The MSM - de facto Propaganda Arm of the Democrat Party

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Been covering this in lots of other threads but I thought it deserved its own. In the clip below you see a smirking Joe Scarborough. Boy would I love to wipe that smirk off his face and make him eat his teeth.

The difference today from what they've done in the past is that they're not even trying to hide it today. They don't care if they're rebutted like this instantly by the right, they don't care if the center sees it and knows it. This is all messaging for the useful idiots that they control.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


Well-known member
Buncha vid clips in the link

Oh my Joy ... You are the most to be pitied and you don't know it. God knows my prayer for you and others ... not to be harmed or go to hell ... but be replaced by God-fearing persons to whom God will give great wisdom and integrity.
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