ECT The New Covenant de-complicated for 2P2P-ers


New member
"Your iniquities, and the iniquities of your fathers together, saith the Lord, which have burned incense upon the mountains, and blasphemed me upon the hills: therefore will I measure their former work into their bosom. And I will bring forth a seed out of Jacob, and out of Judah an inheritor of my mountains: and mine elect shall inherit it, and my servants shall dwell there” Isaiah 65:7, 9

"Mine elect" includes that Israel of the New Covenant - in Luke 1: 68-69 redeemed Israel and in redeemed Israel the pathway through Christ to salvation.

That pathway to salvation is through Christ and him only. He is the seed in Galatians 3: 16-17 through which the narrow path to salvation exists.

"Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.
17. And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect." Galatians 3: 16-17

It is the light of God, which is Jesus Christ, that is within the redeemed Israel in Luke 1: 68. The pathway to salvation is to redeemed Israel. The pathway is not to another group, called the Church, meaning in fact the Capital C Church, making it somehow the Elect, the Body of Christ, when the word it is translated from means meeting, assembly or congregation. The meeting, assembly or congregation is supposedly made up of many who are the Elect in Redeemed Israel. Of course, this is opposite of what is taught in most churches.


TOL Subscriber
"Your iniquities, and the iniquities of your fathers together, saith the Lord, which have burned incense upon the mountains, and blasphemed me upon the hills: therefore will I measure their former work into their bosom. And I will bring forth a seed out of Jacob, and out of Judah an inheritor of my mountains: and mine elect shall inherit it, and my servants shall dwell there” Isaiah 65:7, 9

"Mine elect" includes that Israel of the New Covenant - in Luke 1: 68-69 redeemed Israel and in redeemed Israel the pathway through Christ to salvation.

That pathway to salvation is through Christ and him only. He is the seed in Galatians 3: 16-17 through which the narrow path to salvation exists.

"Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.
17. And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect." Galatians 3: 16-17

It is the light of God, which is Jesus Christ, that is within the redeemed Israel in Luke 1: 68. The pathway to salvation is to redeemed Israel. The pathway is not to another group, called the Church, meaning in fact the Capital C Church, making it somehow the Elect, the Body of Christ, when the word it is translated from means meeting, assembly or congregation. The meeting, assembly or congregation is supposedly made up of many who are the Elect in Redeemed Israel. Of course, this is opposite of what is taught in most churches.

Exactly so . . .

Right Divider

Body part
Great, but it has always sounded like you thought it was going to be another installment of Judaism in our history. It is not, and it will not have Judaic elements anyway.
Maybe that's because you don't listen. You're so busy thinking about your fairy story that you don't seem to care what anyone else says.

There will be a kingdom ON THE EARTH where the LORD Jesus Christ will sit on a throne and rule the world. So simple.


Well-known member
...but an earth that is totally destroyed and remade, so that God is the temple is...quite a different earth. I would have thought you were in agreement when I said so many times that there would not be a Davidic theocracy on this earth, and that none is mentioned in the NT passages about the 2nd coming.

Right Divider

Body part
...but an earth that is totally destroyed and remade, so that God is the temple is...quite a different earth.
Quite irrelevant to the point. YOU do NOT know what it will be like other than what is mentioned in scripture. Unless maybe you have some inside knowledge from your "books" that didn't make it into the scripture.

I would have thought you were in agreement when I said so many times that there would not be a Davidic theocracy on this earth, and that none is mentioned in the NT passages about the 2nd coming.
There will be a kingdom where the LORD Jesus Christ sits on a throne on the earth; He will have 12 other thrones where 12 men will sit judging the 12 tribes of Israel.

It's all in the Bible; go get one.


Well-known member
Quite irrelevant to the point. YOU do NOT know what it will be like other than what is mentioned in scripture. Unless maybe you have some inside knowledge from your "books" that didn't make it into the scripture.

There will be a kingdom where the LORD Jesus Christ sits on a throne on the earth; He will have 12 other thrones where 12 men will sit judging the 12 tribes of Israel.

It's all in the Bible; go get one.

That's the apostles and their affect on history. It is not a Davidic theocracy out of Jerusalem. That's why he challenged them about their arrogance about picking throne seats when the way to those seats was martyrdom! You don't put 2 and 2 together in the Bible that you have because it is totally busted with 2P2P theories.

It is not that hard to look at the NHNE in the Rev and realize it is not the same kind of physical reality we now have; and we should be saying thank God for that! Bodies will be resurrection bodies, and there's only been one of those on earth that I know of.

Right Divider

Body part
That's the apostles and their affect on history. It is not a Davidic theocracy out of Jerusalem. That's why he challenged them about their arrogance about picking throne seats when the way to those seats was martyrdom! You don't put 2 and 2 together in the Bible that you have because it is totally busted with 2P2P theories.
So they will NOT be sitting on 12 throne judging the 12 tribes of Israel like the LORD Jesus Christ told them?

It is not that hard to look at the NHNE in the Rev and realize it is not the same kind of physical reality we now have; and we should be saying thank God for that! Bodies will be resurrection bodies, and there's only been one of those on earth that I know of.
And YET .... after the NEW HEAVEN and the NEW EARTH..... a NEW JERUSALEM comes DOWN from HEAVEN....

You just cannot accept the Bible as your authority on the things of God. Get over it and believe the Bible.


Well-known member
So they will NOT be sitting on 12 throne judging the 12 tribes of Israel like the LORD Jesus Christ told them?

And YET .... after the NEW HEAVEN and the NEW EARTH..... a NEW JERUSALEM comes DOWN from HEAVEN....

You just cannot accept the Bible as your authority on the things of God. Get over it and believe the Bible.

They reign now over the church; the thought is the same as in Rev 21 about reigning even though beheaded.

The city comes down when the earth is new. it does not come down on the old earth. Rev 21:1.

I simply cannot accept your mentally twisted and literalistic understanding of the bible which you have decided is the bible.

Right Divider

Body part
They reign now over the church; the thought is the same as in Rev 21 about reigning even though beheaded.
I really tire of your VAGUE claims. So the 12 tribes are the church now? You continue to earn you title as DingleBerry!

The city comes down when the earth is new. it does not come down on the old earth. Rev 21:1.
ONCE AGAIN..... who ever said that IT DID? I showed YOU that the NEW JERUSALEM comes DOWN to the NEW EARTH. Why do you CONTINUE to think that is a difficulty for the FULFILLMENT of the scripture about Christ reigning from a THRONE in JERUSALEM? Clearly, you are trying really hard to CANCEL things based on some strange notions. Get over it and believe the Bible.

I simply cannot accept your mentally twisted and literalistic understanding of the bible which you have decided is the bible.
You continue to make up disparaging names, like "literalistic", etc. etc. etc.

But you use fake, fairy tale stories all the time.... I wonder why?


Well-known member
I really tire of your VAGUE claims. So the 12 tribes are the church now? You continue to earn you title as DingleBerry!

ONCE AGAIN..... who ever said that IT DID? I showed YOU that the NEW JERUSALEM comes DOWN to the NEW EARTH. Why do you CONTINUE to think that is a difficulty for the FULFILLMENT of the scripture about Christ reigning from a THRONE in JERUSALEM? Clearly, you are trying really hard to CANCEL things based on some strange notions. Get over it and believe the Bible.

You continue to make up disparaging names, like "literalistic", etc. etc. etc.

But you use fake, fairy tale stories all the time.... I wonder why?

IN case you didn't notice, everything in the new covenant is going on now. It happens in and through Christ. The new is as different as a goat sacrifice is from Christ's. So when it comes to Jerusalem or earth, it will be different again. It is not going back to Judaism. It is forward to what believers have (or at least can taste) in Christ (Heb 6).

This is the first I've heard you NOT put this item in human history before the 2nd coming and located in Judea as we know it. That's why I said hundreds of times: the NT does not have anything happen in the middle east that is Judaic that 'needs' to happen before the 2nd coming. I am unaware of you objecting to that.

Christ and Christians are called the new creation, and so we already get to see what the NHNE will be like through them.


Well-known member
Christ is called the new creation in 2 cor 5; christians are also called that, Gal 6. I said going on; I did not say that death and sin had yet disappeared.



Well-known member
Get a greek grammar and learn how to find key words. Spend 10x the amount reading aloud as posting. You'll get there. You're incorrigible and that's not my problem.

Right Divider

Body part
Get a greek grammar and learn how to find key words.
Do YOUR own home work DB. YOU claim to want to SHOW us something, but then WE need to search for it and HOPE that we find the one that you're talking about? Especially given your track record of rank ignorance. No thanks. Put up or shut up.

You have NO communication skills whatsoever.

Spend 10x the amount reading aloud as posting. You'll get there. You're incorrigible and that's not my problem.
You're the one that needs to do some reading in that book called the Bible. You probably won't get there. You're corrupt and that's not my problem.


Well-known member
Do YOUR own home work DB. YOU claim to want to SHOW us something, but then WE need to search for it and HOPE that we find the one that you're talking about? Especially given your track record of rank ignorance. No thanks. Put up or shut up.

You have NO communication skills whatsoever.

You're the one that needs to do some reading in that book called the Bible. You probably won't get there. You're corrupt and that's not my problem.

If I had none, your post would read:


Instead you are full of observations. You mean I don't do 2P2P, I know.

This item has been presented many times here, and you don't retain it. 'kaine ktisis' in 2 Cor 5:17 are about Christ; there is no 'he is...' there referring to individual Christians. 'ta archeia' are the old things of Judaism that have been in the context for 3 chapters. (It's funny how people go to individual sense there even with 3 chapters running...).

You all are pretty lazy and insecure types.

as for Gal 6, what's so hard about locating the new creation reference there? It should be a piece of cake. (The Corinthian one takes some grammatical knowledge). Neither circ nor uncirc matters but a new creation, in the same paragraph where he is referring to the true Israel. Oh, but that's also taboo for you isn't it?

It is precisely by so much reading of the passages that 2P2P is unnacceptable.