Yes, I have. This part? No, but it is no different from everything everything everything I've ALREADY read.
Which is so 'current events' away from the ancient culture and so preachy you have to know it is Dr. Sadler.
You cannot born-again yourself. God makes one born-again. He is the only one who can. SO, as I said, "yep, read that, responded to that" already.
Vs. Listen to the Pharisees but don't do like they do.

Despite awkward sentences and sentence structure, the other thing necessary for any kind of 'new' revelation from God are works of signs, healings and wonders that the whole of Christendom sees. The Lord Jesus Christ didn't just go to disciples, He went into the synagogues "as was his custom" the UB would say (simply because Sadler didn't know how to say things and embellished with a LOT of filler-words).
To whom? You? Dr. Sadler?
Which appeals to everyone who doesn't want to wrestle with the God who is. It is a cop-out to create a god of your own making because it 1) leaves you exactly where found , 2) asks everyone else to bow to YOUR idol, and 3) never asks the pertinent questions of a man wrestling with His God.
Frankly? This is and sounds exactly like Dr. Sadler and nobody else.
It was Isaiah. Dr. Sadler quotes a lot from Isaiah. Did he not know it was Isaiah?
:doh: says Isaiah-quoting Dr. Sadler : Plain:
Like Dr. Sadler JUST did in text :doh:
There are no more prophets today. The scriptures are closed until such are accompanied, unmistakably, with signs from God as His stamp.
Every person who is in Christ already is. It sounds like Dr. Sadler wasn't because he (and you) missed it.
"Mental" again is extemporaneous and unneeded. Dr. Sadler was prone to many filler words thus, platitudes and emptiness.

Does this even make any kind of sense to you? It can't possibly, Caino!
Er, no. It was overcome at the cross and those finding Him have already overcome.
Which means exactly nothing, Caino. Remember me mentioning 'Imagine' by John Lennon? Same exact philosophy. Sin separates us from God and us from each other. Eradication of sin IS the answer. "The wolf will lie down with the lamb" sound familiar? (Isaiah, Dr. Sadler's favorite again)
Like here in the UB thread???
Only new creations in Christ ever get to this point. There is no 'mutual admiration' in Hollywood. Democrats don't all love one another (nor Republicans, but that seems obvious at the moment).
There is only One Mediator between God and man....
I've read it before, Caino. Just because I tell you something about the book you don't like to hear doesn't mean I'm the one who is inept. I've stated the case against this book in truth and clarity. Don't be deluded or mistaken. It is a horrible book, however hard it is for you to fathom that I could think so.