The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Apparently you didn't read or see the video presentation to even begin to imagine the cosmogony laid out in the papers, but you just dismiss such info. as 'fables'. How would you know or even begin to imagine how large and vast the Grand Universe is, and how many universes exist in the Grand Universe, without first considering the proposal given in its scale-ratio format, to have some idea of it? Why don't you respect the thread subject here, and any given subject being considered? This quick dismissal method only breeds religious arrogance, pride and presumption, does not inspire the soul forward to consider 'God' in his greater attributes, qualities and personality traits, let alone the infinity of creation and the vast space regions beyond 7 super-universes that revole around the Isle of Paradise, again...just to get an idea from the scale ratio, and figurative numbers give one an idea of the great proporitions of the known universe, and the potential of creation and possibilities in the outer space regions beyond.

Again, this is just to give your mind an idea upon which your soul to contemplate. If you don't have this inner curiosity or aspiration to at least consider/ponder and investigate,...your religious impulse or dynamic of imagination isn't very vital :idunno:

If interested in Modern Astronomy and the UB go here.

View attachment 24158

In reference to Ken Wilber's statement above (click to enlarge image), the UB enlarges the 'map' so to speak. The Universe does have dimensions and bouderies as far as finite measurements are concerned, but the reality of infinity still exists as the womb and context in which creation arises and takes its various forms. 'God', the Universal Father is still the First Source and Center of all creation, all that is or ever will be.

People who have been bullied by bible thumpers all of their life can't stand enlarged truth concepts. For them church becomes the weekly reinforcement of square legs in round holes.


Eclectic Theosophist
Expanding on ideas and concepts.............

Expanding on ideas and concepts.............

People who have been bullied by bible thumpers all of their life can't stand enlarged truth concepts. For them church becomes the weekly reinforcement of square pegs in round holes.

I think its awesome to have a free mind to openly research & investigate all things :)

Lets continue on what we've shared so far on 'personality' in the Foreword -

I. Deity and Divinity

0:1.1 The universe of universes presents phenomena of deity activities on diverse levels of cosmic realities, mind meanings, and spirit values, but all of these ministrations — personal or otherwise — are divinely co-ordinated.

0:1.2 DEITY is personalizable as God, is prepersonal and superpersonal in ways not altogether comprehensible by man. Deity is characterized by the quality of unity — actual or potential — on all supermaterial levels of reality; and this unifying quality is best comprehended by creatures as divinity.

One revealed aspect of God that is 'pre-personal' is the 'thought-adjuster', it being referred to as a fragment of God that indwells the minds of men, is a pure spirit-fragment of Deity, and is 'pre-personal' in that its essence is of a quality that is prior to any 'personalization' given to it, which is possible when a mortal chooses eternal survival and 'fuses' with his thought-adjuster, and they and the adjuster become one, thus truly immortalized. In this mysterious and wonderful union, the soul is immortalized and can never die, and the adjuster and the soul are united as a living personality. In this way, that spirit-fragment of God in the soul becomes 'personalized' as it were. There are at least 5 papers about 'thought-adjusters' beginning here.

We view God as a divine Personality, especially when we relate to Him 'personally', as an interaction between personalities. However there are transcendental aspects of Deity that are 'superpersonal', being beyond our finite mortal comprehension. So God as 'Our Father' is truly a 'personal God', and our Creator Son (Jesus) is as unto us a 'father' (creator), on a personal level which is further realized by spiritual rebirth and illumination as the Spirit bears witness that we are children of God (recognizing the Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man).

A fundamental feature of Deity is its quality of unity, in essence and function ("all of these ministrations — personal or otherwise — are divinely co-ordinated").

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Anyone unlucky enough to come across this ridiculous thread must realize one important truth. "The Urantia Book" is a UFO Cult that has very few adherents. Caino and Freelight are the only "Bozo's" on TOL that swear by this silly Cult. There may be a total of a hundred or so oddballs in the world besides these two "Knuckleheads." Be advised that anything these two say is a whole lot of baloney.

They are both very naive and teach this UFO Cosmic junk to anybody willing to waste their time listening. They're two lost souls seeking approval of some L.Ron Hubbard type Sci-Fi writer from the mid-1950s. You'd learn more by watching, "Rodan the Flying Monster" on a late, late show. Check your local listings.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Both Freelight and Caino are the personifications of ALL those Sci-Fi films from the early 50s. Grow up guys or get yourselves a You-Tube spot so people can see how silly you two look.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Perhaps you two can create a couple of puppets and show the folks how the Urantia UFO Cult had its beginnings? The puppets can be made to look like both of you and you can interact with the puppets and give them a voice? The puppets can explain your Cult in some kind of "Pseudo-intelligent way." You can even tie threads to paper plates in order for them to represent Flying Saucers?"

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You could call it:

1) UFOrUs? That has a ring to it.
2) The Urantia Boys Retrospect?
3) How we turned our minds to mush?
4) Little Green Men have rights too?
5) How we got involved with a cult and lost our minds in the process?
6) 2016: A space Idiocy?

Any other ideas?

patrick jane

Perhaps you two can create a couple of puppets and show the folks how the Urantia UFO Cult had its beginnings? The puppets can be made to look like both of you and you can interact with the puppets and give them a voice? The puppets can explain your Cult in some kind of "Pseudo-intelligent way." You can even tie threads to paper plates in order for them to represent Flying Saucers?"

You're thinking about the UB too much, hopefully they haven't converted you GM
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