ECT The sixty nine weeks of Daniel 9:25


Well-known member
They did you a great disservice, convincing you that promises of God can be ignored.

I'm not sure of a more anti-Christian thought than that one. That was Christ teaching. The results are all through the NT 2500x and no mention of your land thingie. But several times saying Christ is the Amen of God.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
I'm not sure of a more anti-Christian thought than that one. That was Christ teaching. The results are all through the NT 2500x and no mention of your land thingie. But several times saying Christ is the Amen of God.

Why do you not live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
In 457 B.C., a decree was granted to Ezra by the Persian emperor Artaxerxes Longimanus to go up to Jerusalem with as many of his people as were minded to go with him. The commission granted him an unlimited amount of treasure, to beautify the house of God...

That commission was limited to building the house of God, not to build the city. When Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem later the city was still in ruins (Neh. 2:17).


Well-known member
They did you a great disservice, convincing you that promises of God can be ignored.

lol, I'm referring to the 2500 instances of the NT using the OT and not mentioning your hangup once. The 2500 are what Christ taught from Res to Pentecost.

You are not needed. Your exceptions are not needed. Your complications are not needed. Everything we need is in how the NT uses the OT.


New member
The prophecy of Daniel 9:25 says, "... from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem..." This entails more than just civil works. It also includes a restoration of civil, political, and judicial forms and regulations. A quote from Uriah Smith's book Daniel and the Revelation well describes this, "In 457 B.C., a decree was granted to Ezra by the Persian emperor Artaxerxes Longimanus to go up to Jerusalem with as many of his people as were minded to go with him. The commission granted him an unlimited amount of treasure, to beautify the house of God, to procure offerings for its service, and to do whatever else might seem good unto him. It empowered him to ordain laws, set magistrates and judges, and execute punishment even unto death; in other words, to restore the Jewish state, civil and ecclesiastical, according to the law of God and the ancient customs of that people. Inspiration has seen fit to preserve this decree; and a full and accurate copy of it is given in the seventh chapter of the book of Ezra."
As respecting Nehemiah's work, I'll give another quote from the same work: "Thirteen years after this, in the twentieth year of the same king, B.C.444, Nehemiah sought and obtained permission to go up to Jerusalem. Nehemiah 2. Permission was granted him, but we have no evidence that it was anything more than verbal. It pertained to him individually, nothing being said about others going up with him. The king asked him how long a journey he wished to make, and when he would return. He received letters to the governors beyond the river to help him on his way to Judea, and an order to the keeper of the king's forest for timber for beams, etc. When he arrived at Jerusalem, he found rulers and priests, nobles and people, already engaged in the work of building Jerusalem. Neh.2:16. These were, of 166 course, acting under the decree given to Ezra thirteen years before. And finally, Nehemiah, having arrived at Jerusalem, finished the work he came to accomplish, in fifty-two days. Neh.6:15."

For people who can't see that the 7x7, 62x7 and 1x7 are three separate time frames, I am going to try and show you the reason for Gods plans, with a last ditch back door hail Mary...........:party:

I think the hidden Message or Pattern is in the Seven Feasts of Leviticus 23. It explains Gods timing to a tee, with Jesus, the Church and Israel.

Spring Feasts

Feast of Passover (Jesus Fulfilled and his blood protects us.)

Feast of Unleavened Bread(Jesus was perfect and without Sin.)

Feast of First-Fruits(Jesus was the First-Fruits of the Dead)

Separate from the Spring Feasts and Fall Feasts is the Feast of Pentecost or Harvest. It is all about the Harvest Season and is all alone as per the Seven Feasts.

Feast of Pentecost (This is the Church Age, Jesus is the Sower and we are the body. The Church is Harvesting souls. This event happens separate from all the other Feasts. It ends when the Trumpet Sounds, The Feast of Trumps is next.)

Feast of Trumps ( In Leviticus 23 the Feast of Trumps do nothing except when the Trump sounds, Pentecost ends, and the coming Feasts of Atonement and Tabernacle are announced as being nigh. ) {LAST TRUMP}

Feast of Atonement (The time Israel was to atone for her sins)

Feast of Tabernacle ( Tabernacle means to Dwell with God, it was meant to show that when Israel repented and turned to God (Atoned) she would then Dwell with God. )

Notice the pattern here ? Jesus fulfilled the first three Feasts, we are now in the Church Age (Pentecost) and we have the Holy Spirit. Then at the "LAST TRUMP" the Church age will end (We will be called home) and we know that Israel's Atonement is drawing nigh, for Paul said Israel will be grafted back in, when her UNBELIEF ENDS, so Israel repents and ATONES for her sins by accepting Jesus Christ as her Savior and Messiah, then after the Anti-Christ chases her into the Wilderness, God protects her for 1260 days. Then Jesus defeats the wicked Anti-Christ and all his Minions and...Israel Dwells (Tabernacles) with God.


Well-known member
For people who can't see that the 7x7, 62x7 and 1x7 are three separate time frames, I am going to try and show you the reason for Gods plans, with a last ditch back door hail Mary...........:party:

I think the hidden Message or Pattern is in the Seven Feasts of Leviticus 23. It explains Gods timing to a tee, with Jesus, the Church and Israel.

Spring Feasts

Feast of Passover (Jesus Fulfilled and his blood protects us.)

Feast of Unleavened Bread(Jesus was perfect and without Sin.)

Feast of First-Fruits(Jesus was the First-Fruits of the Dead)

Separate from the Spring Feasts and Fall Feasts is the Feast of Pentecost or Harvest. It is all about the Harvest Season and is all alone as per the Seven Feasts.

Feast of Pentecost (This is the Church Age, Jesus is the Sower and we are the body. The Church is Harvesting souls. This event happens separate from all the other Feasts. It ends when the Trumpet Sounds, The Feast of Trumps is next.)

Feast of Trumps ( In Leviticus 23 the Feast of Trumps do nothing except when the Trump sounds, Pentecost ends, and the coming Feasts of Atonement and Tabernacle are announced as being nigh. ) {LAST TRUMP}

Feast of Atonement (The time Israel was to atone for her sins)

Feast of Tabernacle ( Tabernacle means to Dwell with God, it was meant to show that when Israel repented and turned to God (Atoned) she would then Dwell with God. )

Notice the pattern here ? Jesus fulfilled the first three Feasts, we are now in the Church Age (Pentecost) and we have the Holy Spirit. Then at the "LAST TRUMP" the Church age will end (We will be called home) and we know that Israel's Atonement is drawing nigh, for Paul said Israel will be grafted back in, when her UNBELIEF ENDS, so Israel repents and ATONES for her sins by accepting Jesus Christ as her Savior and Messiah, then after the Anti-Christ chases her into the Wilderness, God protects her for 1260 days. Then Jesus defeats the wicked Anti-Christ and all his Minions and...Israel Dwells (Tabernacles) with God.

The problem is they end up in the 1st century, taken in the normal sense. The decimation of the city COULD have happened as early as the 490th year from the decree, but the last verse throws in the curious line: 'to the end' as though there was something a bit elastic there about the end. The revolt did last during the whole period (the event was first called 'the rebellion that desolates' 8:13) although the evil person mentioned is not there until the last 3-4 years.

Jesus already told us it was about the events of 1st century Judea by saying that the abomination would be seen in the temple (the evil person) and the city and temple would be surrounded in that generation.

There are no future events in Israel that need to happen for the 2nd coming in judgement of all mankind to take place.


New member
The problem is they end up in the 1st century, taken in the normal sense. The decimation of the city COULD have happened as early as the 490th year from the decree, but the last verse throws in the curious line: 'to the end' as though there was something a bit elastic there about the end. The revolt did last during the whole period (the event was first called 'the rebellion that desolates' 8:13) although the evil person mentioned is not there until the last 3-4 years.

Jesus already told us it was about the events of 1st century Judea by saying that the abomination would be seen in the temple (the evil person) and the city and temple would be surrounded in that generation.

There are no future events in Israel that need to happen for the 2nd coming in judgement of all mankind to take place.

Again, you are letting your IDEAS guide you, they will never guide you to the truth, only God can do that. As a Christian, if God is guiding you, you should be WRONG MANY TIMES........Because we are mere men. God wants to teach us new things, which means we should understand, we don't know much at all, in truth.


Well-known member
Again, you are letting your IDEAS guide you, they will never guide you to the truth, only God can do that. As a Christian, if God is guiding you, you should be WRONG MANY TIMES........Because we are mere men. God wants to teach us new things, which means we should understand, we don't know much at all, in truth.

Jesus interp of Dan 9 is NOT MY IDEA.
490 normal consecutive years is NOT MY IDEA.
Paul commenting on the evil person in Thess passages is NOT MY IDEA.

What are you talking about.


New member
Jesus interp of Dan 9 is NOT MY IDEA.
490 normal consecutive years is NOT MY IDEA.
Paul commenting on the evil person in Thess passages is NOT MY IDEA.

What are you talking about.

Its your idea that the Abomination of Desolation has happened already when Jesus clearly says in Matthew chapter 24 that except those days be shortened, there would no flesh be saved. Its an end time event, but because you believe that it has already happened, what Jesus says, DON'T EVEN MATTER. Its got to fit what we believe, instead of what it actually is....this is called men's ideas, they twist scriptures to fit their understanding, instead of saying, teach me Lord, I am a mere man.

Daniel 12:1 and 2 says the Time of Trouble Jesus speaks about in Matthew 24 comes at the same time as the Dead are raised both good and bad, and that is the time that Micheal stands up. So if the TIME OF TROUBLE is END TIMES and it has to be since Jesus Mentioned Daniel, and Daniel says the TIME OF TROUBLE HAPPENS at the time of the Resurrection of men............Quit dodging the truth brother, our belief has ZERO VALUE, we have to be receptive to truth. God never confuses us, so if it doesn't fit, it not correct.


Well-known member
What was the end of time to Judaism? that's who it was written to.

Don't forget that the prayer in Dan 9 is prob the widest scope prayer ever prayed for Israel, and it is answered in 2 different direction: the city and the temple would be pulverized; Messiah would succeed. Last I checked, Judaism thought those two would go in the same direction. That's what the Christian message does. It says, yes, it's Messiah, but not as you know it.

Futurism and dispensationalist theology is a return to Judaism in the belief that there is a lot of unfinished business to complete, or that 'God is a liar' if a Davidic theocracy does not happen.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
What was the end of time to Judaism? that's who it was written to.

Don't forget that the prayer in Dan 9 is prob the widest scope prayer ever prayed for Israel, and it is answered in 2 different direction: the city and the temple would be pulverized; Messiah would succeed. Last I checked, Judaism thought those two would go in the same direction. That's what the Christian message does. It says, yes, it's Messiah, but not as you know it.

Futurism and dispensationalist theology is a return to Judaism in the belief that there is a lot of unfinished business to complete, or that 'God is a liar' if a Davidic theocracy does not happen.


The destruction of the city and sanctuary is BEFORE the abomination of desolation.
You can read 6th Grade English. Believe it.
There HAS TO BE a future fulfillment to Daniel 9, if we are going to believe God.

It's up to you.


Well-known member

If you are a believer and a Jew in the mid 1st century, you have some vital things to tell your fellow countrymen. THAT DOES NOT MEAN THE SAME THINGS ARE NOT TRUE OF NON-JEWS, it just means you have a few specifics you need to press them about.

All you are doing is ignoring the other NT passages and the universality of hebrews. You are so simple minded that you think if you can do this to me 1000x, it will go away.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
If you are a believer and a Jew in the mid 1st century, you have some vital things to tell your fellow countrymen. THAT DOES NOT MEAN THE SAME THINGS ARE NOT TRUE OF NON-JEWS, it just means you have a few specifics you need to press them about.

All you are doing is ignoring the other NT passages and the universality of hebrews. You are so simple minded that you think if you can do this to me 1000x, it will go away.
