The prophet says, “And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer” [Revelation 6:2]. “The symbol, a white horse, and the rider who bears a bow and to whom a crown is given, and who goes forth conquering and to conquer, is a fit emblem of the triumphs of the gospel in the first century of this dispensation. The whiteness of the horse denotes the purity of faith in that age; and the crown which was given to the rider, and his going forth conquering and to make still further conquests, the zeal and success with which the truth was promulgated by its earliest ministers.” [Daniel and the Revelation, Uriah Smith] The church militant went forth on an aggressive campaign against huge systems of error. “The rider upon this horse went forth where? His commission was unlimited.” [Ibid] In a single generation the gospel was sounded in all the inhabited parts of the globe.
Behold, a rider on a white horse went forth to sow:
And in his hand was a toxon-seedbow.
Teach the sons of Yhudah the use of the bow:
Behold, it is written in the Sefer Yashar, (Torah).
And in his hand was a toxon-seedbow.

Teach the sons of Yhudah the use of the bow:
Behold, it is written in the Sefer Yashar, (Torah).