The Roman Catholic Church is a serious church


New member
Let's start with reproductive rights. It is a pretty well established principle that you can start to overcome poverty if you allow women to escape a state of perpetual child bearing. The particularly nasty 'Mother Theresa' who claimed that poverty was beautiful, stridently railed against contraception and abortion according to the Catholic line. The denial of contraception and the love for poverty are directly linked. And it all boils down pretty much to the denial of rights to women.

By its influence and the signing of concordats the vatican places pressure on democratically elected governments to limit access to abortion, in ways that endanger the life of pregnant women, and damage mental health. So it is not only repression of women involved in the church, but oppression of women who claim no connection with the church, by way of asserting Catholic dogmas undemocratically on entire populations.

The Catholic church does not allow women to hold clerical positions within the church. It has to use religious exemptions within employment laws around the world in order to discriminate on the basis of gender.

Were you thinking there was no oppression of women in Catholicism?


I wasn't suggesting there was or there wasn't oppression. Just interested to hear your view.

Saint Paul was pretty clear regarding women not teaching, having authority over men and keeping silent in Church.


Stuu, this here is for you, if you are not a ewe.

But if you are a she, pay no attention to me.

Niether troll nor elf, it's only myself.

The answer to your question, is found in my suggestion.

If you will only listen, to my omission.

muhammad offers cheap
1 gasoline
2 opium
3 women

All three very cheap. The first two are self explaining. $2.00 per gallon gas and $10.00 for a hit of heroin. These are historically low prices. No need for discussion. Everyone is happy with these prices.

Now we want to discuss the price of women.


The Catholic church does not allow women to hold clerical positions within the church. It has to use religious exemptions within employment laws around the world in order to discriminate on the basis of gender.
The Holy Catholic Church is not man's organization but the Lord's Church. He started it, and He formed its foundation. He is the One Who decided to limit the clergy in His Church (first of its kind, BTW) to males. It's not possible to overturn His decisions democratically, else we're violating the separation between Church and state, and the freedom of religion.

I know that you hate that. And ridicule it. But we believe that He is the Lord from heaven, and we believe in religious liberty.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
From the Apocrypha
chapter 6

5. The angel then told him: “Slit the fish open and take out its gall, heart, and liver, and keep them with you; but throw away the other entrails. Its gall, heart, and liver are useful for medicine."

8. He answered: “As for the fish’s heart and liver, if you burn them to make smoke in the presence of a man or a woman who is afflicted by a demon or evil spirit, any affliction will flee and never return.

Does the RCC do this?




It cost Tiger millions to get rid of his wife and he had a prenuptial.

You American women cost to much.

There is an answer for the problem. But it must happen all at once.

All the American men must disavow all their marriages and all the children of those marriages. Ship all the women and children to Nevada and Wyoming. Then take good Islamic wives who have been taught to obey.


New member

It cost Tiger millions to get rid of his wife and he had a prenuptial.

You American women cost to much.

There is an answer for the problem. But it must happen all at once.

All the American men must disavow all their marriages and all the children of those marriages. Ship all the women and children to Nevada and Wyoming. Then take good Islamic wives who have been taught to obey.



New member
Jesus has nothing to do with the RCC. The foundation of the RCC is Mithraism...anyone that has done any honest research knows this.
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You read it right. The Apocrypha allows for enmass doing away with families on a national level for the purposes of doing away with evil. Sort of like a sacrifice. Then the men just start new lives with a better class of women who are able to produce s better class of children.

And it doesn't matter what happens to those former women and children. They are the cause of the problems vexing our nation.


You don't have an answer for this. All you can do is think it can't happen here.

Women are the cause of all divorce. They are to blame. Just like the Roman Catholic Church was to blame for the Protestants leaving, the Protestant men are going to give up on the Protestant women and children.


Don't feel so bad. When the Levites put forth their idea of mass divorce as recorded in the Apocrypha the Jews had no answer for it either. So your ignorance is not unique.

You see the Jews of that day believed that they were enlightened. But the Levites knew better. The Levites knew how the Jews could be mastered. The Jews could be mastered by their own ignorance and natural lusts.

(And that is how the Americans are going to be mastered. But that is another story. What you really want to know is the identity of the female High Priest impersonator.)


New member

You read it right. The Apocrypha allows for enmass doing away with families on a national level for the purposes of doing away with evil. Sort of like a sacrifice. Then the men just start new lives with a better class of women who are able to produce s better class of children.

And it doesn't matter what happens to those former women and children. They are the cause of the problems vexing our nation.

I have no idea what you are trying to say or why you are saying it.



The Apocrypha opens with an account of a mass divorce. The people taking part are ordered to divorce and ship their X wives along with their children off to the waste land. Forever to be exiled. Then those newly single males are to take new wives and start new lives.

That is one point.

Then an imposter appears and is crowned illegally.

That is another point.

Here is a third point-

The peeps that the Apocrypha centers around are in total darkness. Those people at that time had sunk to the very depths.

Their enemy was not far away. Very close.

(There is also an underlining point that handcuffs today's peeps as can be seen in this thread. The peeps are scared. Real scared.)


New member

The Apocrypha opens with an account of a mass divorce. The people taking part are ordered to divorce and ship their X wives along with their children off to the waste land. Forever to be exiled. Then those newly single males are to take new wives and start new lives.

That is one point.

Then an imposter appears and is crowned illegally.

That is another point.

Here is a third point-

The peeps that the Apocrypha centers around are in total darkness. Those people at that time had sunk to the very depths.

Their enemy was not far away. Very close.

(There is also an underlining point that handcuffs today's peeps as can be seen in this thread. The peeps are scared. Real scared.)

Thanks. And the point you making is?