STP is erroneously asserting that only the 144, 000 male virgin Jews will be Priests in a Kingdom of Pri
I suppose Peter was addressing said 144,000?
Hi and read Rev 1:6 And He HATH MADE / POIEO us Kings and PRIESTS unto God and His Father , to be glory and dominion for ever and ever , amen !!
So , there will be Kings and PRIESTS in the Millennium !!
The 12 apostles will Judge Israel during the 1000 years , and the Body of Christ is not seen here at all !!
Kings / BASILEUS means Leader of people , Prince , Lord of the LAND , or KING !!
PRIEST / HIEREUS means Priest , High Priest , ot a Priest with scared rites !!
We see from Ezek 40:39 there will be sacrifices and FEAST DAYS as written in Ezk 45:17 !!
From verse 7 we see the second coming of Christ !!
dan p