ECT The Power of God Unto Salvation


Well-known member
In other words, Musti; when Interplanner shares his one size fits all social gospel with people, he does not point to passages in Scripture; he just rambles out his mispercieved "wisdom of words."

Is it any wonder he so takes issue with the authority of Scripture.

Boy am I tuned into this vain parrot of an Interplanner :chuckle:

Now you're ridiculous Danoh. Historically the social gospel was the attempt of liberals to include centralized government services in 'the gospel' as opposed to christ's answer to individual sin. If you dont' know that about church history, please leave the forum for a month and study before opening your mouth.

The historic Gospel of 2 Cor 5 or I Cor 15 or Gal 3 or Acts 13 is not that. There is a bit of social implication for the nation of Israel IF you are speaking it in the mid 1st century Judea. That is all. Would you like to clarify your amateur and immature remarks?


New member
Now you're ridiculous Danoh. Historically the social gospel was the attempt of liberals to include centralized government services in 'the gospel' as opposed to christ's answer to individual sin. If you dont' know that about church history, please leave the forum for a month and study before opening your mouth.

The historic Gospel of 2 Cor 5 or I Cor 15 or Gal 3 or Acts 13 is not that. There is a bit of social implication for the nation of Israel IF you are speaking it in the mid 1st century Judea. That is all. Would you like to clarify your amateur and immature remarks?

Who said anything about the origin :chuckle:

Clearly (but to you) I said "when Interplanner shares HIS one size fits all social gospel with people..."


Well-known member
Who said anything about the origin :chuckle:

Clearly (but to you) I said "when Interplanner shares HIS one size fits all social gospel with people..."'s not a social gospel at all.

Hope you will try to work on your communication skill.


New member's not a social gospel at all.

Hope you will try to work on your communication skill.

That's "skills" plural, not "skill" singular.

And you still have not laid out your basic process of sharing the gospel of Christ's dbr with someone (and relevant passages).

I'm sure you know that all the other subjects we go back and forth about matter not if one is off on this one.

It is this one issue above all others that MADs on TOL constantly find having to attempt to straighten so many on TOL

Far too many on TOL insist on works for salvation together with works as a means of staying saved.

Thus; why I so often quote...

Galatians 3:1 O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? 3:2 This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? 3:3 Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?

Anyway, what is your process; emphasis; and passages when sharing the gospel of Christ's dbr with some one?

Thanks in advance.


Well-known member
That's "skills" plural, not "skill" singular.

And you still have not laid out your basic process of sharing the gospel of Christ's dbr with someone (and relevant passages).

I'm sure you know that all the other subjects we go back and forth about matter not if one is off on this one.

It is this one issue above all others that MADs on TOL constantly find having to attempt to straighten so many on TOL

Far too many on TOL insist on works for salvation together with works as a means of staying saved.

Thus; why I so often quote...

Galatians 3:1 O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? 3:2 This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? 3:3 Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?

Anyway, what is your process; emphasis; and passages when sharing the gospel of Christ's dbr with some one?

Thanks in advance.

Oh, I don't think a good evangelistic worker is necessarily a logical theology reader.

I thought your list of things in some thread was mostly good, but feel many times that if the word debt, or the concept of sin as debt is not there, it dwindles to merely a person cleaning up themselves, which confuses how dire the debt problem is, or makes out Christ to be a 'cleaner' which raises the whole question of the messy death on the cross.

Because of the radical nature of destructive modern thought, you may be interested to know that I wait at least three open-ended questions with a non-Christian before trying to establish anything. Sometimes I just ask them 'what is the Gospel?' but usually the question is about the problem of evil or (with environmentalists) the problem of nature--the supposed innocence of nature. I believe in educating first because there is bonding. I believe all these questions are frequently asked in taverns. Last night, a threesome was talking next to me and the girl was insisting that God 'ordained' everything that happens. Every move, every thought. I was too tired last night to work myself in, but I have in the past.

Many times I have had a copy of the 1 page story by Schaeffer to give out, if the circumstance (the social event) is such that I can circulate back later. It is about the mountain rescue, the question of whether the hiking group has enough knowledge to jump off the ledge or not. "Faith vs 'Faith'" is not to be confused with any questions about what works a person does. It is strictly about whether it is normal to communicate with God. For ex., There is an evangelical church in the next county where I work and I appreciate the reader board's message because it conveys that the pastor knows he must back way up: "God is knowable." How many believers drive their truck right over this question and don't even know it's there?


Well-known member
That's "skills" plural, not "skill" singular.

And you still have not laid out your basic process of sharing the gospel of Christ's dbr with someone (and relevant passages).

I'm sure you know that all the other subjects we go back and forth about matter not if one is off on this one.

It is this one issue above all others that MADs on TOL constantly find having to attempt to straighten so many on TOL

Far too many on TOL insist on works for salvation together with works as a means of staying saved.

Thus; why I so often quote...

Galatians 3:1 O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? 3:2 This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? 3:3 Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?

Anyway, what is your process; emphasis; and passages when sharing the gospel of Christ's dbr with some one?

Thanks in advance.

btw, I have never gotten the impression that MAD was mistaken about works vs faith, except in some marginal situations in Acts, and when we are speaking of historical things. Is this an ongoing problem? Sometimes there are Christians who think there are parts of Moses law that were meant to be "kept" this way.


New member
Oh, I don't think a good evangelistic worker is necessarily a logical theology reader.

I thought your list of things in some thread was mostly good, but feel many times that if the word debt, or the concept of sin as debt is not there, it dwindles to merely a person cleaning up themselves, which confuses how dire the debt problem is, or makes out Christ to be a 'cleaner' which raises the whole question of the messy death on the cross.

Because of the radical nature of destructive modern thought, you may be interested to know that I wait at least three open-ended questions with a non-Christian before trying to establish anything. Sometimes I just ask them 'what is the Gospel?' but usually the question is about the problem of evil or (with environmentalists) the problem of nature--the supposed innocence of nature. I believe in educating first because there is bonding. I believe all these questions are frequently asked in taverns. Last night, a threesome was talking next to me and the girl was insisting that God 'ordained' everything that happens. Every move, every thought. I was too tired last night to work myself in, but I have in the past.

Many times I have had a copy of the 1 page story by Schaeffer to give out, if the circumstance (the social event) is such that I can circulate back later. It is about the mountain rescue, the question of whether the hiking group has enough knowledge to jump off the ledge or not. "Faith vs 'Faith'" is not to be confused with any questions about what works a person does. It is strictly about whether it is normal to communicate with God. For ex., There is an evangelical church in the next county where I work and I appreciate the reader board's message because it conveys that the pastor knows he must back way up: "God is knowable." How many believers drive their truck right over this question and don't even know it's there?

Kind of like the difference between the late great actors Marlon Brando and George C. Scott.

Trained by the late great Stella Adler herself; Brando was very methodical in his pre-production approach; doing all kinds of research and preparation towards his upcoming role.

He would then improvise based on all he had built prior to showing up for the cameras.

In contrast, Scott never took an acting class in his life. As a result, he would simply mark his beats, memorize his lines and their cues; show up and improvise off of that.

I tend to be very step by step methodical at the same time that I go with the flow of a situation.