I really enjoyed Caino's story.
Get out of the Urantia book cult with cult help.com!
The Adventist background of both Kellogg and Sadler does explain a few things. For example, it's a point of Adventist doctrine that Jesus is really Michael the Archangel.[3]
footnote: 3. While Adventists equate Jesus with Michael the Archangel, they also accept the deity of Christ. They interpret "archangel" to mean "leader of the angels." Jehovah's Witnesses, on the other hand, believe Jesus was Michael but reject the deity of Jesus; they consider him to be a true angel, i.e., a created being. THE URANTIA BOOK also rejects the deity of Jesus Christ.
Oh neat!Don't forget to shop at "UFOsRus" They have some fine deals going on this month. Some items are 1/2 off the sticker price!
Get out of the Urantia book cult with cult help.com!
Not just UFO, but occultic séance and possession!Hey, Freelight, whatever you do, don't forget that the UB is a "UFO Cult?" Try to remember that? Say it ten times a day for one month in front of a mirror preferably?
THE URANTIA BOOK... in line with other mediumistic revelations, it is dead-set against...Christian doctrines, including the inerrancy of Scripture, simple Trinitarianism, the Fall of man, original sin, the substitutionary atonement of Jesus Christ, faith and repentance for salvation, the resurrection of the flesh, and eternal punishment.THE URANTIA BOOK records Jesus telling his disciple Nathaniel, "The Scriptures are faulty and altogether human in origin" (page 1767); and while "the Scriptures contain much that is true, . . . these writings also contain much that is misrepresentative of the Father in heaven" (1768). The Jesus of THE URANTIA BOOK flatly denounces "this erroneous idea of the absolute perfection of the Scripture record and the infallibility of its teachings" (1768). Likewise, the book says, "There has been no 'fall of man.' The history of the human race is one of progressive evolution . . . " (846). God's covenant with Israel is referred to as "the chosen-people delusion" (1005). And the atonement of Jesus is emphatically denied: "The barbarous idea of appeasing an angry God, of propitiating an offended Lord, of winning the favor of Deity through sacrifices and penance and even by the shedding of blood, represents a religion wholly puerile and primitive. . . .It is an affront to God to believe, hold, or teach that innocent blood must be shed in order to win his favor or to divert the fictitious divine wrath" (60). Toward the end of the book we read, "All this concept of atonement and sacrificial salvation is rooted and grounded in selfishness. . . . Salvation should be taken for granted by those who believe in the fatherhood of God" (2017). |
Get out of the Urantia book cult with cult help.com!
Thanks for the link. Just confirms my warning about following unfamiliar spirits.Get out of the Urantia book cult with cult help.com!
Quote Originally Posted by Urantia Scam
The scientific facts stated for example are outdated and based on knowledge known only at the time the book was written. Highly irrelevant if it were communicated from a well advanced race of aliens. The described formation of the solar system is consistent with the Chamberlin-Moulton planetesimal hypothesis discarded in the 1940’s. Some species are said to have evolved suddenly from single mutations without transitional species, but the idea has not been supported since 1930. Controversial statements in the book support the idea of distinctive “spheres” in society based on physical differences such as color. According to Gardner, William S. Sadler and Wilfred Custer Kellogg who wrote some eugenicist works, had a hand in editing or writing the book, and that this is how the ideas were included. Another fact is that the book is said to have been published in 1955, giving more time for the editors to edit old scientific facts to satisfy the needs. Furthermore, in recent years the book had shown that it was edited again from its earlier versions, to include more accurate scientific facts, so they make it look like the whole thing was prophesied in 1911. -Urantia Scam
Another 'cult-alert' article on the UB,....btw, Martin Gardner's critical book 'Urantia: The Great Cult Mystery' has been responded to by Meredith J Sprunger here. Also, the 'sleeping subject' is still a mystery. Martin only offers his opinion of who it was, as does anyone else, and its reported he has never even read the papers in their entirety. His amazon.com review gets 2 1/2 stars out of 36 reviewers here. All full UB editions get 4 1/2 or 5 star ratings here- go figure.
Another claim:
First of all, the UB does NOT teach that Jesus is Michael the archangel. We've gone thru this earlier here on Creator Sons, who are of the order of Michael. Creator Sons are also called 'Michaels', there is more than one. There is no association with Christ-Michael with the traditional-orthodox Judeo-Christian identity of an single archangel named 'Michael',...although the names have been confused over the centuries.
I've also already already addressed the claim that the UB rejects the deity of Jesus Christ here. The papers fully hold that Jesus was both God and Man,...the Son of God and Son of Man. The Christology is different due to the divine hierarchy, cosmic revelation and Deity orders and associations revealed in the papers. Just like the NT has its own terms, meanings and definitions...which were further defined by various church councils, theologians and different schools of thought.
Its still somewhat comical that there is some 'cult' to escape here,...when we're discussing a BOOK. A book is not a cult, neither is there is an official church, organization, fundamental sect or 'cult' that is sponsored or encouraged by the book, as it actually speaks against 'cults' in their negative aspects and potentials....encouraging intellectual and spiritual freedom of every individual to seek the truth for himself, and of course he can gather with like minded souls to form communities to serve the higher good and others, as the gospel presented in the papers is very 'social' in orientation, very family oriented,...encouraging healthy family units and the greater human family under the Fatherhood of God. It recognizes and fosters relationships. All the truths, principles and concepts in the papers serve man's motivation towards spiritual progress and God-consciousness....since that's what life is about....and much more.
Not just UFO, but occultic séance and possession!
From the Link:
THE URANTIA BOOK... in line with other mediumistic revelations, it is dead-set against...Christian doctrines, including the inerrancy of Scripture, simple Trinitarianism, the Fall of man, original sin, the substitutionary atonement of Jesus Christ, faith and repentance for salvation, the resurrection of the flesh, and eternal punishment.THE URANTIA BOOK records Jesus telling his disciple Nathaniel, "The Scriptures are faulty and altogether human in origin" (page 1767); and while "the Scriptures contain much that is true, . . . these writings also contain much that is misrepresentative of the Father in heaven" (1768). The Jesus of THE URANTIA BOOK flatly denounces "this erroneous idea of the absolute perfection of the Scripture record and the infallibility of its teachings" (1768).
Likewise, the book says, "There has been no 'fall of man.' The history of the human race is one of progressive evolution . . . " (846). God's covenant with Israel is referred to as "the chosen-people delusion" (1005). And the atonement of Jesus is emphatically denied:
"The barbarous idea of appeasing an angry God, of propitiating an offended Lord, of winning the favor of Deity through sacrifices and penance and even by the shedding of blood, represents a religion wholly puerile and primitive. . . .It is an affront to God to believe, hold, or teach that innocent blood must be shed in order to win his favor or to divert the fictitious divine wrath" (60).
Toward the end of the book we read, "All this concept of atonement and sacrificial salvation is rooted and grounded in selfishness. . . . Salvation should be taken for granted by those who believe in the fatherhood of God" (2017).
Prehistoric Britain
"The island was first inhabited by people who crossed over the land bridge from the European mainland. Human footprints have been found from over 800,000 years ago in Norfolk[36] and traces of early humans have been found (at Boxgrove Quarry, Sussex) from some 500,000 years ago[37] and modern humans from about 30,000 years ago.
Some species are said to have evolved suddenly from single mutations without transitional species, but the idea has not been supported since 1930.
This is the specific and bold statement made by the UB in the 1930's.
58:6.1 450,000,000 years ago the transition from vegetable to animal life occurred. This metamorphosis took place in the shallow waters of the sheltered tropic bays and lagoons of the extensive shore lines of the separating continents. And this development, all of which was inherent in the original life patterns, came about gradually. There were many transitional stages between the early primitive vegetable forms of life and the later well-defined animal organisms. Even today the transition slime molds persist, and they can hardly be classified either as plants or as animals.
58:6.2 Although the evolution of vegetable life can be traced into animal life, and though there have been found graduated series of plants and animals which progressively lead up from the most simple to the most complex and advanced organisms, you will not be able to find such connecting links between the great divisions of the animal kingdom nor between the highest of the prehuman animal types and the dawn men of the human races. These so-called "missing links" will forever remain missing, for the simple reason that they never existed.
58:6.3 From era to era radically new species of animal life arise. They do not evolve as the result of the gradual accumulation of small variations; they appear as full-fledged and new orders of life, and they appear suddenly.
58:6.4 The sudden appearance of new species and diversified orders of living organisms is wholly biologic, strictly natural. There is nothing supernatural connected with these genetic mutations." UB 1955