ECT The Sermon on the Mount ends with a Bombshell


New member
Except that "Matthew"s Sermon on the Mount is not a historical event.

Its a contrived attempt to summarize both Jesus' teachings, James' teachings, and Paul's teachings,
blended by church interpretation over about a half-century, post-split with the Jewish religious community.

Its presented in Matthew as the first public speech of Jesus,
yet is obviously addressed to a mature, fully formed church,
which didn't exist in Jesus' earthly ministry.

We know from earlier and more truly historically accurate documents like Luke and Mark,
that Jesus' first public addresses to Jewish communities were quite different.


Active member
Sure I am You (in the body of Christ)

When I believe 1 Cor 15:1-4 (KJV) and trusted the LORD, the Spirit identified me in his death, burial, and resurrection...and sealed me.

When did you trust the LORD?
Dear STP ("accept no substitute" ... please excuse the inside joke):

You can trust Him 24/7, but the NT warns dozens of times:
IF you are involved in habitual (unrepented-of) sin,
you are in a state of eternal death, i.e. you are walking on the broad road to hell.

Sincere repentance (change) can easily reverse this horrendous situation.

Yes, for a while anyway, one can slip in and out of salvation.
Probably, until God has had enough!


Well-known member
It is sad. :up:

LA, for instance, has 0% chance of inheriting the earth or the New Jerusalem yet he has devoted his life to trying to get it.

All the while rejecting the inheritance of heaven, and shunning the open arms of the Lord.
Fair question and I think the topic worthy of a thread all its own:

"What is the end result of your faith? What will you inherit, regarding your particular system of theology?"

The next questions are important: Will you get it? Does it matter if you thought you were going to live in heaven but live on the new earth? (this one would be more along the lines of 'if I don't understand what I actually get that comes with salvation, does that mean I don't get salvation either?").

I'm not sure I have seen a thread on TOL or any other Christian forum that specifically asks that question. Most of the time, I just see theological grouping, some thinking they inherit the kingdom of heaven, etc. I have seen MAD threads concerning it, but not in such a way that it addresses whether or not your salvation is at stake if you get the destination/inheritance wrong.

I'd think some of this mistaken destination rather than mistaken hope and trust in Christ (emphasis on "some" because it does indeed delved into salvific issues when mistaken ideas aren't focused on Christ's work on the cross).



Active member
Except that "Matthew"s Sermon on the Mount is not a historical event.
Its a contrived attempt to summarize both Jesus' teachings, James' teachings, and Paul's teachings,
blended by church interpretation over about a half-century, post-split with the Jewish religious community.
The Lord God wanted it in Scripture.

And it is for all peoples (in all time frames) to strive for and attain.

All it is doing is preaching righteousness.
Which even in old covenant times, some people did attain.
My favs happen to be Zach and Liz.

Just requires love for God and His commandments,
some wise free-will choices, some discipline, etc.

This new covenant requires co-operation with your Creator.
As did the old covenant.
Butski, those of the new covenant have NO EXCUSES for failure!

Wick Stick

Well-known member
Hi and in other words Jews will be Kings and Priests in the Kingdom of Heaven or what you call " the kingdom not of this world and also can be called the Millennial Kingdom or called the 1000 year REIGN of Christ !!

Paul does not belong in this Kingdom !!

Paul belongs in the heavenly Body of Christ !!

Now you know !!

dan p
Wow. You do not understand the Bible at all.

Wick Stick

Well-known member
Saul was a blasphemer.
Did he ever speak against the Holy Ghost?
How then could he get into that kingdom?
You're trying to connect some things that don't actually connect. Not all blasphemy is "the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost."

1Ti 1:12-13 And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me (Paul), for that He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry; who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.
