:kookoo: Washington Post seems to think all the government cares to do is malign poor people
the proposed legislation would repeal virtually all of the taxes created by Congress in 2010 to finance the ACA as of 2018. The ACA imposed taxes on insurers, pharmaceutical manufacturers and medical-device manufacturers, and imposed Medicare tax surcharges on Americans earning a quarter of a million dollars a year and more. The AHCA gets rid of them.
Why should those who have earned the most and paid the most into social security then have to pay higher premium just because they were more successful?
Look at this holy cow!
It leaves untouched most of the ACA’s insurance reforms, including its bans on preexisting-conditions exclusions, health status underwriting, and lifetime and annual coverage limits, as well as its requirements that health plans cover adult children to age 26
Now people cannot see persons at age 21 are adults in every why , yet even the Republicans fear getting rid of parents babying their 'children' until they are age 26. When do young people grow up today?
the proposed legislation would repeal virtually all of the taxes created by Congress in 2010 to finance the ACA as of 2018. The ACA imposed taxes on insurers, pharmaceutical manufacturers and medical-device manufacturers, and imposed Medicare tax surcharges on Americans earning a quarter of a million dollars a year and more. The AHCA gets rid of them.
Why should those who have earned the most and paid the most into social security then have to pay higher premium just because they were more successful?
Look at this holy cow!
It leaves untouched most of the ACA’s insurance reforms, including its bans on preexisting-conditions exclusions, health status underwriting, and lifetime and annual coverage limits, as well as its requirements that health plans cover adult children to age 26
Now people cannot see persons at age 21 are adults in every why , yet even the Republicans fear getting rid of parents babying their 'children' until they are age 26. When do young people grow up today?