The Marxist Dialectic, the New American Nationalism and the Dinosaur Media
In his 1950 book, The Authoritarian Personality, Transformational Marxist ,Theodore W. Adorno of the Frankfurt School, taught that Christianity and the family cause racism,
Adorno and his crew who did the ideological work at Berkeley for the book, The Authoritarian Personality, 1950, included anti-semitism in their ideology, which promoted Transformational Marxism, by use of fascism as the dialectic opposite - and chief villain - within their use of the Marxist dialectic.
"In the eyes of the dialectical philosophy, nothing is established for
all time, nothing is absolute or sacred." (Karl Marx)
Benjamin Bloom, who wrote the two volume book on the Taxonomy
of Educational Goal Objectives, by which all teachers must be
certified, said "“We recognize the point of view that
truth and knowledge are only relative and that there are no hard and fast truths which exist for all time and places.” (Benjamin Bloom, et al., Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Book 1, Cognitive Domain).
Dean Gotcher found a footnote in Bloom's Affective Domain book, on page 166, where Bloom acknowledges the influence of Theodore W. Adorno and Eric Fromm on the psychological theory, or ideology contained in his two volumes, Educational Goal taxonomies. Book II , Affective Domain p. 166.
“1. Cf. Erich Fromm, 1941; T. W. Adorno et al., 1950” Benjamin Bloom, Book II Affective Domain p. 166. This is Bloom's footnote
acknowledging the influence on his thinking from Erich Fromm and
Theodore W. Adorno. Adorno was an original Frankfurter Marxist who posed as a personality and social psychologist in writing his 1950 book, The Authoritarian Personality, in which he claimed that the authoritarian personality and fascism are caused by the family and Christianity. Erich Fromm was a Transformational Marxist psychologist and close associate of the Frankfurters.
All public school teachers are required to know the ideology in the two volumes - the Taxonomy of Educational Goal Objectives,1956 and 1964 - by Benjamin Bloom and associates,to become certified.
This means that all school teachers since 1956 and/or 1964 have been indoctrinated in Transformational Marxism. However, neither Bloom nor other educational psychologists ever admit that the Taxonomy of Educational Goal Objectives are based on an ideology coming out of the Marxist Frankfurt School.
The Baby Boomers were the first to be taught by teachers certified in Transformational Marxist ideology.
Excerpts From The Authoritarian Personality By Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno…/35738019-Adorno-Theodor-W-S…
"The present inquiry into the nature of the potentially fascistic
individual began with anti-Semitism in the focus of attention.
The authors, in common with most social
scientists, hold the
view that anti-Semitism is based more largely upon factors in
the subject and in his total situation than upon actual
characteristics of Jews, and that one place to look for
determinants of anti-Semitic opinions and attitudes is within the
persons who express them..........,.And since from the start the
research was guided by the hypotheses stated above, it was
supposed (1) that anti-Semitism probably is not a specific or
isolated phenomenon but a part of a broader ideological
framework, and (2) that an individual's susceptibility to this
ideology depends primarily upon his psychological needs. "
"The task of fascist propaganda, in other words, is
rendered easier to the degree that antidemocratic potentials already exist in the great mass of people."
Political correctness, which became an effective attitude and belief changing propaganda procedure for the Left, came out of the teachings of the Frankfurt School on anti-Semitism and racism and the use of fascism as the dialectical opposite of Transformational Marxism. Fascism became for Transformational Marxism the number one villain, when in fact, the final goal of Transformational Marxism is the creation of a world wide collectivist totalitarian society under a dictatorial world government.
So, following the Frankfurt School ideology, the American Left considers any American nationalist movement "fascist," and its leaders "racist" Both are politically incorrect.
And the "dinosaur media," the Government-Media-Complex, looks for any behavior by those politically incorrect populist-nationalists which might be called "racist" and "fascist," Hitler is drug out as a symbol of fascist nationalism, hinting that any nationalist leader is like Hitler.
In his 1950 book, The Authoritarian Personality, Transformational Marxist ,Theodore W. Adorno of the Frankfurt School, taught that Christianity and the family cause racism,
Adorno and his crew who did the ideological work at Berkeley for the book, The Authoritarian Personality, 1950, included anti-semitism in their ideology, which promoted Transformational Marxism, by use of fascism as the dialectic opposite - and chief villain - within their use of the Marxist dialectic.
"In the eyes of the dialectical philosophy, nothing is established for
all time, nothing is absolute or sacred." (Karl Marx)
Benjamin Bloom, who wrote the two volume book on the Taxonomy
of Educational Goal Objectives, by which all teachers must be
certified, said "“We recognize the point of view that
truth and knowledge are only relative and that there are no hard and fast truths which exist for all time and places.” (Benjamin Bloom, et al., Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Book 1, Cognitive Domain).
Dean Gotcher found a footnote in Bloom's Affective Domain book, on page 166, where Bloom acknowledges the influence of Theodore W. Adorno and Eric Fromm on the psychological theory, or ideology contained in his two volumes, Educational Goal taxonomies. Book II , Affective Domain p. 166.
“1. Cf. Erich Fromm, 1941; T. W. Adorno et al., 1950” Benjamin Bloom, Book II Affective Domain p. 166. This is Bloom's footnote
acknowledging the influence on his thinking from Erich Fromm and
Theodore W. Adorno. Adorno was an original Frankfurter Marxist who posed as a personality and social psychologist in writing his 1950 book, The Authoritarian Personality, in which he claimed that the authoritarian personality and fascism are caused by the family and Christianity. Erich Fromm was a Transformational Marxist psychologist and close associate of the Frankfurters.
All public school teachers are required to know the ideology in the two volumes - the Taxonomy of Educational Goal Objectives,1956 and 1964 - by Benjamin Bloom and associates,to become certified.
This means that all school teachers since 1956 and/or 1964 have been indoctrinated in Transformational Marxism. However, neither Bloom nor other educational psychologists ever admit that the Taxonomy of Educational Goal Objectives are based on an ideology coming out of the Marxist Frankfurt School.
The Baby Boomers were the first to be taught by teachers certified in Transformational Marxist ideology.
Excerpts From The Authoritarian Personality By Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno…/35738019-Adorno-Theodor-W-S…
"The present inquiry into the nature of the potentially fascistic
individual began with anti-Semitism in the focus of attention.
The authors, in common with most social
scientists, hold the
view that anti-Semitism is based more largely upon factors in
the subject and in his total situation than upon actual
characteristics of Jews, and that one place to look for
determinants of anti-Semitic opinions and attitudes is within the
persons who express them..........,.And since from the start the
research was guided by the hypotheses stated above, it was
supposed (1) that anti-Semitism probably is not a specific or
isolated phenomenon but a part of a broader ideological
framework, and (2) that an individual's susceptibility to this
ideology depends primarily upon his psychological needs. "
"The task of fascist propaganda, in other words, is
rendered easier to the degree that antidemocratic potentials already exist in the great mass of people."
Political correctness, which became an effective attitude and belief changing propaganda procedure for the Left, came out of the teachings of the Frankfurt School on anti-Semitism and racism and the use of fascism as the dialectical opposite of Transformational Marxism. Fascism became for Transformational Marxism the number one villain, when in fact, the final goal of Transformational Marxism is the creation of a world wide collectivist totalitarian society under a dictatorial world government.
So, following the Frankfurt School ideology, the American Left considers any American nationalist movement "fascist," and its leaders "racist" Both are politically incorrect.
And the "dinosaur media," the Government-Media-Complex, looks for any behavior by those politically incorrect populist-nationalists which might be called "racist" and "fascist," Hitler is drug out as a symbol of fascist nationalism, hinting that any nationalist leader is like Hitler.