First Class Only...
First Class Only...
"In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose/plan of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will" Ephesians 1:11 (KJV)
Apologies kindly accepted. And my sentence will make more sense when you read that way.
The actual emphasis is in the first two words of that passage - "IN WHOM..."
In other words, God predetermined to bring to pass some things in His Son.
The moment you believe Christ died for you, the Spirit places you IN Christ.
You are then a part of, in fact, a fellow heir with Him, IN what the Father has determined to bring to pass IN His Son.
A simple example of this would be, say you decide you'd like to take a plane trip somewhere.
You call an airline to find out what flights they have predestinated to fly to your desired location.
You buy a ticket to a seat IN that plane. When you get to the airport they place you IN that plane.
You are now a part of the destination that airline predetermined for that plane's "Body" you are now a traveling "Member" of.
Say, you do not decide to place your trust in airlines and their predestinated fights.
Nevertheless, off to that destination that plane will take off to as predestinated by that airline.