The Methodology mistake of the 2P2P pounding on one 'Judah/Israel' verse.


Well-known member
The real mistake of 2P2P about this is that they did not do Acts 13:32-33 this way, and about 500 other verses. Everything, the whole world, stops at Heb 8:8 as strictly as they see it, but not any others.

this is called 'warping' the Bible. They still think it is 'Bible' but now 'Bible' has become a mutation of its reality.

Our 2P2P friends, who insult all others in their banners, don't even bother to notice that their favorite pound-it verse is interpreted in Heb 10 as widely as it truly is. They won't say why they have stolen all those verses (1-18) and hidden them, but at least we know they are not hidden in Christ, because in 2 years here, I don't see where 'in Christ' matters one pimple. 2P2P believes in a universe that is just for those in Judaism, and a whole bunch of separate things like that instead of Heb 10:1-18 for all mankind.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
The real mistake of 2P2P about this is that they did not do Acts 13:32-33 this way, and about 500 other verses. Everything, the whole world, stops at Heb 8:8 as strictly as they see it, but not any others.

this is called 'warping' the Bible. They still think it is 'Bible' but now 'Bible' has become a mutation of its reality.

Our 2P2P friends, who insult all others in their banners, don't even bother to notice that their favorite pound-it verse is interpreted in Heb 10 as widely as it truly is. They won't say why they have stolen all those verses (1-18) and hidden them, but at least we know they are not hidden in Christ, because in 2 years here, I don't see where 'in Christ' matters one pimple. 2P2P believes in a universe that is just for those in Judaism, and a whole bunch of separate things like that instead of Heb 10:1-18 for all mankind.


Then take the time to write clearly, write plainly, and "learn us sumthin" line upon line and precept upon precept...if you are indeed apt to teach?


Well-known member

Then take the time to write clearly, write plainly, and "learn us sumthin" line upon line and precept upon precept...if you are indeed apt to teach?

It is clear and plain, and not what you want to hear and you are oblivious to what you are doing. Can't you go count the number of times you pounded on Heb 8:8 but ignored so many others? What's the matter with you?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
It is clear and plain, and not what you want to hear and you are oblivious to what you are doing. Can't you go count the number of times you pounded on Heb 8:8 but ignored so many others? What's the matter with you?

Give us a detailed post, with scriptures quoted, lay line upon line and precept upon precept and "learn us" why Israel and Judah does not mean Israel and Judah.

Can you do that for us?


Literal lunatic
King James Version
And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.


Literal lunatic
IP the Genius thinks Galatians opens up Israel and Judah to all of us, just because it says they were heirs according to the promise. What kind of edumucation gets folks thinkin' that way?

What does he mean opens up and what about it do you disagree with?


Well-known member
I'm sure you've never compared the Galatians with the Ephesians.
How do you know it's a "bogus distinction" therefore?

Why on earth would say such a stupid thing? It's about all I do--join Gal 3 and Eph 2-3. You are infected with creating division, which is what 2P2P is about. The passages mentioned are unifying the people of Christ; they are talking about the same thing.

Those passages completely ruin what 2P2P has been about, which is why they are hardly ever discussed by those people who are stuck in a handful of scattered verses as proof-texts.

If you are referring to the Ephesian people, you should know that the best original texts do not have Ephesians in 1:1, it is blank. It was circulated widely. But even if you are to try to fix things geographically, there are not huge differences between the neo-Judaism of Col (Eph is a long Col) and the neo-Judaism of Gal. Nice try.

What ticks you off is how little of 2P2P survives when these letters are embraced. It is a fraud.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Why on earth would say such a stupid thing? It's about all I do--join Gal 3 and Eph 2-3. You are infected with creating division, which is what 2P2P is about. The passages mentioned are unifying the people of Christ; they are talking about the same thing.

Those passages completely ruin what 2P2P has been about, which is why they are hardly ever discussed by those people who are stuck in a handful of scattered verses as proof-texts.

If you are referring to the Ephesian people, you should know that the best original texts do not have Ephesians in 1:1, it is blank. It was circulated widely. But even if you are to try to fix things geographically, there are not huge differences between the neo-Judaism of Col (Eph is a long Col) and the neo-Judaism of Gal. Nice try.

What ticks you off is how little of 2P2P survives when these letters are embraced. It is a fraud.

The Galatians and Ephesians had much different paths into the Body.
Your dusty books of men didn't tell you this.