under constructionatrol:
The earth is fixed and doesn't move... the shadow of Venus proves this to be true. It cannot be explained any other way. The earth does not fly through space, rotate or even move at all.I'm sure those who insisted that the Sun orbited the Earth ...
The earth is fixed and doesn't move... the shadow of Venus proves this to be true. It cannot be explained any other way. The earth does not fly through space, rotate or even move at all.
Rejoice in this glorious example from the Book of Plagiarism and Eugenics.64:3.5 850,000 years ago the superior Badonan tribes began a warfare of extermination directed against their inferior and animalistic neighbors. In less than one thousand years most of the borderland animal groups of these regions had been either destroyed or driven back to the southern forests. This campaign for the extermination of inferiors brought about a slight improvement in the hill tribes of that age. And the mixed descendants of this improved Badonite stock appeared on the stage of action as an apparently new people -- the Neanderthal race.
I see you are optimistic that your own fantasy stories will find sympathy in science.It's only a matter of time before an article appears in some science magazine that lends credence to the idea of "magic." You just watch. Atheists will swallow any pill to avoid consideration of God.
The problem is that science slays gods of the gaps. Mystery is essential for the scientist and the religionist alike, but while the scientist sees it as a challenge to overcome, the religionist must see it as a necessity to be maintained at all costs, lest the absurdity of his particular god delusion make it through all the barriers his cult puts up.
Do you have any such unambiguous evidence?
Ain't that the truth!? It's amazing what they will believe in order to disbelieve.It's only a matter of time before an article appears in some science magazine that lends credence to the idea of "magic." You just watch. Atheists will swallow any pill to avoid consideration of God.
Oh, how I wish! The problem is that science is failing to either close or fill the gaps. It leaves them gaping open, waiting for some new imaginations to fill it. Like some of that Steven Hawking nonsense.
Lack of ambiguity is an interesting requisite. Theoretically, every piece of evidence can be called ambiguous because it's subject to whatever worldview you hold. Borrowing from another discussion, if you are a materialist, you may say consciousness stems from the physical brain. If you are not a materialist, you may say that consciousness exists outside the physical realm. Either way, you yet again hit the brick wall of induction. If lack of ambiguity in your eyes is a requirement, then so be it. But that's just another way of saying you have already made up your mind about what evidence you will and will not accept.
You haven't got the faintest clue what you are talking about, have you.Oh, how I wish! The problem is that science is failing to either close or fill the gaps. It leaves them gaping open, waiting for some new imaginations to fill it. Like some of that Steven Hawking nonsense.
Not if you are an empiricist. It is pretty clear that there is unambiguous evidence that the brain is AT LEAST electrochemical in its nature, but there is NO unambiguous evidence that it is anything more than that. Ignoring those who claim there is woo attached is as logically valid a response as humouring them with a reply, because they are making no testable claim, and therefore no meaningful claim. The claim is as valid as any crackpot's untestable fantasy concept.Lack of ambiguity is an interesting requisite. Theoretically, every piece of evidence can be called ambiguous because it's subject to whatever worldview you hold. Borrowing from another discussion, if you are a materialist, you may say consciousness stems from the physical brain. If you are not a materialist, you may say that consciousness exists outside the physical realm. Either way, you yet again hit the brick wall of induction.
No, it's a way of you demonstrating that Eros and Chaos of the Roman creation myth are not actually responsible for the creation. You have every other crazy creation myth to take on as well as real evidence-based scientific theory. It is also an expectation that you have properly discounted all the other well-established reasons that human brains take Imaginary Friends and celestial conspiracy theories seriously.If lack of ambiguity in your eyes is a requirement, then so be it. But that's just another way of saying you have already made up your mind about what evidence you will and will not accept.
The reason that religion fails is men try to make it something it's not. God designed His commands to protect us from ourselves. Men invent religious dogma to bring themselves up to God's Level. The best we can do is filthy rags. God came down in The Form of Flesh (Jesus) to accept us just as we are and give us eternal life. Rejecting His Offer is simply stupid.The funny thing is, weather one is religious or one claims the guidance of strict logic, neither one has a monopoly on reality.
Originally Posted by Caino
The funny thing is, weather one is religious or one claims the guidance of strict logic, neither one has a monopoly on reality.
The reason that religion fails is men try to make it something it's not. God designed His commands to protect us from ourselves. Men invent religious dogma to bring themselves up to God's Level. The best we can do is filthy rags. God came down in The Form of Flesh (Jesus) to accept us just as we are and give us eternal life. Rejecting His Offer is simply stupid.
When one is in a relationship with Jesus (Who is Truth), He can reveal whatever truth He wishes (or that we're in need of). Spiritual reality isn't what most religions project.
Yes, filthy rags:... filthy rags? thats a position of low self esteem. Before Jesus even began the public phaze of his teaching he had (as a human) pleased God. He taught that we can to.
We are His slaves, not by command, but by His very Presence inside of us. He causes the desires of our hearts to change to be pleasing to Him. There is nothing good in any man, except God be in him."The Universal Father never imposes any form of arbitrary recognition, formal worship, or slavish service upon the intelligent will creatures of the universes.
God is The Only One Who is capable of putting anything at all good into anyone. No one will have a single thing to brag about in Heaven, except what God did for them.The affectionate dedication of the human will to the doing of the Father’s will is man’s choicest gift to God; in fact, such a consecration of creature will constitutes man’s only possible gift of true value to the Paradise Father.
Yes, filthy rags:
Isaiah 64:6
But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness's are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
All the 'works' that men do cannot be any better than filthy rags in God's Sight. ONLY Jesus is worthy of ANY praise.
Luke 14:11
For whosoever exalted himself shall be abased; and he that humbler himself shall be exalted.
We cannot please God, in any way, shape or form. Only Christ's Blood will satisfy God's demand of perfection. Only Jesus is worthy of any praise.
"The Universal Father never imposes any form of arbitrary recognition, formal worship, or slavish service upon the intelligent will creatures of the universes.
We are His slaves, not by command, but by His very Presence inside of us. He causes the desires of our hearts to change to be pleasing to Him. There is nothing good in any man, except God be in him.
The affectionate dedication of the human will to the doing of the Father’s will is man’s choicest gift to God; in fact, such a consecration of creature will constitutes man’s only possible gift of true value to the Paradise Father.
God is The Only One Who is capable of putting anything at all good into anyone. No one will have a single thing to brag about in Heaven, except what God did for them.
HOGWASH. The very currency of Heaven is humility. Your philosophy is the exact opposite of a Godly conscience. We are nothing in His Sight. We are less than a speck of dust to The King of The Universe. The Lord, while in human form, called Himself: "The Son of Man," not even, "The Son of God." He demonstrated for us Godly humility. Each of us is lost in our own ego trip, until we become saved by His Blood.That's very sad that you have such low self esteem. I can see why the grotesque concept of a sadistic God has enslaved you. It bears no resemblance whatsoever to the Father revealed by Christ.
HOGWASH. The very currency of Heaven is humility. Your philosophy is the exact opposite of a Godly conscience. We are nothing in His Sight. We are less than a speck of dust to The King of The Universe. The Lord, while in human form, called Himself: "The Son of Man," not even, "The Son of God." He demonstrated for us Godly humility. Each of us is lost in our own ego trip, until we become saved by His Blood.
Romans 12:3
For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
I have the measure of faith in my Redeemer; I have no faith in my own arm of flesh. His Arm supplies all my needs according to His Riches in glory by Christ Jesus. I can do nothing of myself.