The Left's selective response to "hate and bigotry," nicely illustrated


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like marbles on glass
The Right's selective response to humanitarian tragedy, nicely illustrated

That time the United States happily airlifted thousands of Muslim refugees out of Europe


It was May 6, 1999, and the United States had just received its first airlifted refugees from Kosovo, fleeing the violence of troops loyal to Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic. In total, the United States had agreed to take in 20,000 or so refugees. The vast majority of these people, if not all, were Muslims.

"The numbers we are dealing with are enormous," Spencer Abraham, then a Republican United States senator from Michigan, acknowledged when talking about the crisis before the Senate Judiciary Committee that April.

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"Yet, with large numbers it is often possible to lose the full picture of human tragedy, the human face, for behind every number, every statistic, there is a story to be heard."


Well-known member
There's that mysterious stench of childish rage and sobbing again. I think I even hear the enraged shaking of tiny impotent fists.

Huh. Weird. Don't see anything.


Well-known member
There's that mysterious stench of childish rage and sobbing again. I think I even hear the enraged shaking of tiny impotent fists.

Huh. Weird. Don't see anything.

Yeah your only response is self delusion and name calling. That speaks to someone unable to actually engage in the topic at hand.

There are certainly bigots in both parties, however, Republicans in this past election cycle have clearly vaulted themselves ahead of Democrats as mainstreaming prejudiced and fear of those different from themselves.


They've called everyone and everything one of the following: racist, sexist, bigoted. And they've been doing it for years.

It's arbitrary, they have no sensible palette- they simply say and do whatever will impress weak minds to get involved in their agenda to throw America to the world.

Greg Jennings

New member
The cartoon is so interesting because it's so accurate.

I'm not saying that too many Muslims worldwide don't think that way, but it's not accurate for American Muslims. I've never met a single one who espoused those "values" that you listed.

However, they do ask for the guy who cuts their barbecue to clean off the knife first. Those rapscalions


Well-known member
So much whiny hatred and bigotry among TOLs leftists. So very un-self-aware.

Nah Trump is the worst sore winner I've ever seen. Still arguing about his win.

Said Trump: “Campaigning to win the Electoral College is much more difficult and sophisticated than the popular vote. Hillary focused on the wrong states!”

He added: “I would have done even better in the election, if that is possible, if the winner was based on popular vote — but would campaign differently.”

Someone call the Trump Whaambulance. :p


New member
The left also apparently thinks that women and minorities can't take care of themselves. They talk as if minorities are incapable of doing anything unless the professional left is there to have the government do it for them. It's like they think minorities are inferior. My grandfather was Mexican and he did just fine without Nancy Pelosi and Amy Shumer handing him anything.