The Real Problem With Religion

Robert Pate

Well-known member
There is a lot recorded in the Bible concerning Jesus and the Pharisees. You would think that Jesus and the Pharisees would be friends seeing how they were both teachers of the law, yet they were bitter enemies. In spite of all of the miracles that Jesus did they could not accept the fact that he was their Messiah. It appears that the more miracles that he did the more they hated him. The straw that broke the camels back is when he raised Lazarus from the dead.

"Then gathered the chief priest and the Pharisees a council, and said, "What shall we do?" for this man is doing many miracles. If we let him alone all men will believe on him: and the Romans shall come and take away both our place and our nation" John 11:47, 48.

There real concern was for themselves. They were afraid that Jesus was going to take their place. To say that the Pharisees were full of pride and arrogance may be an under statement. Their idea of a Messiah is one that would be subservient to them and to their egos. The lowly Jesus did not fit their profile of what a Messiah should be. They said, "Is this not the Carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?"

All religions, whether it be the Calvinist religion, the Catholic religion or what ever religion are the epitome of pride and arrogance. Their doctrine is a manifestation of their pride and arrogance, but the root problem is pride and arrogance. The Calvinist says, "Thank God that I am not as other men, I have been predestinated". Pride is never higher than when someone believes that God has chosen them. Pride is never higher than when someone believes that they can please God by what they do or by what they have become, (Catholicism) Because of their religion, which serves their pride and arrogance, they cannot come to the truth. This was the problem with the Pharisees and is the same problem today.

In the Gospel Jesus is God's chosen one, simply because God is no respecter of anyone's person, Acts 10:34. Everything that God does he does corporately, in, through and by Jesus Christ. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is done outside of Jesus Christ. "He (Jesus) is before all things, and by him all things consist" Colossians 1:17. If you want to be saved, you will have to humble yourself and come to Christ as a repentant sinner and ask him to save you, Romans 10:13. Leave your religion, which is your pride and arrogance at the door. Jesus could care less about your religion.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
RP is right about this "They were afraid that Jesus was going to take their place. To say that the Pharisees were full of pride and arrogance "


New member
The word religion did not appear in the Greek. There are five instances that the term religion is used beginning in Acts and twice the term religious is used, but they do not convey what the original words convey.

I was laugh when some know all pretends a knowledge of these things, but as soon as they use the term religion I know they haven't researched the true meaning of the words.


New member
The word religion did not appear in the Greek. There are five instances that the term religion is used beginning in Acts and twice the term religious is used, but they do not convey what the original words convey.

I was laugh when some know all pretends a knowledge of these things, but as soon as they use the term religion I know they haven't researched the true meaning of the words.

The former drug addict fornicator and profane person like Esau has spoken...he couldn't hear God's still small voice for 20 or 30 years and now he's the expert.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Robert Pate's Double-Mindedness

Robert Pate's Double-Mindedness

All religions, whether it be the Calvinist religion, the Catholic religion or what ever religion are the epitome of pride and arrogance.

Beware the double-minded man:

These sorts accumulate a wealth of error:



New member
The former drug addict fornicator and profane person like Esau has spoken...he couldn't hear God's still small voice for 20 or 30 years and now he's the expert.

It was 43 years actually. On July 17th 1999 at 10:30am

6'495 days in Him.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
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Religion and Scripture

Religion and Scripture

The former drug addict fornicator and profane person like Esau has spoken...he couldn't hear God's still small voice for 20 or 30 years and now he's the expert.
Well, he does have a point, given that the use of the word "religion" in Scripture pertains moreso to the sense of worship than it does to organized groups.

For example, Robert Pate, more often than not eschewing actual discussion, likes to blog along these lines:
They love their religion because their religion is all about them.

Well, no, actually religion is all about Him.

The term religion is used in Scripture in positive and negative contexts. There is a tendency among many today, in what I think is a wee bit of self-righteousness, to quitclaim the word religion, making it a shibboleth for the self-righteous or anyone the writer disagrees with, as if Scripture only denounced the word whenever the word appeared. That is simply not the case if one takes the time to study how the word is used within Scripture.

At the most basic level, religion is devotion, worship, and service to something, usually something supernatural. Christianity is a religion, so we need not be embarrassed by claiming this. Indeed, we should embrace it.

Christian religion is devotion, worship, and service to the God revealed to us in Holy Scripture, the one, true God. That is why we claim that Christianity is the one, true, religion.



New member
The word religion did not appear in the Greek. There are five instances that the term religion is used beginning in Acts and twice the term religious is used, but they do not convey what the original words convey.

I was laugh when some know all pretends a knowledge of these things, but as soon as they use the term religion I know they haven't researched the true meaning of the words.

Religion in English, but what does it mean.

Acts 26:5 is best understood as ceremonials.

Galatians 1:13, 14 must be understood as Yah Hudahism in both verses and refers to the temple ceremonies.

James 1:26 ceremonious and then ceremony

James 1:27 ceremony

threeskos adjective ceremonious meaning formal ritual.

So the word ceremony is what best conveys what the original noun threeskia coveys. It means the form of commemorating an event. Obviously these commemorations were conducted by the appointed tribe of Levites.

There are now appointed men in the corrupt and polluted denominations that lay claim to being called to conduct services.


New member
Well, he does have a point, given that the use of the word "religion" in Scripture pertains moreso to the sense of worship than it does to organized groups.

For example, Robert Pate, more often than not eschewing actual discussion, likes to blog along these lines:

Well, no, actually religion is all about Him.

The term religion is used in Scripture in positive and negative contexts. There is a tendency among many today, in what I think is a wee bit of self-righteousness, to quitclaim the word religion, making it a shibboleth for the self-righteous or anyone the writer disagrees with, as if Scripture only denounced the word whenever the word appeared. That is simply not the case if one takes the time to study how the word is used within Scripture.

At the most basic level, religion is devotion, worship, and service to something, usually something supernatural. Christianity is a religion, so we need not be embarrassed by claiming this. Indeed, we should embrace it.

Christian religion is devotion, worship, and service to the God revealed to us in Holy Scripture, the one, true God. That is why we claim that Christianity is the one, true, religion.


OMG! these guys are gonna debate over the word religion! Isn't that part of your name Mr. Pious.


New member
OMG! these guys are gonna debate over the word religion! Isn't that part of your name Mr. Pious.

There is no debate in regard to the truth. Truth is absolute. It is necessary however to discover the meaning of words to be able to understand the evangelism.

When I was converted I had an insatiable hunger for the word. I took a year off and read the Bible. I then developed a desire to know exactly what words mean. What was understood by the people that first heard them.

It all began with a question. Was I living by trust? (faith) I wanted to know if the principle at work in me was exactly the same as Abraham, Noah, Isaiah, Paul, Peter and all the others lived by. There was no comprehensive study available that gave a definitive answer to, what is faith?

I was led down the path of exegeses and I found a means of discovery that is more precious than a gold mine. It took three years of study before the Almighty gave me the knowledge of the word trust, but every step was one of discovery.

If I have a problem it is this. I know that He gives light to all His children. I know that I am not special. Therefore if others do not have this light or cannot absorb and be gladdened by this light. Then they are none of His.

Romans 1:17


New member
All Calvinists and Reformed are in darkness because they reject Christ as the savior of all men and end up with the Gospel of the Sadducees where we're saved and everyone else is lost. They cannot preach the good news of a loving savior who laid down his life for a lost world because they don't believe it. Their love is twisted into the cold and arbitrary views of their false god who dies for one and rejects the other. Jesus died for reprobates. He died for the goats and he died for the non-elect. You can never reconcile this because you see no difference between the work of Christ on the cross and his work in the heart of man.


New member
All Calvinists and Reformed are in darkness because they reject Christ as the savior of all men and end up with the Gospel of the Sadducees where we're saved and everyone else is lost. They cannot preach the good news of a loving savior who laid down his life for a lost world because they don't believe it. Their love is twisted into the cold and arbitrary views of their false god who dies for one and rejects the other. Jesus died for reprobates. He died for the goats and he died for the non-elect. You can never reconcile this because you see no difference between the work of Christ on the cross and his work in the heart of man.

You must have Glaswegian blood.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
The words "law" and "religion" mean the same thing. When one is doing their religion they are doing the law. When one is doing the law they are doing religion.

Any religious thing that we do is law and religion, except for faith. This is why we are justified by faith apart from the works of the law. Faith is not religion nor is it a work of the law.

Brother Ducky

New member
All Calvinists and Reformed are in darkness because they reject Christ as the savior of all men and end up with the Gospel of the Sadducees where we're saved and everyone else is lost. They cannot preach the good news of a loving savior who laid down his life for a lost world because they don't believe it. Their love is twisted into the cold and arbitrary views of their false god who dies for one and rejects the other. Jesus died for reprobates. He died for the goats and he died for the non-elect. You can never reconcile this because you see no difference between the work of Christ on the cross and his work in the heart of man.

Just a question at this point...and I apologize if I had been aware of it in the past and have since forgotten...are you a universalist?


New member
Just a question at this point...and I apologize if I had been aware of it in the past and have since forgotten...are you a universalist?

Universalism teaches that all men will be saved irrespective of faith or unbelief. The bible teaches that those who believe will be saved while those who don't will be lost. I am the first person to admit that faith is the gift of God so at the end of the day all the glory goes back to God. We are saved by grace thru faith and not of ourselves it is the gift of God.


New member
Universalism teaches that all men will be saved irrespective of faith or unbelief. The bible teaches that those who believe will be saved while those who don't will be lost. I am the first person to admit that faith is the gift of God so at the end of the day all the glory goes back to God. We are saved by grace thru faith and not of ourselves it is the gift of God.

What the Bible actually teaches is that those that are saved, will trust. Trust is the fruit. Salvation the propagating plant. Your doctrinal stance puts fruit before the propagating plant. Have you ever seen a field of corn with no stalks? Or an orchard of apples with no trees?

Me neither...

Robert Pate

Well-known member
What the Bible actually teaches is that those that are saved, will trust. Trust is the fruit. Salvation the propagating plant. Your doctrinal stance puts fruit before the propagating plant. Have you ever seen a field of corn with no stalks? Or an orchard of apples with no trees?

Me neither...

Those that were saved on the day of Pentecost believed and had faith because they heard and believed the Gospel. Some of them had participated in the crucifixion of Christ, Acts 2:36. Were those that had crucified Christ God's people?



He'll end up leaving soon

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