The Serpent's doctrine

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The devil is what we now understand as the ego and can appear as a great light and does not mean that Christ is not in anyone. I have seen many ego's being spiritual and not be Christ. The Devil is real, as real as the ego and transformation is the dying of the ego and the inner vulnerable heart realises it is not weak and in our weakness we find strength. We can be who we really are from the heart without an ego. The ego departed from him after fasting and returned at the Garden to convince him not to go through with it and he struggled and at the end he surrendered and said Not my will God but your's be done and in surrender to God the Devil was vanquished again and he went on to fulfil the laws and the prophets. To satisfy justice that the sacrifices for sins can stop and paid for all the sin in the world.

Led like a lamb to the slaughter and said nothing in defence or objection.

It's so that you can forgive someone and know that there was justice in court for any sins committed against you and will not pursue your perpetrator.

And that is the Love of God that the first born, the first to find it would lay down his life that all might find God. That there be no claim anywhere in any system, heaven or earth that says you can not have the life of God and become sons of God and be one with God just as Jesus was one with God.
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Eternal life is one of the attributes God has not granted to man. Please, read Genesis 3:22. The reason why Adam & Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden was to prevent them from eating of the tree of life and live forever. Man could not live forever as this attribute belongs to God only.
There is a resurrection of the elect. God did not want man to have life immortal without Him deciding whom shall have life immortal.

Ben Masada

New member
Sheol always translates as grave, and never as Hell.

As long as we all understand that Sheol, grave and hell are one and the same. The point is to show that hell fire does not exist and it has never been mentioned in the Tanach but only in the Hellenism of the NT.

Ben Masada

New member
There is a resurrection of the elect. God did not want man to have life immortal without Him deciding whom shall have life immortal.

I understand that you as a Christian believe in bodily resurrection. Can I refuse to believe as you do? You know, I am Jewish and I am here because you are using Jews to confirm your beliefs and this gives a bad name to Judaism. I have been temporality banned many times and some are asking me to leave. Let's make a deal. You respect my Faith and I promise to respect yours. Since the founder of Christianity was Paul and not Jesus, I believe you must use Paul and not Jesus to preach your gospel. I would like to leave you guys but if I do, Judaism will continue being bashed. Jesus was a Jew and you are using him to promote Christianity. Some one must stand for Judaism. Who would do that if not a Jew?


New member
I understand that you as a Christian believe in bodily resurrection. Can I refuse to believe as you do? You know, I am Jewish and I am here because you are using Jews to confirm your beliefs and this gives a bad name to Judaism. I have been temporality banned many times and some are asking me to leave. Let's make a deal. You respect my Faith and I promise to respect yours. Since the founder of Christianity was Paul and not Jesus, I believe you must use Paul and not Jesus to preach your gospel. I would like to leave you guys but if I do, Judaism will continue being bashed. Jesus was a Jew and you are using him to promote Christianity. Some one must stand for Judaism. Who would do that if not a Jew?

As a Jew you do not recognize nor believe the TRUTH. God sent Jesus, the Messiah, and you and others that are in darkness deny who Jesus was and what He did by paying for the sins of those that love and follow God....YOUR LOSS.


New member
I understand that you as a Christian believe in bodily resurrection. Can I refuse to believe as you do? You know, I am Jewish and I am here because you are using Jews to confirm your beliefs and this gives a bad name to Judaism. I have been temporality banned many times and some are asking me to leave. Let's make a deal. You respect my Faith and I promise to respect yours. Since the founder of Christianity was Paul and not Jesus, I believe you must use Paul and not Jesus to preach your gospel. I would like to leave you guys but if I do, Judaism will continue being bashed. Jesus was a Jew and you are using him to promote Christianity. Some one must stand for Judaism. Who would do that if not a Jew?

After killing Hebrew Christians, the Jews would take the New testament scripture written in Hebrew, and carefully cut the name of God out. Then they would place the divine name in a safe place to keep. Following that, they then would burn the remainder of the scrolls in a fire. Rabbi Yose who lived during the second century AD states that, "One cuts out the reference to the Divine Name which are in them [the New Testament writings] and stores them away, and the rest burns." One of his characteristic sayings is, "He who proclaimed the coming of the Messiah,[John] and he who hated scholars [Yahshua] and his disciples; and that false prophet and those slanderers, will have no part in the future world."

Isaiah 26:19
But your dead will live; their bodies will rise. You who dwell in the dust, wake up and shout for joy. Your dew is like the dew of the morning; the earth will give birth to her dead.

Genesis 18:25
Far be it from you to do such a thing—to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?"

Psalm 16:11
You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Job 14:14
If someone dies, will they live again? All the days of my hard service I will wait for my renewal to come.

Ezekiel 37
11 Then he said to me: “Son of man, these bones are the people of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off.’ 12 Therefore prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: My people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel. 13 Then you, my people, will know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and bring you up from them. 14 I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. Then you will know that I the Lord have spoken, and I have done it, declares the Lord.’”

I have never seen a person with as much error as you Ben.


New member
[FONT=&quot]Genesis 4:7[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.”[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Deuteronomy 32:39[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“See now that I myself am he! There is no god besides me. I put to death and I bring to life, I have wounded and I will heal, and no one can deliver out of my hand. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Deuteronomy 30:19[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Proverbs 12:28[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]In the way of righteousness there is life; along that path is immortality.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]


New member
Scripture says you are wrong:

Luk 16:23
And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

I just wanted to define between the observant Jews and the Pagan Jews. So, was Christ a Pagan Jew introducing the Pagan belief of Hell?


New member
I just wanted to define between the observant Jews and the Pagan Jews. So, was Christ a Pagan Jew introducing the Pagan belief of Hell?

I am done with this nonsense . You want to call Jesus a liar that is on YOU. Jesus TAUGHT MORE ON HELL THAN HEAVEN.


New member
I am done with this nonsense . You want to call Jesus a liar that is on YOU. Jesus TAUGHT MORE ON HELL THAN HEAVEN.

Actually this is not true. Jesus absolutely DID NOT teach more on hell than heaven. Where did you hear this? Who told you this? Have you ever checked to see if Jesus really did teach more about hell than heaven? Does it even seem possible? You should check what the Bible itself says, rather than simply parroting the rhetoric of the Eternal Tormentists. Just take a quick look through the gospels and you will see that Jesus taught very little about "hell", and He said that the body and soul would be destroyed in "hell" (He said Gehenna, which is an actual place just outside Jerusalem).

But take notice of this, Jesus said in Matthew 10:28 that we should fear the one who is able to DESTROY both body and soul in Gehenna. You claim that those of us who believe that the body and souls of those who reject God will be be destroyed are calling Jesus a liar. The fact is that we believe Jesus, while you believe the opposite of what he said in Mattthew 10:28. So WHO EXACTLY is calling Jesus a liar? Those of us who believe what He said or you who are denying that the body and soul can be destroyed in Gehenna? Think about it. Think HARD about it before you throw accusations against Christ's People.
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New member

I wish Tormentists would stop saying this. Does it really help your case to make outrageous and untrue statements that are easily checked by anyone who cares? Really, it doesn't. I understand that you cannot stick to the truth and remain a proponent of eternal torture, but you really should be more careful about what you lie about.


New member
When you ask an Eternal Tormentist a question that they cannot answer, they always storm off in a cloud of "righteous" indignation. It's a nice trick, so that they do not have to deal with the truth.
I do believe that you are correct, I have seen it many times.


New member
I wish Tormentists would stop saying this. Does it really help your case to make outrageous and untrue statements that are easily checked by anyone who cares? Really, it doesn't. I understand that you cannot stick to the truth and remain a proponent of eternal torture, but you really should be more careful about what you lie about.
People who preach that God torments people do more harm than good. They do not realize that people could never worship such an evil God. The Catholics canonized scriptures and took liberties with it, study bibles reveal that as a fact. I do wish people would study their bibles in greater depth.


New member
I wish Tormentists would stop saying this. Does it really help your case to make outrageous and untrue statements that are easily checked by anyone who cares? Really, it doesn't. I understand that you cannot stick to the truth and remain a proponent of eternal torture, but you really should be more careful about what you lie about.

What are you reading obviously you are not reading the bible ?

Ben Masada

New member
There is a resurrection of the elect. God did not want man to have life immortal without Him deciding whom shall have life immortal

Who decided that there is a resurrection of the elected, Paul? If not , who? What I have is that once dead, no one will ever return from the grave. Now, where do I have this from? From II Samuel 12:23; Isaiah 26:14; Job 7:9. If you want to know, , It is guaranteed by the Tanach, the gospel of Jesus. HaShem never decided for man to have eternal life. (Genesis 3:22)


I identify as a Christian
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@CherubRam You have got too many of these threads on this topic. Please confine yourself to one thread on the topic of hell. You are starting to make yourself a needless distraction with this nonsense.
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