"The Republicans are right. We in the media do suck."


New member
that doesn't matter as much as turnout on election day

i don't believe hillary can recreate what bammy managed in 2008

Neither do I, but it wouldn't take bammy to beat Carson.

On the other hand, when turn-out is low, Republicans win, at least in the Congress.


New member
Either way, all of this about turn-out is really beside the point a little. Republicans were mad about being challenged on their words and records. Regardless of whether you think that's a moderator's job, it shows that these candidates aren't ready for the kind of challenges to their words and records they'll receive if elected.


New member

I try to find the good in the Republican primaries but I just don't see anything worth any value, at all. I spent the last few days after the debate sifting through some of the most absurd inaccuracies to ever grace my television since, well, the last Republican primary debate. This article sums it up nicely.

One of two things is happening here. These candidates either genuinely believe their misguided statements are correct OR they realize they are incorrect and say them anyway. Neither of these cases, in my opinion, are acceptable for a presidential candidate!

Anyway, I am not going through the whole article but, in short, these clowns shouldn't be allowed into the White House Gift Shop. Much less the Oval Office...

But someone who abandoned an American Ambassador along with three other people to be slaughtered is no doubt your idea of a fit candidate?


Anyway, I am not going through the whole article but, in short, these clowns shouldn't be allowed into the White House Gift Shop. Much less the Oval Office...

Based on the perverts that B. Hussein Obama has had as guests at the White House, I doubt that any respectable person would want to venture through the White House Gift Shop these days.



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
But someone who abandoned an American Ambassador along with three other people to be slaughtered is no doubt your idea of a fit candidate?

Not to mention Hillary is a criminal felon that used private email to store classified information knowingly then compounded that crime by attempting to destroy/wipe said server of classified material to cover her tracks...yet another felony, the lies continue to compound yet, the left is good with it. The lawless Obama attorney general(s) have both turned blind eyes to justice in allowing her to escape justice through their complicit inaction. Yes....this is the lawless left who will vote for the devil himself as long as there is a "D" next to his name...it is truly a pathetic show of ignorance of the tyranny that they blindly accept without question. These lies, crimes, and corruption at the highest levels of government are a matter of fact that liberals choose to accept in an attempt to usher in the utopian society that will never exist with corruption as it's bedrock & cornerstone...how could it?



I try to find the good in the Republican primaries but I just don't see anything worth any value, at all. I spent the last few days after the debate sifting through some of the most absurd inaccuracies to ever grace my television since, well, the last Republican primary debate. This article sums it up nicely.

One of two things is happening here. These candidates either genuinely believe their misguided statements are correct OR they realize they are incorrect and say them anyway. Neither of these cases, in my opinion, are acceptable for a presidential candidate!

Anyway, I am not going through the whole article but, in short, these clowns shouldn't be allowed into the White House Gift Shop. Much less the Oval Office...
But at the same time, politicians suck when they deliberately change the subject when confronted with any question by the media and turn around and blame that media.

"The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers and be capable of reading them."

--Thomas Jefferson


"The Republicans are right. We in the media do suck."

Given some of the comments Donald Trump has made about some of the other Republican candidates, with apparent immunity, I fail to see what all the uproar is with the media.

If you can't handle the tough questions - don't run for president!
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