The Possible Year of Second Coming in 2027 AD, the 1290, 1260, 1335 Days of Daniel


Yes. They stopped several times when the Israelites were convinced to go vegan by the cult members.

Around 598 BC sacrifices stopped in the temple. Add 1290 years later, you arrive at Dome of Rock on temple site in 692 AD. Add 1335 years after that, you arrive at 2027 AD. Whats so difficult to figure out?


New member
Around 598 BC sacrifices stopped in the temple. Add 1290 years later, you arrive at Dome of Rock on temple site in 692 AD. Add 1335 years after that, you arrive at 2027 AD. Whats so difficult to figure out?

A serious bible student would understand that the 1290 DAYS and 1335 DAYS build on what was discussed in Daniel chap. 7,8,11 and 12. Even Jesus said that when the abomination of desolation stands in the holy place it will be followed by a great tribulation that will never be equaled. You ignore all of this and just pick some random dates from history to come up with your wacko theory. Not to mention the time prophecies are days not years! 1290 DAYS and 1335 DAYS!!! The same king removes the daily and sets up the abomination and I'm supposed be believe he is 1290 years old?!?


A serious bible student would understand that the 1290 DAYS and 1335 DAYS build on what was discussed in Daniel chap. 7,8,11 and 12. Even Jesus said that when the abomination of desolation stands in the holy place it will be followed by a great tribulation that will never be equaled. You ignore all of this and just pick some random dates from history to come up with your wacko theory. Not to mention the time prophecies are days not years! 1290 DAYS and 1335 DAYS!!! The same king removes the daily and sets up the abomination and I'm supposed be believe he is 1290 years old?!?

How stupid, how do you not SEE that just as the 70 weeks (which are 490 DAYS) equated to 490 YEARS TO THE FIRST COMING OF JESUS CHRIST from the time the decree was issued to rebuild Jerusalem relates to the 1290 DAYS and 1335 DAYS, which are YEARS?? Hello? How much longer will you be stubborn and slow to understanding?

Next, the antichrist is a seat of authority occupied by one man throughout history, the Roman emperor, then the Roman popes, that is how the little horn is alive during the destruction of Jerusalem up until the second coming of Jesus Christ. UNDERSTAND. I have interpreted these visions for your benefit, . I grow weary reasoning with you stiff necked people.


New member
How stupid, how do you not SEE that just as the 70 weeks (which are 490 DAYS) equated to 490 YEARS TO THE FIRST COMING OF JESUS CHRIST from the time the decree was issued to rebuild Jerusalem relates to the 1290 DAYS and 1335 DAYS, which are YEARS?? Hello? How much longer will you be stubborn and slow to understanding?

Next, the antichrist is a seat of authority occupied by one man throughout history, the Roman emperor, then the Roman popes, that is how the little horn is alive during the destruction of Jerusalem up until the second coming of Jesus Christ. UNDERSTAND. I have interpreted these visions for your benefit, . I grow weary reasoning with you stiff necked people.

The day for a year principle was abandoned by all sane prophecy students hundreds of years ago. Just more amazing facts/SDA/cult garbage. You're in Babylon right now, did you know that? The gospel of grace is your only ticket out, law keeper.


The day for a year principle was abandoned by all sane prophecy students hundreds of years ago. Just more amazing facts/SDA/cult garbage. You're in Babylon right now, did you know that? The gospel of grace is your only ticket out, law keeper.

I have nothing further to say to you really, the Lord will soon reveal himself on the earth, and put all your garbage theologies to shame. Let's see how well it goes for you then whenever you realize everything you believe and have been taught is a lie. I've put my studies out for your benefit, read them, or do not. Bye.


New member
I have nothing further to say to you really, the Lord will soon reveal himself on the earth, and put all your garbage theologies to shame. Let's see how well it goes for you then whenever you realize everything you believe and have been taught is a lie. I've put my studies out for your benefit, read them, or do not. Bye.

Go bow to your cult queen EGW, loser. God hides you people away from the world for a reason. Your disease is contagious and there is no cure.


New member
And ignore the Law of God in the old testament? Clever.

He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination. (Proverbs 28:9 [KJV])

Indignation grips me because of the wicked, who have forsaken your law. (Psalm 119:53 [NIV])

Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the LORD. (Psalm 119:1 [NIV])

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. (Psalm 1:1-2 [NIV])

Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law. (Romans 3:31 [NIV])

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. (Matthew 5:17 [NIV])

Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:19 [NIV])

I would suggest trying to determine the day of his return is not knowledge but calculated guess work. Maybe you can help me understand the fascination with the return. The way I see it, whether he comes back while we live or we die before he comes back, the result is the same.


I would suggest trying to determine the day of his return is not knowledge but calculated guess work. Maybe you can help me understand the fascination with the return. The way I see it, whether he comes back while we live or we die before he comes back, the result is the same.

Because those who are alive at his return will be blessed differently than those who are dead, for those will are alive when he comes will not taste death, do you not understand the significance of this?

Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed-- (1 Corinthians 15:51 [NIV])

Of all the billions of men that have ever existed and died, those who are chosen among us at his coming will be of the few that will never experience death. This is HUGE. But because of your apathy it is pretty apparent you just don't understand. It's like trying to tell a one year that a great gift is coming, a baby simply does not understand to receive that knowledge with excitement.


New member
Of all the billions of men that have ever existed and died, those who are chosen among us at his coming will be of the few that will never experience death. This is HUGE.

I guess I never thought of it this way because I'm not familiar with any NT writers telling us of this blessing. If you have any passages, I would gladly look at them. I'm familiar with passages telling us to look forward to his coming, but I understand those to be more about being with Him rather than not tasting death.


I guess I never thought of it this way because I'm not familiar with any NT writers telling us of this blessing. If you have any passages, I would gladly look at them. I'm familiar with passages telling us to look forward to his coming, but I understand those to be more about being with Him rather than not tasting death.

I have a study on the events of the second coming here .


New member
I didn't get far into it before I see a problem. In Pete's sermon in Acts 2, he tells the people "this is" what was uttered by Joel. Those things took place at Pentecost not the 1700's.