The Monkeys Who Support Biden

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The Monkeys who support Biden "See No Evil nor Hear No Evil."

They refuse to acknowledge the greatest political scandal in the history of the USA:

"According to the declassified notes, Brennan and the U.S. intelligence community knew months prior to the 2016 election that the collusion smear was the result of a campaign operation hatched by the campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

“We’re getting additional insight into Russian activites from [REDACTED],” Brennan’s handwritten notes state. “Cite alleged approval by Hillary Clinton–on 26 July–of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisers to villify [sic] Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security services.”

The notes appear to have been prepared by Brennan to memorialize a meeting held at the White House with the president and his top national security advisers. Included in Brennan’s notes are the responses of other participants in the briefing — including those of former White House National Security Adviser Susan Rice, former White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, and former DNI James Clapper, but those responses are redacted."

Not only did Obama know about Hillary's plan to smear Trump with a false story about Russian collusion but he did nothing at all to put it at an end. In fact, the Obama Justice Department helped Hillary pull off her scam.

And the Monkeys on this site couldn't care less! The Democrats depend on these Monkeys to "see No Evil and Hear No Evil" in order for them to gain back the power which they think they deserve.

I have nothing but contempt the Monkeys on this site.


Well-known member
I'm afraid there are monkeys on both sides of the political spectrum. None will admit it, of course.

Besides which- Sun Wukong Rules!

The Barbarian

Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort passed internal Trump campaign information to a Russian intelligence officer during the 2016 election, a new bipartisan Senate report concludes.

The findings draw a direct line between the president's former campaign chairman and Russian intelligence during the 2016 campaign.

Manafort, who was later
convicted for financial fraud crimes, briefed Russian intelligence officer Konstantin Kilimnik on the campaign's polling data and how the Trump campaign sought to beat Hillary Clinton in the presidential election.

Manafort's connection with Kilimnik was a "grave counterintelligence threat," the report reads, adding that it found evidence the Russian intelligence officer may have been linked to the Russian government's efforts to hack and leak Democratic Party emails.

The findings are part of the Senate Intelligence Committee's fifth and final bipartisan report investigating Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 election. This volume is primarily focused on counterintelligence threats and the wide range of Russian attempts to influence both the Trump campaign and the election.

The report builds on special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation — and while it was consistent with the Mueller Report, it in fact goes further.

The committee found that Russian President Vladimir Putin was personally behind the hack and leak operation that published stolen Democratic Party emails, and that WikiLeaks — the website that published them — played a key role and "very likely knew it was assisting a Russian intelligence influence effort."

The Trump campaign sought to take advantage of those leaks by asking for advance notice of the WikiLeaks disclosures, crafting public relations strategies around them, and even encouraging "further theft of information and continued leaks."

This took place at critical moments of the 2016 campaign, the Senate Intelligence Committee concluded.

For example, when the Trump campaign was made aware that The Washington Post would be publishing a copy of the now-infamous Access Hollywood tape, word got to Trump confidant Roger Stone — who tried to get a message to WikiLeaks through an intermediary so that it would publish hacked Democratic Party emails immediately.

WikiLeaks ultimately published stolen emails approximately 30 minutes after the Access Hollywood story was put online.

The Trump campaignresponded to the report by saying it was evidence that "there was no collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign," adding its contention that the "Russia Collusion Hoax is the greatest political scandal in the history of this country."

The report also found fault with the FBI: With regard to the hacking of Democratic Party emails, the Senate Intelligence Committee concluded that the bureau did not act aggressively enough to warn the Democratic National Committee about the hacking operation.

So we can either believe the republican Senate, or we can believe your right-wing blog.

Really not much of a choice, is it?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
I'm afraid there are monkeys on both sides of the political spectrum. None will admit it, of course.

Besides which- Sun Wukong Rules!

Those you think are Monkeys supporting Trump would never close their eyes to a scandal as huge as what Obama and his henchmen tried to pull off against Trump. In fact, this scandal makes Watergate look like a Tea Party when the two are compared. And even the Republicans wanted Nixon gone.

On the other hand, the Monkeys which support Biden just close their eyes to the truth about what Obama and his Justice Department did illegally to spy on the Trump campaign.

Anyone who is stupid enough to forgive the scumbag Obama and his henchmen and think that it will never happen again will find out soon enough that these things will continue to happen under Biden.

Again, I have nothing but contempt for the Monkeys who support Biden and See No evil and Hear No evil.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Sun Wukong Rules!

Democrat Party Rules: All you Monkeys who See No Evil and Hear No Evil keep it up!

That's the only way that you will vote for the candidate of the party of lawlessness.

And if you can't see No Evil or Hear No Evil just play like it never happened!

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Here is more that you Monkeys can ignore:

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Tuesday declassified documents that revealed former CIA Director John Brennan briefed former President Obama on Hillary Clinton’s purported “plan” to tie then-candidate Donald Trump to Russia as “a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server” ahead of the 2016 presidential election, Fox News has learned.

Ratcliffe declassified Brennan’s handwritten notes – which were taken after he briefed Obama on the intelligence the CIA received – and a CIA memo, which revealed that officials referred the matter to the FBI for potential investigative action.

It was all a scam dreamed up by crooked Hillary as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server.

Then the FBI refused to bring charges against crooked Hillary for destroying thousands of her subpoenaed emails and that act was a clear case of Obstruction of Justice. It was a slam duck but the FBI declined to prosecute. Instead, the FBI joined Hillary in her plan to make it look like Trump was colluding with Russia while in reality it was Hillary who was colluding with Russia.

And the Monkeys who support Biden See No Evil nor Hear No Evil when it comes to the fact that Hunter Biden received 3.5 million dollars from the wife of the ex-mayor of Moscow. They couldn't care less!

I have nothing but contempt for the Monkeys in this site who support Biden. They are brainless!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I'm afraid there are monkeys on both sides of the political spectrum. None will admit it, of course.

Besides which- Sun Wukong Rules!


Just watched The Forbidden Kingdom last night - Jet Li as the Monkey King :thumb:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Those you think are Monkeys supporting Trump would never close their eyes to a scandal as huge as what Obama and his henchmen tried to pull off against Trump. In fact, this scandal makes Watergate look like a Tea Party when the two are compared. And even the Republicans wanted Nixon gone.

On the other hand, the Monkeys which support Biden just close their eyes to the truth about what Obama and his Justice Department did illegally to spy on the Trump campaign.

Anyone who is stupid enough to forgive the scumbag Obama and his henchmen and think that it will never happen again will find out soon enough that these things will continue to happen under Biden.

Again, I have nothing but contempt for the Monkeys who support Biden and See No evil and Hear No evil.

How about your current clown of a presidents admissions that he deliberately downplayed Covid-19 and liked doing so? That not such a big deal for you?

You calling other people monkeys is an absolute joke.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
How about your current clown of a presidents admissions that he deliberately downplayed Covid-19 and liked doing so? That not such a big deal for you?

You calling other people monkeys is an absolute joke.

You are the joke, not me.

Trump said exactly why he downplayed the China Virus and he makes sense--he didn't want to cause panic. You probably believe the lie told by Biden that Trump is responsible for all the deaths from the virus because you are lack common sense.

You don't care that Hillary and Obama conspired to frame Trump by weaponizing the FBI and they used illegal means to try to overturn the election of a duly elected President.

That is sedition and they should both be put in jail.

Anyone who defends the actions of those scumbags is Anti-American and care nothing about the democratic process in the USA!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You are the joke, not me.

Trump said exactly why he downplayed the China Virus and he makes sense--he didn't want to cause panic. You probably believe the lie told by Biden that Trump is responsible for all the deaths from the virus because you are lack common sense.

You don't care that Hillary and Obama conspired to frame Trump by weaponizing the FBI and they used illegal means to try to overturn the election of a duly elected President.

That is sedition and they should both be put in jail.

Anyone who defends the actions of those scumbags is Anti-American and care nothing about the democratic process in the USA!

Oh, so you think that he made sense do you? While he was telling the American public that it was all under control and his administration was doing a great job in controlling it, he secretly knew how serious it was and that the deaths were going to escalate. From the get go.

You're all okay with that are you? Hundreds of thousands of deaths while Trumpo was going on about how it would probably disappear in April with the warmer weather? Knowing full well that it wouldn't?

You are moronic.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Does your mommie know that you are playing with her computer, sonny boy?

"Sonny boy"?! :rotfl:

Your chidish antics and refusal to address the points notwithstanding, you are indeed moronic if you give the current clown a free pass after he lied to you and the American people. What, do you think he would have admitted his remarks that were caught on tape after consistently downplaying the severity of the virus for months? Buy a clue. If it had been a democrat who had been in charge when Covid-19 struck and had handled things as badly as Trump and was caught admitting to knowing how serious it was and liking to downplay it, you'd have been slating them all over the place.

Unlike you, I don't play partisan politics. I think our current administration in the UK is crap and the opposition little to no better.


Well-known member
Unlike you, I don't play partisan politics.

US "identity politics" has blinded many Americans. My side is perfect, your side is horrible. Blinders all around. I shoudl check if that verse in Matthew is still there...
first cast out the beam out of thine own eye;and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.​

I think our current administration in the UK is crap and the opposition little to no better.
This must be an international problem

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
US "identity politics" has blinded many Americans. My side is perfect, your side is horrible. Blinders all around. I shoudl check if that verse in Matthew is still there...
first cast out the beam out of thine own eye;and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.​

This must be an international problem

It's just bewildering to me how people in America can be so polarized where it comes to politics. In the UK, cynicism is rife and rightly so. There are some who are ardent fanatics of one party or another but it's hardly the main. Most people are just fed up of the lot of them and expect more of the same ole same ole...

Where it comes to the far right in America, it is quite literally insane...

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Unlike you, I don't play partisan politics.

You are a Monkey who supports Biden who Sees No Evil nor Hears No evil when it comes to the lies which Harris told during the debate. You care nothing about the fact that Hunter Biden received millions from the wife of the ex-mayor of Moscow. You care nothing about that fact that Obama's FBI illegally spied on the Trump campaign and tried to overthrow a duly elected President, which is nothing less that sedition.

And then you have somehow tricked your mind into believing that you don't play partisan politics!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You are a Monkey who supports Biden who Sees No Evil nor Hears No evil when it comes to the lies which Harris told during the debate. You care nothing about the fact that Hunter Biden received millions from the wife of the ex-mayor of Moscow. You care nothing about that fact that Obama's FBI illegally spied on the Trump campaign and tried to overthrow a duly elected President, which is nothing less that sedition.

And then you have somehow tricked your mind into believing that you don't play partisan politics!

So, still nothing as to how your current spray tanned clown of a president downplayed the virus, is on record for doing so along with liking doing it and his outright lies to the American population, including you.

Kinda figures.

