The Present Age of the Psychopath


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The Present Age of the Psychopath

The psychopathic personality disorder describes people who have no morals, and no conscience, who habitually tell lies, and many psychopaths come to be good at telling lies.

We are not only living in the end time period of great deception from almost everywhere,
but this is also the age of the psychopath.

In the age of the psychopath many who have the traits of the psychopath are in positions of power in American society.

And the traits of the psychopath can be seen to fit in with the application of the four horses and riders of Revelation 6: 2-8 to the last four presidents of the United States.

Daddy Bush, or George H. W. Bush, president from 1989 to 1993, is the "White Horse" or First Horse - "and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering and to conquer." George H.W. Bush first announced the New World Order on September 11, 1991. George H.W. Bush can be seen as the usury banker, son of one, and not clearly a fascist or Marxist, but was a New World Order leader. Daddy Bush is exposed in the book George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, by Webster G. Tarpley, as having some lack of conscience and morals.

Tarpley exposed how Daddy Bush exploited land owners in the West Texas Permian Basin oil boom after the end of World War II by cheating them on oil leases.

Bill Clinton, president from 1993 to 2001, represented the Red Horse of Revelation 6: 4, who rides "to take peace from the world, and that they should kill one another; and there was given him a great sword." Bill Clinton represents Marxism, but also according to Larry Nichols, one of Bill's operatives at one time, behind the scenes ol Bill engaged in unethical behavior and was deceptive.

Then following Bill Clinton we got from 2001 to 2009, George W. Bush, of the Bush Dynasty, the "war president," who might be seen as the Black Horse of Revelation 6: 5-6. This Bush was more fascist than Marxist. He and his associates told lies to get us into a war against Iraq, which killed millions and left that country polluted from depleted uranium. But his Neocon buddies made millions.

Following George W. Bush, the fourth Rider and Horse was Barack Obama, president beginning in 2009. He is the Pale Horse of Revelation 6: 8. "Death and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, and to kill with sword, and with hunger and with death, and with the beasts of the earth."

The Pale Horse president is a Marxist who is politically correct and is a community organizer, one who speaks well - but like the three presidents before him - is deceptive and not a man of high morality.

Psychopaths move into occupations and positions from which they are better able to dominate
and manipulate others. What better position to dominate and manipulate people than being the president, Speaker of the House, Majority Leader in the Senate, or head of a federal agency that can make its own rules and control the people.

Psychopaths of the more intelligent variety can be found among the financial elite. Bankers are in a position to dominate and manipulate others, and those of this profession who are psychopaths must be having a field day during this recession or depression taking the homes and lands of people who are not able to make payments on their mortgages. In fact, usury, or charging interest on loans, can be seen as a device of intelligent psychopaths for stealing the money and possessions of the people. This is why the Bible has a number of texts warning God's people not to impose usury on others, especially not on poor people.

Psychopaths tend to be predators upon those of society who are more vulnerable - because of poverty, age, lower intelligence or from other factors. Attorneys, some people in law enforcement, child protection services social workers, elected and unelected persons in government at all levels, including those in the alphabet agencies, some heads of huge corporations, and scattered people in almost all
occupations are psychopaths.

In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth
Edition (1994) the psychopathic personality disorder is called the
Antisocial Personality Disorder.

In the Diagnostic Manuel Antisocial Personality Disorder is said to

"failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behavior"

"deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying...or conning others for
personal profit or pleasure."

"lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to...having hurt,
mistreated, or stolen from another."

But look at what a 1978 book, The Psychopath, says about this
personality disorder. In the 1978 book, The Psychopath: A Comprehensive Study of Antisocial
Disorders and Behavior, by William. H. Reid, he reports that a study
of psychopathic children found they had a lack of guilt, or lack of
conscience, which is common to psychopaths. They also engaged in
"pathological lying," and they tended to steal things. The members of
the highest level of the financial elite probably do not steal things;
instead, they steal billions of dollars from the people.