I had hepatic proboscis once. Antibiotics cleared it right up.
I had hepatic proboscis once. Antibiotics cleared it right up.
:rotfl:The really odd thing about STP using this soundbyte is that western 'Little Asia' was full of Judaizers, as found in Hebrews, Colossians, Ephesians, Galatians and Philippians. Talk about being out of touch. What Paul meant was that all Judaizers have left him. He did not mean D'ism was correct and everyone had left that. That is a ridiculous position.
:dizzy:Who said anything about "Christendom"? Define your terms.
D'ism was invented to protect the Pope from the Reformation accusation that the Pope was AC. So your question is covered by those historical steps already taken.
Just go read Ribera's treatise and find out why he was commissioned to write it. It's Jesuit 'psych ops.' It's also anti-semitic. There are summaries in Schaff, Lattourrette, Buchanan, D'Aubigne--histories.