I believed it was all over right wing media and in print. How is that lying.
You're missing an important point: why?
Why would you believe it, not having actually read or heard it?
Why would you believe it so strongly that not only did you assert it, but asserted it was "all over" right wing media?
Why did you feel so strongly that you could assert it and insult me for not "knowing" what wasn't there to be known?
There's really not a good answer to that, is there. I have been mistaken on inference before, gotten facts wrong. It happens to all of us. People recalling an accident will get all sorts of details wrong.
They don't, however, tend to get the fact that there was an accident wrong.
Read the definition for mistaken and read the definition for lying. I think you will find I fit the former. You and your kind are disgusting.
You know why that's funny? I mean beyond the way you've made your error and insult everyone else's burden? This:
When you are doing your usual rhetorical dishonest word trickery, it requires a little playing dumb to expose it for what it is.
So you probably shouldn't be too sensitive about it, should you.

You throw around the word liar Willy nilly.
I don't really.
Why? Is that supposed to make me back down and grovel to you?
Like I said, it's your problem to sort through.