The MSM - de facto Propaganda Arm of the Democrat Party


Well-known member
They do. There is no such thing as a 'transgender.' Science/medicine is able to make someone 'less' than they were born, but simply doesn't work. We've no way to actually 'help' someone change gender. I told one of our residentials long gone from TOL that it was impossible. I can call 'Bruce' "Kaitlyn." One can change their name. Went over like a lead balloon. They don't/won't get it for their narrative: They really want them to be able to change even though it is impossible (a lie). It is social brainwashing: trendy so "it must be true." The lie heard round the world in epidemic proportions worse than Covid, affecting billions :( Truth is a hard pill to swallow. They resist the injection and it is a natural/logical one.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
MSNBC: the astronauts weren't really stranded and they didn't really want to be rescued


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Didn't even bother posting this this morning because it was falling apart so quickly. A bizarrely ineffectual attempt by an editor at The Atlantic to push what had all the hallmarks of a lie, weakly.

Anyways, here's just one more example of why nobody should listen to the mainstream media anymore

And Trump's final nail in the coffin, doing it as only he can do so well 😂
