The MSM - de facto Propaganda Arm of the Democrat Party


Well-known member
They do. There is no such thing as a 'transgender.' Science/medicine is able to make someone 'less' than they were born, but simply doesn't work. We've no way to actually 'help' someone change gender. I told one of our residentials long gone from TOL that it was impossible. I can call 'Bruce' "Kaitlyn." One can change their name. Went over like a lead balloon. They don't/won't get it for their narrative: They really want them to be able to change even though it is impossible (a lie). It is social brainwashing: trendy so "it must be true." The lie heard round the world in epidemic proportions worse than Covid, affecting billions :( Truth is a hard pill to swallow. They resist the injection and it is a natural/logical one.