Please qualify "faith and faith alone" and "works".
Scientifically (simplified), "work" is simply using force to move an object any distance. The definition does not provide a minimum threshold for the object or the force. It can be a microscopic amount of force and movement, but it is still work.
Moving your mouth and talking is a work. Even consciously choosing to think is a work - things happen in your brain when you focus on making a decision, energy is used up, it causes neurons to fire in certain patterns. That = work.
So the ONLY way you can say that it doesn't take works at all to be saved is to believe in unconditional predestination in its most extreme sense. You'd have to believe that someone could theoretically never hear about God, be the worst thief, rapist and murderer the world has ever seen, and die while doing those deeds, but go to heaven because his works were totally irrelevant.
If you say it takes "choosing to accept Christ": that is a work. If you must "confess Jesus": that is a work.
Where do you draw the line? Could it be that biblical obedience is not a work?
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