he said.
Court has heard that Levin used to frequent an online website with numerous chatrooms for the discussion of sexual activities.
His profile on the site was created in 2010 and indicated his sexuality as "nothing is taboo."

Among the people he chatted with were an undercover officer in Toronto, one in London, Ont., and one in New Zealand -- all posing as women interested in sexual activities with children.
Court heard that while Levin didn't think the profiles of the undercover officers were real, he didn't ask or suggest if they were fake, nor did he explicitly suggest that his exchanges with them were intended to be pure fantasy.
Levin was arrested in July 2013 when a search warrant was executed at his home.
His lawyer is seeking a sentence of two years in a penitentiary, while the Crown is seeking up to three years and eight months behind bars.



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Ben Levin
was sentenced to three years in prison today for child pornography.

He didn’t just have child pornography in his possession. He made child pornography.
And — most terrifying of all — Levin actually counselled a woman to sexually assault her own young daughter.
​All this would be outrageous no matter who Levin is. But he’s not just anybody.
For years, he was Ontario’s top education bureaucrat — the deputy minister, involved in every aspect of Ontario schools.
Including drafting the new child sex curriculum.
Not just that. Levin was a professor at the University of Toronto’s Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the time of his arrest. He was teaching other teachers.
How far did Levin’s influence go? What input did he have into Ontario’s child sex curriculum — a shocking new teaching plan that starts with inappropriate content in Grade 1.
Now that Levin is off to prison, how can Kathleen Wynne insist that Ontario families submit their own children to a curriculum that Levin helped write?

Yours truly,
Ezra Levant
P.S. Our petition at now has 8,886 signatures. Will you help us reach 10,000? Please share this link on Facebook and Twitter and with your email contacts and encourage them to sign.

So Levin got a slap on the wrist for attempting to procure violent sexual abuse of children.

3 years in a Canadian prison means he WON'T go to a Federal prison,
but will be allowed to serve out his sentence in a local jail like the Lindsay Correctional Center,
and even in a medium or low security place like this, he will be in "PC" (Protective Custody)
and safe from the regular prison population.

In addition, he will only have to serve about 1/3 of his sentence before parole,
and will get 'time off' for time served while awaiting trial, which means now,
at the current "2 for 1" deal, supposing he was in custody a year already,

His lawyers will secure the time served and put it against his sentence,
and he will be eligible for parole immediately.


The Horn

This is nothing but a giant load of right-wing extremist propaganda . The notion that public schools are trying to "corrupt " and "brainwash " kids with explicit sexuality is a crock . No such thing is happening .
"Pedophiles " are NOT in charge of schools anywhere .
BIGOTS are trying to brainwash and indoctrinate kids with vicious lies about gay people and homosexuality by dem9onizing gay people and
brainwashing kids into thinking that gay people are "out to get them ".
Evangelical home schooling parents brainwash their children into being just as bigoted toward gays as they are .
Kinsey was not reaponible for "increasing " molestatyion of children . No one individual can cause this . Molestation happens because some people are sick in the first place . Akll the stories ab9out the alleged "evil deeds of Alfred Kinsey are POPPYCOCK .
Pulbic schools are not trying to "recruit " kids into the "gay lifestyle " because it's no more possible to make someone gay
than it's possible to make someone left-handed .
Public schools are trying to teach kids that bigotry against gay people is WRONG , and that they should just mind their own business and treat gay people with respect . They're trying to UNDO all the damage to kid's minds done by professional anti-gay bigots .
It's not an easy task .


New member

Wynn's Lesbian Ontario Provincial Government tried to scam the Federal Government!

They had Ontario Hydro overbill Canadian Forces Base Petawawa
for their hydro bill by ...

$50,000,000 dollars!

Thats Fifty Million Dollars!

Thats right!

After stealing money from the Educational system to bribe the Teachers Union,
now she has tried to funnel money from the Feds back into Ontario coffers
with fake Hydro Electric Bills!

It never would have been found out,

Hydro One released the following statement today in response to the Ombudsman of Ontario's report entitled:Investigation into the transparency of Hydro One's billing practices and the timeliness and effectiveness of the process for responding to customer concerns.

"I agree with the Ombudsman's recommendations, so much so, we have completed or taken action on 64 out of 65 of them, before the report was even delivered.

Last year I wrote to my 1.3 million Hydro One customers and I told them I was sorry. I wrote to customers who had a bad experience and the vast majority who had not.

We had a problem with our billing system. And we focused on fixing the technical issues but we failed to appreciate how our actions would affect our customers. We let them down and then we didn't treat them well when they had a problem.

I'm sorry we put our customers through that negative experience and they felt that they had no recourse but to go to the Ombudsman.

Here's what we have done:

We have fixed the billing issues
I have put a new team in place, from the most senior executive, to the call centre service provider, to the agents on the phone.
We have better training and more customer friendly policies so our front line staff have the power to take better care of our customers
We have made customer-centred thinking part of every project

By every measure, our customer service operation is much improved. For me this isn't the end of our job or cause for celebration.

We are a company that has a reputation for going out into the worst weather imaginable and not stopping work until every single customer has their lights back on.

My work now is to take this same service-centric approach and drive it into every aspect of our organization.

I'd like to thank the Ombudsman for his report and thank my customers for their patience."

- Carm Marcello, President and CEO, Hydro One Inc.

Hydro One's move to a new Customer Information System (CIS) in 2013 represented the final phase of a ten-year, four-phase IT strategy to replace several of Hydro One's key enterprise information systems. This project represented a major business process transformation initiative to improve Hydro One's efficiency and productivity and ultimately, its customer service offerings.

This complex, large-scale project resulted in customer billing issues for a number of Hydro One customers. Since the implementation, Hydro One has focused considerable resources and energy to correct issues resulting from the transition.

In February of 2014, Hydro One initiated the Customer Service Recovery project, to not only resolve technical problems that resulted from introducing a new billing system, but to also improve service through new customer friendly policies and by changing our customer service culture by:

Putting a new customer service team in place and replacing the provider of call centre services.
Clearing the backlog of customers who have gone a prolonged period of time without receiving a bill.
Decreasing the number of customers who have had prolonged periods of estimated bills.
Changing call-centre training, adding customer service centre agents and introducing flexible customer-centric policies for those affected by billing issues (providing interest-free payment plans, waiving service charges and issuing refunds versus credits).
Improving billing and consumption information on the Hydro One website.
Hosting Virtual Town Halls with customers to talk about issues that matter to them. Almost 60K customers have participated in these Town Halls.
Establishing and implementing new/revised customer service policies, approaches and products.

In the fall of 2014, Hydro One established a Customer Service Advisory Panel (the Panel). The Panel acts as an independent body that ensures Hydro One is living-up to specific measureable customer service commitments. We have been working with the Panel to finalize a comprehensive set of customer commitments as well as the means by which the Panel will assess and report on our progress against the commitments to ensure Hydro One is accountable to the highest standards. Over the longer-term, Hydro One will also look to the Panel to advise company leadership with respect to establishing and implementing improved customer service policies, approaches and products.

A copy of Hydro One's letter to The Office of the Ombudsman of Ontario can be found at

Hydro One delivers electricity safely, reliably and responsibly to homes and businesses across the province of Ontario and owns and operates Ontario's 29,000 km high-voltage transmission network that delivers electricity to large industrial customers and municipal utilities, and a 123,000 km low-voltage distribution system that serves about 1.3 million end-use customers and smaller municipal utilities in the province. Hydro One is wholly owned by the Province of Ontario.

One army Veteran responded with this LOL:


And, based on the performance of her [Wynn]
Liberal provincial government, people
really want me to elect a national one
led by him? [Trudeau]

Canada may have been cleverly taken over by the LGBT highjacking,
but Canadians are waking up and smelling the homosexual stink on the coffee,
and will be coming out en masse to stop this insanity soon,.


New member
For reference from the other thread:

(3) The Toronto woman at the time of the Star article linked by Snopes
was already teaching her strap-on-ology at many Toronto High-schools,
by invitation from other lesbian gym and health-ed teachers.
Kids in grades 9 to 12 range from 13 years old and up.

Recently Jansen's skill in normalizing conversations about sex has led to invitations from Toronto high schools, usually phys. ed. or guidance teachers who realize they don't have enough training in sex education. In the past 18 months or so, she's been to a dozen schools to talk about sexual health including the joy of sex – something different from charts showing diligent sperm swimming up Fallopian tubes and warnings about sexually transmitted infections.

"Teens say, `We're taught to death about STIs,'" observes Jansen. "`We want to know about relationships and sexual pleasure.'

"People get concerned when we talk about pleasure, implying that we are saying, `Go out and have sex.' But that's not what we're saying."

Jansen and her associates tell students that if they are going to have sex, here's how to protect themselves, and these parts of the body are pleasurable. They address questions such as what to do when, in the heat of the moment, your partner says he doesn't want to use a condom. (There are different styles and sizes of condoms, she explains, that may be more comfortable and less inhibiting.) "It's packaging information in a way they will listen," Jansen says. "It's embedded in the message."

(4) She shamelessly promotes sex-toys and sells them from her
Sex-toy store on Harbord St. Toronto. (caution, her site
depicts photos of women naked and being strangled unconscious as
a form of 'sex-play'. )

(5) She is an open lesbian living with another woman and
raising two boys 3, and 6, who she claims were conceived by
artificial insemination, but more likely conceived by anonymous gay friends.

(6) She is part of the Liberal group headed by Lesbian Premier of Ontario
Catherine Wynn who is pushing a Child Sex Education Curriculum
designed by a convicted and self-confessed pedophile who was
caught encouraging a mother to torture her child on the internet.

The Story of How the Province of Ontario was Handed over to Homos

Last year, she and some colleagues started the Sexual Health, Education and Pleasure Project (SHEPP), a non-profit that offers workshops for young people with an emphasis on pleasure. Last month the SHEPP website was launched.



New member
Apparently million dollar secret bribes are also legal in Ontario under Wynne's government of homosexual lawyers.

Ontario paid $1-million to union for labour peace with high school teachers

Adrian Morrow
TORONTO — The Globe and Mail
Published Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015 2:00AM EDT
Last updated Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015 2:45PM EDT

Ontario’s Liberal government paid $1-million directly to the province’s high school teachers’ union as part of a deal to defuse one of its most explosive labour disputes, a document obtained by The Globe and Mail reveals.
In addition, the government financed raises for teachers by diverting money from a fund for special programs that help struggling students graduate.
These details are included in the confidential 42-page document that spells out the terms of a three-year labour agreement the province and the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation reached in August. The government and the union have kept the document secret, but The Globe and Mail obtained a copy.
The million-dollar payout is highly unusual: The government agreed to compensate the union for the cost of negotiations because problems with the province’s new bargaining system caused talks to drag on for so long.
The agreement ended a year of tough negotiations during which the union unleashed strikes at school boards in the Toronto area and Northern Ontario, and the government legislated the teachers back to work. Wrestling with an $8.5-billion deficit, the province insists all labour deals be “net-zero,” meaning something must be cut to offset the cost of raises.
The Liberals need to keep a strong relationship with OSSTF, in part because teachers are key members of the party’s political base and in part because no labour dispute draws more attention than those involving schools. The timing allowed the party to clear the dispute off its plate ahead of the federal election, in which Premier Kathleen Wynne campaigned hard for Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau.
The deal consists of a memorandum of settlement, a letter of understanding, six letters of agreement and two appendices. And they show the government paid OSSTF millions of dollars and won few concessions.
Most significantly, the government agreed to give $1-million in taxpayer money to OSSTF to cover the cost of the negotiations.
“The Crown shall pay to OSSTF the sum of one million dollars ($1,000,000) to offset the cost of central collective bargaining no later than ninety (90) days after the ratification process,” the memorandum of settlement says.
The deal does not make clear why taxpayers are on the hook for OSSTF’s expenses. The union collects dues from its 60,000 members to pay for activities such as negotiations. Education Minister Liz Sandals’s office refused to comment on the payment.
But union and government officials said the province agreed to pay the money after admitting the collective bargaining process it instituted last year, which was supposed to lead to faster and less acrimonious negotiations, made the talks longer and more complicated.
The new process, in which some contract matters are negotiated centrally between the government and the unions while others are left to individual school boards, resulted in more work and took more time than previous rounds, which made negotiating more expensive for the union, OSSTF president Paul Elliott told The Globe. Because the government legislation was responsible, he said, the government agreed to compensate OSSTF. A government source corroborated Mr. Elliott’s account.
Brian Smeenk, a Toronto labour lawyer who was not involved in the negotiations, said such a payment from an employer to its union is unusual. In some cases, he said, an employer might agree to pay employees’ wages while they serve on a bargaining committee. But simply writing the union a $1-million cheque is not common.
“I’ve never seen a subsidization clause that goes beyond paying for lost salaries. This unusual case … is not a compensation for actual costs incurred; it’s what one might call a ‘sweetener,’” he said.
Mr. Smeenk said it is generally not a good idea for an employer to pay a union’s bargaining costs because each side in a negotiation should be responsible for its own interests.
“From the perspective of a prudent employer, you don’t want to do that, because each party should pay its own costs, because each party is there to protect the interests of its own side,” he said. “As the employer, you don’t want to provide an economic incentive to the union to make your life difficult.”
The document also reveals where the government found the money for a 1.5-per-cent raise and 1-per-cent lump sum payment to high school teachers. The province has repeatedly insisted the deal with OSSTF is a “net-zero,” but refused to divulge how it paid for the pay bumps.
The money came from two sources: “The available funding for secondary programming enhancement and voluntary payout of discounted net present value of future retirement gratuities provides for increases to salaries, wages and direct compensation,” the memorandum of settlement says.
Secondary programming enhancement was a pool of money set up in 2008 to hire extra staff for programs to help students at risk of dropping out. The programs offer such things as co-op work experience stints and courses that count towards college credits.
The government was supposed to add money to the fund for five years. But in 2012, the fifth year, as a cost-saving measure, the province decided not to contribute any more money. Mr. Elliott said that payment would have been about $20-million. That amount is now being used for the raise and lump sum payment.
The second source of funds is a rejigging in the contract of how banked sick days are paid out. Teachers will now have the option of cashing in banked sick days next year, instead of waiting for retirement, but will receive a lower rate. This is expected to save money, which will be put towards the raises.
Ms. Sandals’s spokeswoman, Alessandra Fusco, insisted there were “no cuts to the classroom” to fund the raises. The government’s rationale is that because the secondary programming enhancement money was diverted from the fund before it was spent in the classroom, it does not constitute a cut.
“We can confirm that modest wage increases were offset by savings through the collective agreements, with no cuts to the classroom,” she wrote in an e-mail.
In another significant provision, the government is giving OSSTF at least $5-million to help set up a union-controlled fund to take over the administration of teacher benefits. The province’s school boards will contribute at least $12-million.
At the moment, individual school boards handle benefit payments. The plan is to consolidate them all into a single fund. The fund’s board of directors will consist of five union members and four representatives of school boards and the government.
Ms. Fusco said the OSSTF trust is one of six new programs that will consolidate health, life and dental benefits for teachers and other workers in the education sector. The new trusts will merge more than 1,000 benefit plans with 72 school boards into a handful of larger funds. She said government and school boards will recoup startup costs because they will save money down the road.
“Establishing benefit trusts will reduce the costs of providing and administering benefits due to an increase in benefits purchasing power, establishing larger risk pools and sharing administrative services among the trusts,” she wrote in an e-mail.
Among the other provisions of the deal:

  • The government agreed not to change job security, contracting out, professional assignments and supervision, teacher workload, staff meetings and class size. Job security is a particularly important point for teachers in an era of declining enrolment.
  • The province will not be allowed to launch new “initiatives” such as testing programs or teaching techniques. These will be formulated by a group of government and union representatives tasked with creating a new “policy program memorandum.” This section also contains a provision for an extra PD day.
  • The province agreed to settle four union grievances and fully compensate the grievers. There were no details on the grievances.
  • School boards, the union and the government are meeting, with a facilitator, to discuss regulation 274, which obliges principals to hire teachers based on seniority. The rule helps the unions, but critics charge teachers are not hired on merit. The discussions are supposed to conclude before the end of the year.
The province has reached deals with all but one of its teacher unions; it is still negotiating with the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario. The government says it wants ETFO to accept the same deal the OSSTF received. The province is also negotiating with five groups of school support staff workers, including some who are represented by OSSTF.
Follow Adrian Morrow on Twitter: @adrianmorrow

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