The RCC , Judaism, and Islam is the anti-christ.

Lazy afternoon

The RCC , Judaism, and Islam is the anti-Christ,

who together will make unlawful and destroy all who refuse to worship their god with them.

Mat 24:9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
Mat 24:10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
Mat 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
Mat 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
Mat 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

Such will be the division among the churches (as to signing up with the beasts mark)that the love of God among them will wax cold and extreme bitterness will follow and destroy the faith of many.


Lazy afternoon

Those are very hard words and not fitting of a brother or sister in faith in GOD.

The RCC and the Jew, controls America and Europe and Israel of the middle east is soon to destroy their enemies and they will together as the two horns of the second beast of Revelation ch 13 will use the moslems to destroy all churches who will not worship the beast and receive the mark.

The digital money will see the end of the rich evangelical churches, but the using of the moslems will be their undoing.



New member
The RCC and the Jew, controls America and Europe and Israel of the middle east is soon to destroy their enemies and they will together as the two horns of the second beast of Revelation ch 13 will use the moslems to destroy all churches who will not worship the beast and receive the mark.

The digital money will see the end of the rich evangelical churches, but the using of the moslems will be their undoing.

Regardless; it is for us to attempt to help direct all we can towards the direction and will of GOD. This isn't done by condemnation...Ever friend.


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Well-known member
The RCC and the Jew, controls America and Europe and Israel of the middle east is soon to destroy their enemies and they will together as the two horns of the second beast of Revelation ch 13 will use the moslems to destroy all churches who will not worship the beast and receive the mark.

The digital money will see the end of the rich evangelical churches, but the using of the moslems will be their undoing.



The kingdom of Elohim is within you, (Luke 17:20, 21) . . .
We wrestle not against flesh and blood, (Ephesians 6:12) . . .


New member
How would you help them?
By speaking what I understand to be the Word, and understanding that there is but one GOD.

We are to strive to abide by the will of GOD regardless of variables. The will of GOD for man is that of peaceable equitable unity for all.

Some might say that is contrary to scripture; to whom I would say they lack a full understanding of what the sword of GOD is, and to what level it must first divide.


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By speaking what I understand to be the Word, and understanding that there is but one GOD.

We are to strive to abide by the will of GOD regardless of variables. The will of GOD for man is that of peaceable equitable unity for all.

Some might say that is contrary to scripture; to whom I would say they lack a full understanding of what the sword of GOD is, and to what level it must first divide.


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Most of us believe we are right with God, and understand the Truth and being faithful.


New member
Most of us believe we are right with God, and understand the Truth and being faithful.
Being truthfully faithful is being utterly devoted, loyal, and wholly giving to the object of ones love.

I cannot say that I am wholly any of those things though I wish to be, and do strive to keep such things in mind in all scenarios. But I don't consider myself wholy right with GOD. To each there own though; as my own knowing misdirection completley negated any right at judgement, and my lack of knowledge of another's particular circumstances only works to make such a task even more ludacris a proposition.

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I am posting against Calvinism and I attest they are not "anti-Christ"

[MENTION=7209]Ask Mr. Religion[/MENTION]

As for Jews... read Romans 11 S-L-O-W-E-R

Islam is Anti-Christ, but they are people too. They are a deeper study worth your attention.

Kindly Quit calling proclaimers of Jesus Anti-Jesus, recognize that without the Jews, no bible.

Research Islam and biblical geography.


Being truthfully faithful is being utterly devoted, loyal, and wholly giving to the object of ones love.

I cannot say that I am wholly any of those things though I wish to be, and do strive to keep such things in mind in all scenarios. But I don't consider myself wholy right with GOD. To each there own though; as my own knowing misdirection completley negated any right at judgement, and my lack of knowledge of another's particular circumstances only works to make such a task even more ludacris a proposition.

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That's right, But LA is only stating what he observes is happening.

It is not personal attack or condemnation. It is against institutions which will not change.


Well-known member
The RCC and the Jew, controls America and Europe and Israel of the middle east is soon to destroy their enemies and they will together as the two horns of the second beast of Revelation ch 13 will use the moslems to destroy all churches who will not worship the beast and receive the mark.

The digital money will see the end of the rich evangelical churches, but the using of the moslems will be their undoing.


Curious to see how antisemitism has gotten mixed up with anti-Catholicism. Used to be the Catholics hated us. Now they are in the same pot with us.


New member
That's right, But LA is only stating what he observes is happening.

It is not personal attack or condemnation. It is against institutions which will not change.
And since they won't conform they must what? What comes after the label of anti Christ to a zealous people who do not speak contrary to the Christ of GOD?

He labels whole masses as THE enemy so I will say this; what does the good shepard do for the single lost sheep, and how are the followers of Christ to treat their enemy?

These are rhetorical as you and I both know the answer.

Peace friend

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Well-known member
I am posting against Calvinism and I attest they are not "anti-Christ"

[MENTION=7209]Ask Mr. Religion[/MENTION]

As for Jews... read Romans 11 S-L-O-W-E-R

Islam is Anti-Christ, but they are people too. They are a deeper study worth your attention.

Kindly Quit calling proclaimers of Jesus Anti-Jesus, recognize that without the Jews, no bible.

Research Islam and biblical geography.
We are anti Christ when we don't live by the will of God.

From what I gather from some on here, those who follow Calvinism believe that they are elect and that they don't have to obey God and Christ because Jesus had done all the obeying for them and they are predestined to be saved, and they judge all others who aren't in their church as hellbound. This type of teaching is false, and it can take those who believe in it, far from God and Christ. By making them think they are special and that they can still live in their flesh and that nothing can take them away from God. This creates a very false security and only satan word hatch up the false belief that we can still willfully sin, live by the lusts of our flesh, disobey God and we are elect and chosen regardless. Where's the need for repentance if they are predestined? That in itself throws their beliefs out of the window because we are all to repent of our sins once we hear the word and believe.

They fail to see that God is love, and that he loves all of us and he wants us all back. And that's why Jesus came, to bare witness to the truth with the hope of bringing back as many to God as he could, by preaching the word and living it out. Whatever religion others are it shouldn't matter to us, we don't look at their religion or who they are, God loves them too. We just speak Gods word and live it out, and bring the love of God and the life of Christ to others, we don't know who will or won't believe, so we just follow Jesus, bare witness to the truth live it out, and God will judge all of us on what we have heard and what we know.

Instead of seeing ourselves as elect and others as unsaved, we should be looking at ourselves as unprofitable servants, laying down our lives for others and to do the will of God and look at our own heart first, as we have plenty wrong within ourselves. And we should go out bringing the love of God and the life of Christ to as many as will listen with the hope that they will believe and leave the judging of who's going where to the righteous judge, God Almighty. And by doing so, we follow Jesus.


And since they won't conform they must what? What comes after the label of anti Christ to a zealous people who do not speak contrary to the Christ of GOD?

He labels whole masses as THE enemy so I will say this; what does the good shepard do for the single lost sheep, and how are the followers of Christ to treat their enemy?

These are rhetorical as you and I both know the answer.

Peace friend

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Jesus says to come out of Babylon.

LA might have warning to us so we reconsider our faith if we are being true to God and Jesus.

We always can take it or leave it.

If he does not spread his conviction he might have problem with the Lord.


Curious to see how antisemitism has gotten mixed up with anti-Catholicism. Used to be the Catholics hated us. Now they are in the same pot with us.

RCC have been changing according to the world situation. They are seeking majority approval.


New member
Jesus says to come out of Babylon.

LA might have warning to us so we reconsider our faith if we are being true to God and Jesus.

We always can take it or leave it.

If he does not spread his conviction he might have problem with the Lord.
Yes, I see your point, though I do not see it as the literal end or even quite the real beginning of the end, so to stir up animosity, wrath, and fear due to misplaced pride, fear, or greed just doesn't seem right to me.

I could be very wrong though I suppose. Even so; at the end brother will fight brother. He surely doesn't see those he proclaims to be the Antichrist as brothers, so why the contention?

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Yes, I see your point, though I do not see it as the literal end or even quite the real beginning of the end, so to stir up animosity, wrath, and fear due to misplaced pride, fear, or greed just doesn't seem right to me.

I could be very wrong though I suppose. Even so; at the end brother will fight brother. He surely doesn't see the those he proclaims to be the Antichrist as brothers so why the contention?

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He is only stating what he believes from the HS.


Well-known member
Jesus says to come out of Babylon.

LA might have warning to us so we reconsider our faith if we are being true to God and Jesus.

We always can take it or leave it.

If he does not spread his conviction he might have problem with the Lord.

All religions are false and have the add ons of men's understanding. There is only one way to follow, and that is Jesus. He is the example that I go back to if I am unsure, he is my cornerstone, he's not a denomination, he's a way, his way is the truth and his life is the only life to follow.

But I don't condemn those who are in other religions, I don't believe in their teachings, but I don't know their hearts. We just bring the truth to all, and God will judge them, and us too. :)