ECT The New Covenant is obviously present tense

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Here, I'll simplify it for you:

John Darby was wrong.

As far as I'm concerned, formidable theology started to die in the 1700's.

Your man is mid-1800's
You all are his followers.

Not impressed :)

Nice spam a quite irrelevant post, Butch.

You never follow men? Women? Aliens?

Chapter, verse, where we are not to learn from other men.

And tell us how when you discover objective truth, determines its veracity.

Another drone, being picked apart by my greatness.

Watch his punt....Watch...

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Yes sir, you cannot follow Paul's doctrine and in good conscience still practice religion, which is what most "Christians" love as it feeds their flesh. Their only choice is to pervert Paul's doctrine so they can still enjoy their empty religion.

I agree Mayor. I often spend too much time, doing that, including "soulish" songs, like, you guessed it....a one-a..a two-a...everyone snap your fingers....Acapella....Acapella....


Yes sir, you cannot follow Paul's doctrine and in good conscience still practice religion, which is what most "Christians" love as it feeds their flesh. Their only choice is to pervert Paul's doctrine so they can still enjoy their empty religion.

Gee, makes you wonder why the Christians who put the canon together in the first place even put them in there :rolleyes:

Madism in and of itself is the result of chopping the Bible up in segments and picking which ones work for you.
No conviction, no sacrifice, no baptism, no communion, no nothing- followed by being beamed up into the sky.

Get real- it's a Christianity that costs nothing because it is worth nothing. And you all mistake it for 'grace'.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Gee, makes you wonder why the Christians who put the canon together in the first place even put them in there :rolleyes:

Madism in and of itself is the result of chopping the Bible up in segments and picking which ones work for you.
No conviction, no sacrifice, no baptism, no communion, no nothing- followed by being beamed up into the sky.

Get real- it's a Christianity that costs nothing because it is worth nothing. And you all mistake it for 'grace'.


Ask Mr. Religion

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Solo Scriptura: What a Difference a Vowel Makes

Solo Scriptura: What a Difference a Vowel Makes

They are the inevitable consequence of Sola Scriptura- thousands of false sects making all sorts of bad interpretation.

Rather the plethora of denominations is the inevitable result of a revisionist view leading to a misunderstanding Sola Scriptura. The vowel 'a' has been replaced by the error of "o", as in Solo Scriptura.

Solo Scriptura: What a Difference a Vowel Makes

Seven reasons why Solo Scriptura must be rejected (quotations below are from the article above):


1. Autonomy.
Like the Roman Catholic doctrine, its final authority is each individual believer deciding for himself what is and is not biblical. “The result is subjectivism and relativism. The reformers’ appeal to ‘Scripture alone,’ however, was never intended to mean ‘me alone.’”

2. Unbiblical.
“Christ established his church with a structure of authority and gives to his church those who are specially appointed to the ministry of the word (Acts 6:2-4).” Disputes were settled by councils, as in Acts 15:6-29. Paul taught the Bereans as a group (Acts 17:1-11).

3. No resolution of differences.
Adherents of solo Scriptura are told that different interpretations can be resolved simply by an appeal to Scripture. “But how is the problem of differing interpretations to be resolved by an appeal to another interpretation? All appeals to Scripture are appeals to interpretations of Scripture. The only real question is: whose interpretation? … This is subjectivism and relativism run amuck.”

4. Historical problems.
If “solo” Scriptura were true, much of the ancient church had no standard of truth for many years, because copies of the Bible were very few and expensive then. The first books of the New Testament began to be copied ten years after Christ’s death, and was not completed until about 70 years later! “If the lone individual is to judge and evaluate everything by himself and for himself by measuring it against Scripture, as proponents of ‘solo’ Scriptura would have it, how would this have possibly worked in the first decades of the church before the New Testament was completed?”

5. Who determines the canon of Scripture?
“If one is going to claim that Scripture is the only authority whatsoever, it is legitimate to ask how we then define what is and is not ‘Scripture.’ … How would ‘solo’ Scriptura deal with a modern day Marcion … who claimed that the real New Testament includes only the books of Luke, Acts, Romans, and Revelation? He can’t appeal to the church, to history, or to tradition. A self-consistent adherent of ‘solo Scriptura’ would have no way to respond to such a view because … it is the right and duty of each individual Christian to determine the canonicity of each biblical book by and for himself.”

6. Who determines orthodoxy or heresy?
“The adoption of ‘solo’ Scriptura destroys the possibility of having any objective definition of what Christianity is and is not. ‘solo’ Scriptura destroys the very concepts of orthodoxy and heresy. If the authority of the ecumenical creeds is rejected, and if each individual believer is to determine all questions of doctrine by and for himself, then the definitions of orthodoxy and heresy are completely relative and subjective. One man judges the doctrine of the Trinity to be biblical. Another deems it unbiblical … The same is true with respect to every other doctrine. Each man defines Christianity as it seems right in his own eyes.”

7. The Bible did not just drop out of the sky.
“If ‘soloScriptura were true, it should be possible to give untranslated ancient Hebrew and Greek manuscripts of biblical, apocryphal, and pseudepigraphal texts to some isolated tribe member somewhere on earth, and with no one’s assistance, that individual should be able to learn the Hebrew and Greek languages, read the various manuscripts, determine which of them are canonical, and then come to an orthodox understanding of the Christian faith.”



Nobody knows who the author of Acts is, so the only authority that can exist with it are it's original interpreters who put the canon together.

Which makes Madism dubious by it's very namesake.


Well-known member
Nobody knows who the author of Acts is, so the only authority that can exist with it are it's original interpreters who put the canon together.

Which makes Madism dubious by it's very namesake.

Hi and maybe you should read Luke 1:3 and then Acts 1:1 and follow it through Acts !!

dan p


Hi and maybe you should read Luke 1:3 and then Acts 1:1 and follow it through Acts !!

dan p

You can't be sure of the authorship of either without confiding in those who authorized it into the canon. These were the same people who deduced what and what was not heretical works, or apocrypha, even though they never actually met any of the authors.

So who are any of you to call all of Christianity before your 19th Century Darby a lie? I'll tell what all of dispensationalism is- it is complete nonsense.


Why do you think that the author of Acts is unknown when everyone else know who it is?

There is no trace to the author, you have to go by the same people you believe are heretics who canonized it.

Learn to think for two seconds about what someone posts before replying with your drivel :wave2:

Right Divider

Body part
There is no trace to the author, you have to go by the same people you believe are heretics who canonized it.

Learn to think for two seconds about what someone posts before replying with your drivel :wave2:
Did you eat a lot of paint chips as a kid?

Luke wrote his "gospel" to Theophilus, but you think that the person that CONTINUED the explanation of events to the same person in Acts is unknown.

You are a very dim bulb.


Did you eat a lot of paint chips as a kid?

Luke wrote his "gospel" to Theophilus, but you think that the person that CONTINUED the explanation of events to the same person in Acts is unknown.

You are a very dim bulb.

When you compare Acts, Luke, and Paul, the evidence is not altogether satisfactory. And unlike others, there is no original manuscript.
You ultimately believe it to be true because the early church doctors said so.

There were myriads upon myriads of apocrypha that were fabricated during that time- all which had their own claims, alleged authors, connections, and so forth. In fact, because of this, they argued a lot about the authenticity of four gospels which seem to tell four different accounts of the same event.

I think that you all take entirely too much for granted, and insult it further by your complete reinvention of Christianity :wave2:


Well-known member
There is no trace to the author, you have to go by the same people you believe are heretics who canonized it.

Learn to think for two seconds about what someone posts before replying with your drivel :wave2:

What does 'no trace to the author' mean when there is the autobiographical introductions?