What do ya think of that You-Tube presentation Caino? Kinda puts a big gaping hole in your belief system huh?
Not at all, I've known all of that for years. The Jews who wrote the Old Testament also thought Jesus was inspired by Satan Matthew 12:24 , that demons knew him, that he was in conflict with the scriptures. The Jews have had 2,000 years to read their scriptures and they still don't believe in Jesus. Nothing knew, scripture worshipers are pig headed people, it's like they are in a cult and can't think beyond their own indoctrination. Just ask the Jews, ask Ben Mazda.
You are no different than the Jews Grosnick, you believe God wrote the Bible so you are forced to believe things that deep down in your heart you don't really think are true. You, just like the Jews, have to much religious pride to learn anything new.
Jesus already told his followers that we would be hated by the like of you a Paul follower.
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